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"Arjun is the best tank in the world" Rebutted

Multiple resons. China is still dependent on Russian engines and if Russia ask to only provide engines with SU35 then China do not have options.

Absoluy lie. China uses Al 31 in J 10. Russia already provides it.

China do have 5th generation but it is still at low rate initial production stage plus bulk of Chinese fighters are old outdated in comparison to its main adversary USA.

Production rate had never been problem for china.
Do you know that we have tested Brahmos 450 km a long ago?
Tested at development stage. Not a complete missile. there are various stages of development only if you could understand.

No cruise missile travels in full sea skimming mode through out its path.As it reaches target, it reduces its height.

You are talking about supersonic missile, sub-sonic missiles can travel in sea skimming mode through out the flight and hence remain undetected thats why the most successful strategy is combination of subconic and supersonic profile. Keep missile hidden at sea skimming mode and only to go super sonic when distance is short as super sonic mode has high heat signature and give away its location.

Brahmos is such a missile which travels at a very low altitude. Check the video of your babies missile and our Brahmos missile you will get the idea.
No, Brahmos travels at high altitude with high heat signature and give away its location quite early as in sea skimming mode its max range is 100 kms. By the way our CM400 AKG is faster than Brahmos.

That shitty chines missile you are referring to is subsonic through out its flight path except last few km when it reaches target. It can be easily be intercepted. Brahmos takes s maneuver in its last movements and capable of even top attack.
Yup S manuver at the end but as most of the time it gets detected much early therefore can be taken down even before start of S manuver.

That shitty chinese missile comes no where close to Brahmos.

Yup we used to heard same thing about raptor of the east and they shit in their pents when the actual fight came. By the way people will take you seriously only if you can give some numbers not just tall claims.

Chinese call there balastic missiles hypersonic. That is their definition of hypersonic missile.
No. China is OPERATING AntiShip ballistic missile since atleast 11 years (development was done atleast couple of millenia back and they clearly call it antiship ballistic missiles.

Plus they already have multiple antiship supersonic cruise missiles. SO again your claim is far from reality and just a fan boy dream.

Absoluy lie. China uses Al 31 in J 10. Russia already provides it.
So you don't even knows that Su35 have AL41 with stealth quoted blades. Lolz about your knowledge.

Production rate had never been problem for china.
Then why using 600 3rd generation aircraft which can't compete any of China's adversary? Why just 20 initial production fighters?
Tested at development stage. Not a complete missile. there are various stages of development only if you could understand

Not at all. It is fully developed. No further testing is required.
You are talking about supersonic missile, sub-sonic missiles can travel in sea skimming mode through out the flight and hence remain undetected thats why the most successful strategy is combination of subconic and supersonic profile. Keep missile hidden at sea skimming mode and only to go super sonic when distance is short as super sonic mode has high heat signature and give away its location.

No , even subsonic missile doesn't travel at sea skimming mode through out flight path. Our MF star can detect any sub sonic or super sonic missile from a long distance and our MR Sam can stop it at just 500 meter away. Chinese type 52 has no such capability and its SAM is only good only for planes. They can not engage supersonic anti ship missiles.
It makes a difference if Arjun turns out to be what T-34 was in WW2, otherwise its difficult that one conventional weapon (even an MBT) can turn the tide of war. Yes it can fill in gaps where other weapons fall short. Irony is, T-90 numbers are more in IA, so why is that ?

Indian pride, especially in the age of Modi. The make in India imperative, regardless of how flawed it is, can only be due to pride.
No. China is OPERATING AntiShip ballistic missile since atleast 11 years (development was done atleast couple of millenia back and they clearly call it antiship ballistic missiles.

Not big deal. We used dhanush in anti ship role for more than a decade. They are not very effective in anti ship role and that is why we do not bluff like chinese that we have hypersonic anti ship missile.

So you don't even knows that Su35 have AL41 with stealth quoted blades. Lolz about your knowledge.

But if Russia can sell them AL 31, They can sell them 41 as well. The real reason is that their made in china shitty planes can not counter Japanes F 18 and indian Rafale.
Not at all. It is fully developed. No further testing is required.
Lolz, then why not deployed yet? You know nothing

No , even subsonic missile doesn't travel at sea skimming mode through out flight path.
Lolz, you don't qualify for anything. it all depands on the attack profile selected. Almost all modern missiles can go sea skimming mode but it will reduce the range of the missile due to drag penalty of think air however, this drag penalty is much lower in subsonic missiles specially if it is air breathing one. This is the reason that American prefer subsonic harpoon and are still upgrading them.

Our MF star can detect any sub sonic or super sonic missile from a long distance
25 kms for sea skimming missiles and thats the maximum capability for stealthy modern missiles this capability will reduce further.

and our MR Sam can stop it at just 500 meter away.
MR Sam is much less capable then HQ9 which is derivative of S300.

Chinese type 52 has no such capability and its SAM is only good only for planes. They can not engage supersonic anti ship missiles.
Lolz, basis of your claim?

Not big deal. We used dhanush in anti ship role for more than a decade. They are not very effective in anti ship role and that is why we do not bluff like chinese that we have hypersonic anti ship missile.
If you cnat do something it never means that others cant do it as well.

