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I thought you were a student in the UK. I imagined you younger... Well Hope we win...But I'm afraid it will be the same again... First half at full speed... and the second one... they will lose their legs...

How did you guess though ? :lol:
I am indeed a student
a Phd student, so I get few hours to teach in university and we meet and talk quite often in the lab's associated office as well where we work on our research.
I hope it goes the way it went second half with portugal.

I was actually wrong about the time. I just looked it up to be sure and I mixed it with Germany vs Mexico which is tomorrow at 10am. Tunisia vs England is Monday morning. Might miss that actually.

That would be something if you can walk into the office and have them all buy you lunch! :D

Have you seen the rankings? They're pretty harsh!

FIFA ranking ?
last I checked we weren't that far away...
finger's crossed I get my free lunch then.
hopefully it doesn't end up with me going into hiding for sometime xD
How did you guess though ? :lol:
I am indeed a student
a Phd student, so I get few hours to teach in university and we meet and talk quite often in the lab's associated office as well where we work on our research.
I hope it goes the way it went second half with portugal.

Maybe the way you talk... Then with a pinch of "my own" biased logic... by taking into account you are TN in the UK... So illegal immigration will be quite difficult...Therefore you got there for Something or with Someone.
And I choose the first "S"... so Student/Internship or something in those lines.
My logic is based on the fact you are not British Born (could be wrong) but I made such assumptions bc, When reading you, I can't imagine a British writing.

My 2 cents, don't mind it.

If it' snot too much asking, in which field?
Maybe the way you talk... Then with a pinch of "my own" biased logic... by taking into account you are TN in the UK... So illegal immigration will be quite difficult...Therefore you got there for Something or with Someone.
And I choose the first "S"... so Student/Internship or something in those lines.
My logic is based on the fact you are not British Born (could be wrong) but I made such assumptions bc, When reading you, I can't imagine a British writing.

My 2 cents, don't mind it.

If it' snot too much asking, in which field?

good deduction :police:
Telecommunications engineering and Computer Science , working right now on astronomical imaging and astro image processing among few other small things
good deduction :police:
Telecommunications engineering and Computer Science , working right now on astronomical imaging and astro image processing among few other small things
Interesting, but got not much knowledge in those fields...
But I came across few who finished a Phd in computer science at King College and Telecommunication at Anglia Ruskin University.
FIFA ranking ?
last I checked we weren't that far away...
finger's crossed I get my free lunch then.
hopefully it doesn't end up with me going into hiding for sometime xD

Check out these power rankings, they're brutal for our teams lol. Most rankings have pretty much the same order although I've seen some showing Egypt as high as 14th and 1st swapped between Brazil and Germany. Other than that, they're pretty much unanimous in this order which doesn't bode very well.


Here's another one.


Either way, England seems to be right around 8th or 9th. So a win by Tunisia would be a gargantuan upset and how awesome would that be? :tup:
اسأل الله أن يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال

عيدكم مبارك

كل عام وانتم وأسرتكم الكريمة بخير

A bit late, but I am surprised and quite shocked that there are still a few active Arab users on PDF considering the amount of trolls and low quality discussions. Long gone are the "golden days". All glory to those that remained.

A shame with the World Cup results so far but not too shocking. There is still a long way to reach the level of the heavyweights. One day it will come.
Greetings @Saif al-Arab I hope all has been well.

I am very well my friend. I have been extremely busy (work related) but it has been a great experience to prove oneself at the highest level on my field (chemical engineering). More so abroad. Outside of a few business trips, 2 weeks of holidays and a few weddings, it's mostly been work and work. If everything goes according to the plan I might relocate to California next year. Thanks for asking. What about you? Is all well?
I am very well my friend. I have been extremely busy (work related) but it has been a great experience to prove oneself at the highest level on my field (chemical engineering). More so abroad. Outside of a few business trips, 2 weeks of holidays and a few weddings, it's mostly been work and work. If everything goes according to the plan I might relocate to California next year. Thanks for asking. What about you? Is all well?
Eid saeed
Welcome back I thought you left pdf for good
Eid saeed
Welcome back I thought you left pdf for good

I left due to workload and my decision to take a break from social media as a whole. I logged in recently to see what was going on and then I saw that almost all Arabs have left this troll forum (what a surprise, lol) but since my hands were itching a bit due to the long "holiday" and due to seeing a ridiculous thread (as expected), I was sucked back into the mess again.

See from post 113 in this thread and onward.:lol:


But yeah, I might give a sign of life at times depending on the workload, if I bother and if something interesting happens. However seeing that there are hardly any Arabs left, there is little reason to be active here.

Most topics are discussed on Arab forums and even more on social media. I can only think of Reddit otherwise and some small forums. Which is fair enough. We have enough of platforms so not much to complain about really.

