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"Arjun is the best tank in the world" Rebutted

Who told you that it is not deployed?

Exactly, this is what I say. You must be knowing tha US is developing hypersonic strike vehicle/missile for future use. Why don't they continue with harpoon?

And chines radar has that less than 10 km. When we have a system which can intercept Supersonic missile just 500 metres away, 25 km detection range is just too much.

Because it is a copy of S300, it has capability against planes only. It can not intercept cruise missiles. He 9 has a greater range but that is it. It can strike aircraft from a longer distance but its kill probability is much less than MR SAM. HQ 9 is ineffective against cruise missiles against which warships are most vulnerable. Hq 9 is such a shit that china have to go for S400 because they know the capability of their HQ 9 like they know the capability of their j 20.
friend, I know it's hard for you to face reality. after all. your country promotes "Mig 21 can shoot down F-16".

It's interesting... India would rather use Mig 21 to participate in the war. It also does not use any "Make in India" aircraft.
friend, I know it's hard for you to face reality. after all. your country promotes "Mig 21 can shoot down F-16".

It's interesting... India would rather use Mig 21 to participate in the war. It also does not use any "Make in India" aircraft.

Ya, I also know your plane runs away from air show to avoid comparison with Tejas and you guys argue that it is even better than F16.

friend. It is unfortunate to tell you this fact.

Any "Make in India" weapon is just an experimental stage., and its testing is unreliable.

to date, no any "Make in India" weapon has experienced real war. You just talk about their paper data.

India cannot even make qualified rifles and artillery. you can only buy cheap and inferior Korean artillery. Are you talking about ballistic missiles now? ? ? you know, China exported DF-3 to Saudi Arabia in 1988. At that time the Indians didn't even know what a missile was.

Indians are always compared with China. And fantasize about winning. But China really doesn't care about India.

Yes, you export the banned stuff to many nation and we know that half of your export is to Pakistan. On the other hand half of our exports is to to United States of America .That is the difference between your quality and our quality of Defence stuff. so come down and don't try to compare your junk with Indian defence products. your shitty Z 10 chopper has more than doubled the weight of our lch and yet it has less powerful engine. Yet, you bluff a lot about your chopper. Had such shitty defense. Chopper been offered to our armed forces, they will refuse to even touch it forget about inducting them into our armed forces.

friend, unfortunately I tell you this fact. J-10, J-15, J-16 now use WS-10B. And J-20 use WS-15.

and you imported SK cannon cannot even win NK's WWII cannon.

How unFortuner it is that in spite of having so many varieties of plain you have to beg to Russia for su 30 and su35 and now you are interested in super 57 . In spite of having a so called 5th generation plane named j20, which had nothing of 5th generation stuff in it.
Ya, I also know your plane runs away from air show to avoid comparison with Tejas and you guys argue that it is even better than F16.

Yes, you export the banned stuff to many nation and we know that half of your export is to Pakistan. On the other hand half of our exports is to to United States of America .That is the difference between your quality and our quality of Defence stuff. so come down and don't try to compare your junk with Indian defence products. your shitty Z 10 chopper has more than doubled the weight of our lch and yet it has less powerful engine. Yet, you bluff a lot about your chopper. Had such shitty defense. Chopper been offered to our armed forces, they will refuse to even touch it forget about inducting them into our armed forces.

How unFortuner it is that in spite of having so many varieties of plain you have to beg to Russia for su 30 and su35 and now you are interested in super 57 . In spite of having a so called 5th generation plane named j20, which had nothing of 5th generation stuff in it.
ah. I guess this is from the "superpower 2020" a new fantasy.

Indian friend now imagine that a backward agricultural country like India can discuss things related to "quality". Such as aircraft, tanks, warships, missiles, etc. Wait... It seems that India cannot even manufacture qualified artillery. Can only beg for inferior Korean artillery.

and to tell you a secret, LCA is just a light second-generation fighter. and you give free 7 helicopters to Ecuador, which have all crashed within a few months.

friend. Take back your arrogance. I don't want to insult India. right now...At least let the Indian society make qualified rifles.
Ya, I also know your plane runs away from air show to avoid comparison with Tejas and you guys argue that it is even better than F16.

Yes, you export the banned stuff to many nation and we know that half of your export is to Pakistan. On the other hand half of our exports is to to United States of America .That is the difference between your quality and our quality of Defence stuff. so come down and don't try to compare your junk with Indian defence products. your shitty Z 10 chopper has more than doubled the weight of our lch and yet it has less powerful engine. Yet, you bluff a lot about your chopper. Had such shitty defense. Chopper been offered to our armed forces, they will refuse to even touch it forget about inducting them into our armed forces.

How unFortuner it is that in spite of having so many varieties of plain you have to beg to Russia for su 30 and su35 and now you are interested in super 57 . In spite of having a so called 5th generation plane named j20, which had nothing of 5th generation stuff in it.
must admit. Even the South Korea inferior artillery is more reliable than Indian goods... At least South Korean inferior artillery can participate in the war. Although it can't even win the WWII artillery.

Ya, I also know your plane runs away from air show to avoid comparison with Tejas and you guys argue that it is even better than F16.