But if Russia can sell them AL 31, They can sell them 41 as well.
Do you any real data ? Chinese already had access to AL31 via su30

The real reason is that their made in china shitty planes can not counter Japanes F 18 and indian Rafale.
Lolz ,,, we used to hear same about MKIs, keep dreaming
The video clearly mentions "rebutted".

Enough said.
Lolz, then why not deployed yet? You know nothing

Who told you that it is not deployed?
Lolz, you don't qualify for anything. it all depands on the attack profile selected. Almost all modern missiles can go sea skimming mode but it will reduce the range of the missile due to drag penalty of think air however, this drag penalty is much lower in subsonic missiles specially if it is air breathing one. This is the reason that American prefer subsonic harpoon and are still upgrading them.

Exactly, this is what I say. You must be knowing tha US is developing hypersonic strike vehicle/missile for future use. Why don't they continue with harpoon?
25 kms for sea skimming missiles and thats the maximum capability for stealthy modern missiles this capability will reduce further.
And chines radar has that less than 10 km. When we have a system which can intercept Supersonic missile just 500 metres away, 25 km detection range is just too much.
MR Sam is much less capable then HQ9 which is derivative of S300.

Because it is a copy of S300, it has capability against planes only. It can not intercept cruise missiles. He 9 has a greater range but that is it. It can strike aircraft from a longer distance but its kill probability is much less than MR SAM. HQ 9 is ineffective against cruise missiles against which warships are most vulnerable. Hq 9 is such a shit that china have to go for S400 because they know the capability of their HQ 9 like they know the capability of their j 20.
Exactly, this is what I say. You must be knowing tha US is developing hypersonic strike vehicle/missile for future use. Why don't they continue with harpoon?
Harpoon is still standard weapon last upgraded 3 years back.. Hypersonic strike vehicle is for land attack not antiship ... lolz again

And chines radar has that less than 10 km. When we have a system which can intercept Supersonic missile just 500 metres away, 25 km detection range is just too much.
Because it is a copy of S300, it has capability against planes only. It can not intercept cruise missiles.
He 9 has a greater range but that is it. It can strike aircraft from a longer distance but its kill probability is much less than MR SAM. HQ 9 is ineffective against cruise missiles against which warships are most vulnerable. Hq 9 is such a shit that china have to go for S400 because they know the capability of their HQ 9 like they know the capability of their j 20.

All claims no prove.
It makes a difference if Arjun turns out to be what T-34 was in WW2, otherwise its difficult that one conventional weapon (even an MBT) can turn the tide of war. Yes it can fill in gaps where other weapons fall short. Irony is, T-90 numbers are more in IA, so why is that ?

Do you know that we have tested Brahmos 450 km a long ago? No cruise missile travels in full sea skimming mode through out its path.As it reaches target, it reduces its height. Brahmos is such a missile which travels at a very low altitude. Check the video of your babies missile and our Brahmos missile you will get the idea. That shitty chines missile you are referring to is subsonic through out its flight path except last few km when it reaches target. It can be easily be intercepted. Brahmos takes s maneuver in its last movements and capable of even top attack. That shitty chinese missile comes no where close to Brahmos.

Chinese call there balastic missiles hypersonic. That is their definition of hypersonic missile.

Not big deal. We used dhanush in anti ship role for more than a decade. They are not very effective in anti ship role and that is why we do not bluff like chinese that we have hypersonic anti ship missile.

But if Russia can sell them AL 31, They can sell them 41 as well. The real reason is that their made in china shitty planes can not counter Japanes F 18 and indian Rafale.
friend. It is unfortunate to tell you this fact.

Any "Make in India" weapon is just an experimental stage., and its testing is unreliable.

to date, no any "Make in India" weapon has experienced real war. You just talk about their paper data.

India cannot even make qualified rifles and artillery. you can only buy cheap and inferior Korean artillery. Are you talking about ballistic missiles now? ? ? you know, China exported DF-3 to Saudi Arabia in 1988. At that time the Indians didn't even know what a missile was.

Indians are always compared with China. And fantasize about winning. But China really doesn't care about India.

Absoluy lie. China uses Al 31 in J 10. Russia already provides it.

Production rate had never been problem for china.
friend, unfortunately I tell you this fact. J-10, J-15, J-16 now use WS-10B. And J-20 use WS-15.

and you imported SK cannon cannot even win NK's WWII cannon.

Because it is a copy of S300, it has capability against planes only. It can not intercept cruise missiles. He 9 has a greater range but that is it. It can strike aircraft from a longer distance but its kill probability is much less than MR SAM. HQ 9 is ineffective against cruise missiles against which warships are most vulnerable. Hq 9 is such a shit that china have to go for S400 because they know the capability of their HQ 9 like they know the capability of their j 20.
we know our full military capabilities. So we have J-10, J-11, J-15, J-16, J-20. Type 054, type 052C, type 052D, type 055, H6K / N, Y-20 .......

this is different from "Make in India" weapons. it seems you don't know India's military capabilities. but think about the artillery you bought from South Korea... It can't even win the WWII artillery.

For Indian military capabilities. I saw a joke Americans there - oh, the Indians learned how to close the submarine hatch?
"Arjun is the best tank in the world"- Simply something which isnt even worth replying to let alone making a topic over
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