It was just much, much more interesting once (a few years ago) when many more active Arab users (knowledgeable too) were active.
اسأل الله أن يتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال

عيدكم مبارك

كل عام وانتم وأسرتكم الكريمة بخير

A bit late, but I am surprised and quite shocked that there are still a few active Arab users on PDF considering the amount of trolls and low quality discussions. Long gone are the "golden days". All glory to those that remained.

A shame with the World Cup results so far but not too shocking. There is still a long way to reach the level of the heavyweights. One day it will come.

As to you Saif, welcome back we indeed thought you left for good but I suspected it was work related or something along those lines. :D
As to you Saif, welcome back we indeed thought you left for good but I suspected it was work related or something along those lines. :D


Might leave permanently soon but it is PDF. A very potent drug at times.:rofl:

Good to see you around bro. I have personally taken a little break when it comes to foreign policy and I don't take it as seriously as once. Trying to focus on more useful topics that are related to education, environment, science and more internal issues related to Arab issues.

Looking forward to the Egypt-Russia game. Hopefully our neighbors and brothers in Egypt will perform better than we did, lol. Salah should be ready too.

Speaking about him;

Arab-French rap from the banlieues (French ghettos).

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Might leave permanently though but it is PDF. A very potent drug at times.:rofl:

Looking forward to the Egypt-Russia game. Hopefully our neighbors and brothers in Egypt will perform better than we did, lol. Salah should be ready too.

Speaking about him;

Arab-French rap from the banlieues (French ghettos).


Lol, I wonder what Arab/African ghetto's are like in France. I'm gonna see by the look of it it's different than the Ghetto's here in the US.

Indeed there are too many crucial developments in the Middle East that catch my attention over and over again. I don't think my interest in current events will dissipate any time soon, lol.

I'm waiting for the game as well although I didn't see it confirmed Mo Salah will play? If he's playing this is definitely going to be interesting. Assuming he has recovered well.
Lol, I wonder what Arab/African ghetto's are like in France. I'm gonna see by the look of it it's different than the Ghetto's here in the US.

Indeed there are too many crucial developments in the Middle East that catch my attention over and over again. I don't think my interest in current events will dissipate any time soon, lol.

I'm waiting for the game as well although I didn't see it confirmed Mo Salah will play? If he's playing this is definitely going to be interesting. Assuming he has recovered well.

Not familiar with American ghettos and less so with French ones (just driven through them) but I think that mentality wise, they are quite similar. Same story with the ones we have in KSA.:lol:

Yes, I am of course trying to keep up to date with the most important issues but I am not following developments as closely as before. Even the Yemen civil war although it is moving in the right direction for KSA and the Arab coalition. As I wrote, I am more concerned about issues that relate to all Arab countries such as education, science, environmental issues, grassroots movements and changes in viewpoints among the youth. I personally like the direction KSA is going overall with the Saudi Vision 2030 and other promising projects.

Was very happy when I saw this for instance.







My only issue is with road safety (which is appealing already IMO) but apparently contrary to the stereotype women are better drivers (more careful) so I believe that road safety will improve.

Other than that hordes of foreigners from regions you can probably guess will be sent home (should never have been here) due to them losing their jobs as drivers. That's a good thing too.

Yeah, Salah is playing.:enjoy:
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Not familiar with American ghettos and less so with French ones (just driven through them) but I think that mentality wise, they are quite similar. Same story with the ones we have in KSA.:lol:

Yes, I am of course trying to keep up to date with the most important issues but I am not following developments as closely as before. Even the Yemen civil war although it is moving in the right direction for KSA and the Arab coalition. As I wrote, I am more concerned about issues that relate to all Arab countries such as education, science, environmental issues, grassroots movements and changes in viewpoints among the youth. I personally like the direction KSA is going overall with the Saudi Vision 2030 and other promising projects.

I find those interesting too but where do you keep up with such developments? I occasionally see some news regarding domestic developments in some nations but most of the news I see is related to political developments. I wish the best for the people of Saudi Arabia, I hope to be able to visit again and spend more time. It is a rather large nation and there is much to do that I couldn't get to. I enjoy the desert scenery and other scenery there as well as would like to see some historical religious sites and learn more about the history.

Nice S class . :D

Okay now this is weird, because when I think Harley Davidson I think this:


That is exactly how every single Harley rider in the US looks like, so it's very odd seeing an Arab woman riding one of those, lol.

My only issue is with road safety (which is appealing already IMO) but apparently contrary to the stereotype women are better drivers (more careful) so I believe that road safety will improve.

Incorrect, women are worse drivers but men are more reckless. :enjoy:

Other than that hordes of foreigners from regions you can probably guess will be sent home (should never have been here) due to them losing their jobs as drivers. That's a good thing too.

That's hard to deal with but I can understand locals need some of those jobs until the economy is modernized. Your population needs to increase a bit too. Overall you have a promising future, most of all though I felt like Saudi's had a rich culture as opposed to Emirates for example. I hope you guys retain that going forward, UAE felt too artificial for me if that makes sense. That culture with modernized economy will make for a pleasant place to live in and makes it unique in an age where local culture is losing relevance.
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