Yes, you export the banned stuff to many nation and we know that half of your export is to Pakistan. On the other hand half of our exports is to to United States of America .That is the difference between your quality and our quality of Defence stuff. so come down and don't try to compare your junk with Indian defence products. your shitty Z 10 chopper has more than doubled the weight of our lch and yet it has less powerful engine. Yet, you bluff a lot about your chopper. Had such shitty defense. Chopper been offered to our armed forces, they will refuse to even touch it forget about inducting them into our armed forces.

How unFortuner it is that in spite of having so many varieties of plain you have to beg to Russia for su 30 and su35 and now you are interested in super 57 . In spite of having a so called 5th generation plane named j20, which had nothing of 5th generation stuff in it.
Fantasy cannot change reality. All Made in India is synonymous with "low-end, cheap, inferior, unreliable". All "make in India" weapons-even the Indian army refused to use. India would rather use MiG 21 to lose the war. Neither is willing to use any "made in India" weapons.

Fantasy may make you feel happy. But the reality is that even the Indian army cannot accept inferior "Make in India" weapons.

This is the reality.

Any "Make in India" weapon is just an experimental stage., and its testing is unreliable.

to date, no any "Make in India" weapon has experienced real war. You just talk about their paper data.

friend. Stay away from fantasy. At least India should make qualified rifles.
Ya, I also know your plane runs away from air show to avoid comparison with Tejas and you guys argue that it is even better than F16.

Yes, you export the banned stuff to many nation and we know that half of your export is to Pakistan. On the other hand half of our exports is to to United States of America .That is the difference between your quality and our quality of Defence stuff. so come down and don't try to compare your junk with Indian defence products. your shitty Z 10 chopper has more than doubled the weight of our lch and yet it has less powerful engine. Yet, you bluff a lot about your chopper. Had such shitty defense. Chopper been offered to our armed forces, they will refuse to even touch it forget about inducting them into our armed forces.

How unFortuner it is that in spite of having so many varieties of plain you have to beg to Russia for su 30 and su35 and now you are interested in super 57 . In spite of having a so called 5th generation plane named j20, which had nothing of 5th generation stuff in it.
friend. we really don't care about India. india does not deserve our waste of time. no matter how fancy you are. India is just a backward agricultural country.

make in India garbage helicopter. Even the Indian army did not want to use it. make in India garbage tank. Repeatedly rejected by the Indian army. make in India garbage warships cannot even produce steel independently. make in India garbage 2th fighters are not even as good as the mig 21 of the 1960s. It is shocking. It takes 40 years for India to make a garbage 2th fighter! even more shocked! Until 2020. India still cannot make qualified rifles! no Indian soldier is willing to use make in india garbage rifles.

Back to reality. No one cares about India.
Multiple resons. China is still dependent on Russian engines and if Russia ask to only provide engines with SU35 then China do not have options.
China do have 5th generation but it is still at low rate initial production stage plus bulk of Chinese fighters are old outdated in comparison to its main adversary USA. 600 plus J7 and JH7 which are not capable of facing enemy like USA therefore they need more 5th generation fighter.
Chinese war machine learned a lot from reverse engineering Russia aircraft. Su35 being the newest one can give a lot of technical know how to China specially in terms of engine where China lacks far behind Russia. Initially China asked for AL41 engines but same was denied and China used another way by buying su35
Ya, such comment will make u sleep sound in your dream. What happen to the J-11B, J-16, J-10C. They must be props, right? If Su-35 is such a wonderplane, we should by stop at just 24 of them. Since we are so dependent on Russia on engine. I guess the talk of exporting J-10C must be faked.
Ya, such comment will make u sleep sound in your dream. What happen to the J-11B, J-16, J-10C. They must be props, right? If Su-35 is such a wonderplane, we should by stop at just 24 of them. Since we are so dependent on Russia on engine. I guess the talk of exporting J-10C must be faked.
How many j10C u actually exported ? Why there r almost no customer ? Why ur most advance aircraft j20 use russian engine ?

This is an admitted fact that chinese lack behind engine technology from adversary.

Whatever claim u eant to make contrary to the fact it will not effect the reality.
How many j10C u actually exported ? Why there r almost no customer ? Why ur most advance aircraft j20 use russian engine ?

This is an admitted fact that chinese lack behind engine technology from adversary.

Whatever claim u eant to make contrary to the fact it will not effect the reality.

J-10 c is just offered for export market last year. You expect to get a deal so quick? We are talking about billion dollar deal and not cheap commodity that decision can be make quickly.

As for J-20... Take a look at this link.
Offerred for deal or not just ask me one question.

10 years back when su35 were purchased were ur WS engines were as reloable as Russian engines ?
Yes, it was long use for J-11B and J-11BS version. In fact , these series do not used AL-31F engine. You can check it out yourself. Currently including J-16, nearly 400 of J series all using domestic WS-10 engine.
Yes, it was long use for J-11B and J-11BS version. In fact , these series do not used AL-31F engine. You can check it out yourself. Currently including J-16, nearly 400 of J series all using domestic WS-10 engine.
They are using ws10 as a stop gap measure as china want to continue with local options.

The moat common problem with WS10 is very small MTBO and MTBF is very low. The metallergy of the blades is a problem due to which it requires extensive maintenance.

Furthermore ws10 starts installing only after 2011 and china places order of su35 at the same time
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