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Existence or identity? Our nations will continue to exist, although the identities of our nations may be altered. Why is this phenomena only increasing?

Is it really a coincidence that people are just tired of this current state? That's the most significant coincidence I've seen in my lifetime.

I mean the end of nation states like Syria and Iraq then dividing them into sectarian entities fighting each other .

You have this now in Iraq and Syria . Look at syria now divided into 4 parts divided between alawites , sunni islamists , isis and kurds.

Iraq you have kurds in north "KRJ" , ISIS holding western iraq and south under shia militias .

Now islamists are crying over how khilafa was divided into several countries now these countries will be further divided into smaller pieces based on ethnic , tribal and sect identities making things even worse.
Bro be gentlemen I liked your previous personality much more than now.
Bro we Iranian like Palestinians much, and hate their enemies too much.we always cures Israel and its supporters.

We like Hamas as well, we know Palestinian and Lebanese mujahids our brothers.

Bro we have always said Palestine Palestine and hated USA and Israel, do not misdiagnosis enemy and friend.
I've been busy with real life stuff and all that, you know?

I'm doing good thanks for asking :smart: I hope you're doing good as well.

Almost the same for me too. Busy with studying, research, life, ...
Wish you bests, and hope to see you guys more ;)

I've been noticing Israeli media putting a lot of emphasis on Gaza armed strength recently. Ever since the reconciliation they've put several headlines out about how Hamas this and that. And how powerful they are therefore Israel must bomb Gaza as soon as possible.

It seems like they're preparing the media and general public for more attacks. This is how the Israeli media plays out when they're preparing public opinion for assaults.

Of course for the most part the Israeli public doesn't mind bombing people to death as long as nothing hits them.

I've been noticing Israeli media putting a lot of emphasis on Gaza armed strength recently. Ever since the reconciliation they've put several headlines out about how Hamas this and that. And how powerful they are therefore Israel must bomb Gaza as soon as possible.

It seems like they're preparing the media and general public for more attacks. This is how the Israeli media plays out when they're preparing public opinion for assaults.

Of course for the most part the Israeli public doesn't mind bombing people to death as long as nothing hits them.
it's not like they have stopped their bombardments, but since they know Hamas will react, they have to bring some pretexts to justify their actions and its consequences (Hamas reactions) for their people. I think it's a good sign.
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