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"Arjun is the best tank in the world" Rebutted

If you go to the comment sections of any RedEffect videos the top rated comments are always Arjun memes. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
and chinese think that they can beat anyone and not won a war in last 50 years... but they try to build an image of themselves to be a world beater just by saying it...
It’s a big meme among his community yes, Arjun is a worldwide meme among anyone who knows the first thing about tanks.

Ironically I don't think it would've been as big a meme of AlphaDefense didn't start a year-long feud with Red Effect. If he had let it go most people would've had a laugh and forgotten about the whole thing a few weeks later. Instead the Indians just kept on tearing off the band-aid until everyone knows how shitty Arjun is.
Here we go :lol:

There is one thread on Brahmos vs US naval ship on PDF. It is an opinion piece by US think tank. Please read it. If you think that Chinese warships are more capable than US warships and they can defdnd what US can not defend than it is a different matter.
Why would I want to pollute the moon, by sending you there. Pluto sounds much more appropriate :enjoy:

That is why you should go and not me so that moon doesn't get poluted.
It's quite dumb to think that one weapon makes ur entire navy powerful beyond Chinese navy...to the point that even US fears u.

It's the same idiotic shit like over exaggerating Su30 MKI as mini AWACS...that then ended up dodging AMRAMS...
...similar bold claims were made about Mig21 after Bison upgrade...and it was blown to bits...
...Mirage 2000 radars were jammed and they couldn't get a lock.
...and comm networks were jammed.

The point is no one weapon is a game changer in today's world...rather one must consider the big picture. Regardless of ur idiotic nationalistic beliefs that brush aside reality...PLAN is huge...and armed with very deadly weaponry and long ranged radars. If India went to war with China today...India would lose(conventionally speaking).

Idk why I'm even bothering to debate...I know u r gonna come back with something stupid.

It proved that MKI can dodge 5 aims. Aims are useless.

Mig 21 proved what was ssid about them.
That is why you should go and not me so that moon doesn't get poluted.
Poor come back, in the mean time:

What exactly is said about Mig 21?

That they crash for one reason or another?

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

Flying coffins is certainly among those words.



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