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Are there any Indians that like Pakistan?


Aug 16, 2015
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United States
Are there any Indians that like Pakistan?

The country, people, music, arts or heritage?

Just curious since we get venomous types of Indians on this forum.

Are there any Indians that genuinely like Pakistan?
Are there any Indians that like Pakistan?
What a stupid thread ?
As myself patriot why I should hate anyone instead of love my country.

The country, people, music, arts or heritage?
Why should I hate the culture , art or heritage which is mine divided by boundary which only appear 69 year ago ?

Just curious since we get venomous types of Indians on this forum.
in 1.25 billion of Indian population you got only internet Indians to make your assumptions ?
Well, same can be said to your country member.
Well you are in US & I have observed that overseas desis are very friendly relations.

Are there any Indians that genuinely like Pakistan?
Its not matter of like & dislike as people dislike or like respective governments not people.

Mani Shankar Aiyar.
He is a clown nothing else.
What a stupid thread ?
As myself patriot why I should hate anyone instead of love my country.

Why should I hate the culture , art or heritage which is mine divided by boundary which only appear 69 year ago ?

in 1.25 billion of Indian population you got only internet Indians to make your assumptions ?
Well, same can be said to your country member.
Well you are in US & I have observed that overseas desis are very friendly relations.

Its not matter of like & dislike as people dislike or like respective governments not people.

My friend we are not the same people. You must accept this to move on. I am asking, If there are anything things you like about Pakistan.
All Neta's of Sikular Parties adore Pakistan :pakistan::smitten:
Rest assured ,overwhelming majority are subscribers of 'don't care' attitude.
My friend we are not the same people. You must accept this to move on. I am asking, If there are anything things you like about Pakistan.
I am asking opinion of you ?
Your so called heritage is also my heritage nobody question it.
Your so called art is also our art thats also nobody can question it
Your so called music is also our music thats also nobody can question it .
I am not give a zilth that you and me are same are not but I can't deny my heritage for your theory.
My friend we are not the same people. You must accept this to move on. I am asking, If there are anything you like about Pakistan.
Indians love Pakistan's Conspiracy Theories.

Indians love Pakistani Political Debates ( every channel discussing exactly the same Issue with same pro-establishment bias and Go Nawaz Go attitude.

Indians love to hear Pakistan boasting about it being a AATTMI QUWAT :devil:

Indians love to hear when every Pakistani says that CPEC will end all its problem

Indians love the way Pakistanis always get fed up with civil governments and invite Martial law every now and then.:lol:

I can go on .... but in short every Indian who understand Pakistan really cannot live without PDF or watching Pak Media:pakistan:

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