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"Arjun is the best tank in the world" Rebutted

One US think tank has analyzed what will happen if US naval ship encounters Brahmos. The article is there on this forum itself. Now , check and let me know if US think tank thinks about Brahmos, than what China can do?
It's quite dumb to think that one weapon makes ur entire navy powerful beyond Chinese navy...to the point that even US fears u.

It's the same idiotic shit like over exaggerating Su30 MKI as mini AWACS...that then ended up dodging AMRAMS...
...similar bold claims were made about Mig21 after Bison upgrade...and it was blown to bits...
...Mirage 2000 radars were jammed and they couldn't get a lock.
...and comm networks were jammed.

The point is no one weapon is a game changer in today's world...rather one must consider the big picture. Regardless of ur idiotic nationalistic beliefs that brush aside reality...PLAN is huge...and armed with very deadly weaponry and long ranged radars. If India went to war with China today...India would lose(conventionally speaking).

Idk why I'm even bothering to debate...I know u r gonna come back with something stupid.
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Brahmos is best. It can not be intercepted. No chinese missile come even closer. When we deployed 100 brahmos in NE, china reacted very strongly. Read what a chinese think had said about a possible Indo china conflict and role of Indian navy in that possible conflict.
friend. I live in China. Honestly, we don't really care about India. Indian friends really think too much. you are just "imagining how the Chinese are". you think China must react strongly to your missile deployment. But we really didn't care. There may be a Chinese who wrote some articles. Makes you think this is a "reacted strongly". But it's just their personal thoughts. Don't be too excited.

And you think Bramos is the best missile in the world. Cannot be intercepted... OK.......
ha.... they claimed that Mig-21 bison was better than our F-16 As

that is what you claimed about Su-30s...

then again any thing operated by an Indian raises questions...

Kindly give your valuable advise to PAF which is very much interested in Russian planes. Ask your fast friend china why the buy 4th generation su 35 inspite of having 5th generation J20. Regarding Kolkata class vs Type 52d, watch bellow video. It will help.

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You must know that Brahmos is not a Russian missile. The interceptor we use is indo Israeli MR SAM.
Brahmos is a Russian missile...P800 Oniks. Can u find any research papers where India was testing the engine used by Brahmos(P800) before its development? Or any other independent work which shows India's work that led to this missile?

India is struggling to make its own subsonic cruise missile Nirbhay...which is still in development btw and not yet inducted. Can u point out any nation on Earth that was successful in making a hypersonic cruise missile while struggling with a subsonic one?

Kindly give your valuable advise to PAF which is very much interested in Russian planes. Ask your fat friend china why the buy 4th generation su 35 inspite of having 5th generation J20. Regarding Kolkata class vs Type 52d, watch bellow video. It will help.

What a dumb video...anyone can make such a video with a computerized voice claiming whatever they want. Keep believing in ur fiction...reality is different.
India is struggling to make its own subsonic cruise missile Nirbhay...which is still in development btw and not yet inducted. Can u point out any nation on Earth that was successful in making a hypersonic cruise

First of all, brahmos is not a hydroponics missile but a supersonic missile. India has ram jet powered Akash missile much ahead of Brahmos and subsonic Nirbhay. We are late in subsonic missile as we started the project late. You must also know that we have a nuke submarine before a conventional diesel electric submarine and we have a cryogenic engine before semi cryogenic engine and ram jet powered Akash before duel pulse Akash. There are many examples. We got Tejas before sitara. So don't be surprised.

What a dumb video...anyone can make such a video with a computerized voice claiming whatever they want. Keep believing in ur fiction...reality is different.

So only you believe is is correct right? Tell me how much better type 52 compared to Kolkata class. I am ready to accept whatever you say for your satisfaction.

It's quite dumb to think that one weapon makes ur entire navy powerful beyond Chinese navy...to the point that even US fears u.

It's the same idiotic shit like over exaggerating Su30 MKI as mini AWACS...that then ended up dodging AMRAMS...
...similar bold claims were made about Mig21 after Bison upgrade...and it was blown to bits...
...Mirage 2000 radars were jammed and they couldn't get a lock.
...and comm networks were jammed.

The point is no one weapon is a game changer in today's world...rather one must consider the big picture. Regardless of ur idiotic nationalistic beliefs that brush aside reality...PLAN is huge...and armed with very deadly weaponry and long ranged radars. If India went to war with China today...India would lose(conventionally speaking).

Idk why I'm even bothering to debate...I know u r gonna come back with something stupid.

I acknowledge your right to believe all dumb shit fed to you.Keep believing. In democracy, we appreciate everybody's point of view no matter how nonsense it is. Your prime minister says on your national television that a more fearsome attack than balakot can happen from Indian side. You PDF trolls try to prove that Mirage 2000 radars were jammed.
First of all, brahmos is not a hydroponics missile but a supersonic missile. India has ram jet powered Akash missile much ahead of Brahmos and subsonic Nirbhay. We are late in subsonic missile as we started the project late. You must also know that we have a nuke submarine before a conventional diesel electric submarine and we have a cryogenic engine before semi cryogenic engine and ram jet powered Akash before duel pulse Akash. There are many examples. We got Tejas before sitara. So don't be surprised.
Lmao hydroponics missile...
So only you believe is is correct right? Tell me how much better type 52 compared to Kolkata class. I am ready to accept whatever you say for your satisfaction.
I don't really care what u think...u can continue to think Chinese navy is junk while IN rivals USN.
I acknowledge your right to believe all dumb shit fed to you.Keep believing. In democracy, we appreciate everybody's point of view no matter how nonsense it is. Your prime minister says on your national television that a more fearsome attack than balakot can happen from Indian side. You PDF trolls try to prove that Mirage 2000 radars were jammed.
Sure...it's the rest of the world that's dumb and u r the smart one here...u just displayed ur amazing IQ above by saying hydroponics missile :woot:
Fully homemade complete NATO style Arjun is deadly.... any tank in this subcontinent should not cross the tracks of Arjun... if you do your tank will be a history... French leclerk used to be my most favorite tank and I always used to dream about Leclerk in Indian army but hey wait....my country produced homemade leclerk Arjun at home....:smitten:
Kolkata class can destroy any chinese destroyer from 500 kilometre away and defend any attack by Chinese destroyers against it. Visakhapatnam classes just too much for or any chinese destroyer with Poor radar, poor ballistic missile defence missile defence system and poor attacking missiles. Steep dive Brahmos will break Chinese destroyer into 2 from middle.
yop a ship with missile of a mx range of 300 km and that too in a high flying mode (not se skimming) is going to destroy another ship 500 km away ... lolzzz
yop a ship with missile of a mx range of 300 km and that too in a high flying mode (not se skimming) is going to destroy another ship 500 km away ... lolzzz

No,a missile with 500 km rang in low altitude, all set to increase it to 800 km with whole supersonic flight capable of s maneuver and top attack impossible to intercept.
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