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Are men superior to women? Dr Israr Ahmed Nailed It

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You ask that Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law if she would devote her time to listening to this "respectable" maulvi. This woman would have taught the maulvi some things from Quran, based on her sensible interpretation, what he hadn't understood if they had met.

And maulvi saheb is contradicting himself. He says man and woman are equal in all aspects but then says in marriage man and woman are not equal and should not be equal.
well now, "mufti" jamahir, please do enlighten us with christian woman's "sensible" interpretation...

Dr. Israr Ahmed simply stated what is in the Quran...as far as faith and deeds are concerned, men and women are 100% equal in front of Allah. But a social family structure is a different story since the roles are different. now, I realize that common sense is a rare trait among indians but try to pressure your mind a bit and pay attention, trust me, you won't hurt yourself. men are traditionally the spenders in families, they earn the money and whatever they earn, they spend it on their family, wives, children, parents, etc. therefore, it is completely logical for the man that earns and spends to hold an executive authority in the family but within the bounds of love and respect. simply, this is all that Dr. Israr Ahmed is saying.
But that's not the video of the said 12 June programme.
don't know about any date but this apology is regarding Hz Ali RA.
What is it about what he said that makes you disagree? Just curious...didn't even watch the video...too lazy....just wanna pinpoint whether your objections have a basis

If you are happily married and want to keep it that way. Then you know there is only one right answer to this question. ,🤭
You have not even read the translation of Quran once in your lifetime and yet your want to discuss without an iota knowledge of Islam :rolleyes1:

Even without reading it, which I plan to finish in two years, I can infer its progressiveness from various clues which I got to know down my life. If the Quran instead had been all about how people like this misogynist maulvi presents it to be I would have rejected it.

Did you even read the article's section I posted ? Do you think that Christian woman was speaking about the Manusmriti - the textbook of the Hindutvadis ?

therefore, it is completely logical for the man that earns and spends to hold an executive authority in the family but within the bounds of love and respect. simply, this is all that Dr. Israr Ahmed is saying.

"Love and respect" ? IIRC he says that the wife should first try to convince the man and if he remains unconvinced she should simply accept his "better" judgement.

What is it about what he said that makes you disagree? Just curious...didn't even watch the video...too lazy....just wanna pinpoint whether your objections have a basis


Oh he first goes on for minutes about how man and woman are equal in all aspects and respects and then contradicts himself by saying that in marriage the man is automatically a superior authority to the wife. And then towards the end he goes on to speak derisively of the West, like many South Asians do, in a sermonizing tone about how women in the West are oppressed and their naked legs and how he feels oh so bad about that. But I am sure if he had lived he would have celebrated the Taliban's takeover.
Personally I see no contradiction between Islam and Feminism.
Islam gives women their fair rights and treats women according to justice.

Here is a contradiction, my body my right which is clear kufr, your body belongs to Allah SWT and To Whom it shall be returned.
Even without reading it, which I plan to finish in two years, I can infer its progressiveness from various clues which I got to know down my life. If the Quran instead had been all about how people like this misogynist maulvi presents it to be I would have rejected it.

Read instead of inferring ... you've wasted 40+ years inferring, go to The Source for direct and explicit knowledge instead!

Btw, do you believe in Heaven and Hell?
A perfect explanation for detracked aurat march scums who are giving women rights a very wrong and corrupt meaning.A perfect explanation why in our society divorce rates are increasing and family ,social system is going down the drain. Do not blindly follow the west ,the west is not the epitome of every good thing. Copy it's good things and reject where it's wrong.
He's was a venomous snake. Use to bark against Ahl e Bait AS. Would never hear a word from him
"Love and respect" ? IIRC he says that the wife should first try to convince the man and if he remains unconvinced she should simply accept his "better" judgement.
how is that different from anything else? whether its a government or a school or a corporation, the final say rests with the president, principle and ceo...then why is the family any different, ESPECIALLY when it is the husband that runs and maintains the house...

an argument can be made that if the wife is sharing in home expenses then she too has to have a say and rightly so, but understand that women sharing in the home expenditures is a fairly new concept that started in the 20th century and even then, the bulk of the expenses are still managed and paid for by the man of the house...

the only thing that I feel Dr. Israr overlooked is that at the end of the day, a marriage is a romantic, intimate relationship, so both the husband and wife will naturally listen to each other and move forward. but when it comes to a point of contention, the final veto power rests with the man, this IS how it has been throughout history, in both Islamic and nonislamic civilizations worthy of mentioning.
He's was a venomous snake. Use to bark against Ahl e Bait AS. Would never hear a word from him
Surprising, an example perhaps? Also, is there a sunni Aalim, scholar who you don't consider to have barked against Ahle-Bait and I am talking in all history?
I am not allowed to, ask @Irfan Baloch he might help you via PM
That's sounds like a cop out...
Apologised where? Unless it was deleted and he left his original statement as is
he is talking about israr apologizing for slandering the Imam. I have nothing to apologize for. it would be sorry day when a person has to be sorry for trying to expose a charlatan.
he is talking about israr apologizing for slandering the Imam. I have nothing to apologize for. it would be sorry day when a person has to be sorry for trying to expose a charlatan.

Where is the video of this claimed slandering?
Surprising, an example perhaps? Also, is there a sunni Aalim, scholar who you don't consider to have barked against Ahle-Bait and I am talking in all history?

That's sounds like a cop out...
I don't care about sects of aalims if they are preaching the right stuff. Ahle bait AS have no sect. I don't understand those guys whom get triggered over bannu ummayads and yazid don't get angry over these low live mullas talking against AHB
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