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"Arjun is the best tank in the world" Rebutted

While we should not under-estimate the enemy, it is good to know what we are really going up against.

A video by RedEffect

It makes a difference if Arjun turns out to be what T-34 was in WW2, otherwise its difficult that one conventional weapon (even an MBT) can turn the tide of war. Yes it can fill in gaps where other weapons fall short. Irony is, T-90 numbers are more in IA, so why is that ?
I talk to Red effect often on his Discord server, when he uploaded the video regarding the faults in the AK I talked to him about how he had missed a few vital things like not mentioning it had ERA and LWR (and after I showed him pictures as proof he believed me too, he just couldn’t find them on his own because it’s hard to find stuff about the AK).

The Arjun is another story though, everyone knows it’s truth. If your tank can be penetrated by an 88mm projectile from WW2 in 2020, then it definitely is the best tank in the world.
who are they trying to fool? Arjun is a laughing stock in every military or armor circle, wether fan base or real experts. It’d have been obsolete when it started development in 1971, let alone now. Which is proved by the fact that India just buys more T90s.
But who will explain that to Indians. Just read the comments under the video. You’ll start losing brain cells immediately.
And Tejas is the best fighter jet in the world. And SU30mki literally vanishes, not just from radar but from reality as well, every time it’s locked on by a missile. Also, India is going to be the single superpower in the world by 2025.
No,a missile with 500 km rang in low altitude, all set to increase it to 800 km with whole supersonic flight capable of s maneuver and top attack impossible to intercept.
Lolzz ... existing brahmos can go upto just 100 kms in sea skimming mode ... u indians and ur dreams ... brahmos 2 is in design phase not even tested integration and deployment might atleast a millenia even on fast track whereas both type 55 and type 52 are deplyed with yj12 550 kms sea skimming plus supersonic cruise missile ... by the team u deploy brahmos china might be deploying something much more advance ...
ARJUN is not a good tank. But 90% of the countries in the world cannot build tanks. The truth is that Indians have many options, they built the T-90 under a license purchased from Russia. They do not care about Arjun's future
Lolzz ... existing brahmos can go upto just 100 kms in sea skimming mode ... u indians and ur dreams ... brahmos 2 is in design phase not even tested integration and deployment might atleast a millenia even on fast track whereas both type 55 and type 52 are deplyed with yj12 550 kms sea skimming plus supersonic cruise missile ... by the team u deploy brahmos china might be deploying something much more advance ...
Both Type 055, 052D are deployed with YJ18, served both antiship, land attack roles.
Type 055 has recently received the navy's first hypersonic AShBM YJ-21 range 1000KM plus.
Both Type 055, 052D are deployed with YJ18, served both antiship, land attack roles.
Type 055 has recently received the navy's first hypersonic AShBM YJ-21 range 1000KM plus.
Is yj21 deployed ?
Any source ... couldnt find anything on it
Confirmed by big shrimps, but it is really not a fancy thing considering the hypersonic missiles will be something ordinary among all forces, airforce, rocket force and navy because the most important part track and search ecosystem are mature.
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Confirmed by big shrimps, but it is really not a fancy thing considering the hypersonic missiles will be something ordinary among all forces, airforce, rocket force and navy because the most important part track and search ecosystem are mature.
Hypersonic missiles are still in development stages ... furthermore 1000 km range antiship hypersonic missile is not something common
Kindly give your valuable advise to PAF which is very much interested in Russian planes. Ask your fast friend china why the buy 4th generation su 35 inspite of having 5th generation J20. Regarding Kolkata class vs Type 52d, watch bellow video. It will help.

point is .. you have ludicrous claims...
Hypersonic missiles are still in development stages ... furthermore 1000 km range antiship hypersonic missile is not something common
We are going to mount most maybe not all with HGV among Rocket force and an air launch one has been seen recently on a satellite image beside an H6K bomber. (US code:CH-AS-X-13)
Hope more would be revealed officially beside DF-17.:-)
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Lolzz ... existing brahmos can go upto just 100 kms in sea skimming mode ... u indians and ur dreams ... brahmos 2 is in design phase not even tested integration and deployment might atleast a millenia even on fast track whereas both type 55 and type 52 are deplyed with yj12 550 kms sea skimming plus supersonic cruise missile ... by the team u deploy brahmos china might be deploying something much more advance ...

Do you know that we have tested Brahmos 450 km a long ago? No cruise missile travels in full sea skimming mode through out its path.As it reaches target, it reduces its height. Brahmos is such a missile which travels at a very low altitude. Check the video of your babies missile and our Brahmos missile you will get the idea. That shitty chines missile you are referring to is subsonic through out its flight path except last few km when it reaches target. It can be easily be intercepted. Brahmos takes s maneuver in its last movements and capable of even top attack. That shitty chinese missile comes no where close to Brahmos.

Hypersonic missiles are still in development stages ... furthermore 1000 km range antiship hypersonic missile is not something common

Chinese call there balastic missiles hypersonic. That is their definition of hypersonic missile.
Kindly give your valuable advise to PAF which is very much interested in Russian planes. Ask your fast friend china why the buy 4th generation su 35 inspite of having 5th generation J20. Regarding Kolkata class vs Type 52d, watch bellow video. It will help.

Multiple resons. China is still dependent on Russian engines and if Russia ask to only provide engines with SU35 then China do not have options.
China do have 5th generation but it is still at low rate initial production stage plus bulk of Chinese fighters are old outdated in comparison to its main adversary USA. 600 plus J7 and JH7 which are not capable of facing enemy like USA therefore they need more 5th generation fighter.
Chinese war machine learned a lot from reverse engineering Russia aircraft. Su35 being the newest one can give a lot of technical know how to China specially in terms of engine where China lacks far behind Russia. Initially China asked for AL41 engines but same was denied and China used another way by buying su35
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