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Any Gym goers or Bodybuilders in this forum

Unless we know what type of Pushups he is doing.

Most of the people who claim these astronomical number of pushups usually do not even bother to go halfway down let alone hit their chest to the floor. I used to make the same mistake and claimed like 150 reps till I realized that I am doing them wrong. Not to mention its the internet where everybody is six foot 2, has a six pack and a 56 inch chest.
Lolz. I do not do 100 push ups in one go my friend. I do 15 full rep rest and then again 15
My both arms are hypermobile at 15 degrees; never had any problem working out.

But if you have that in one arm not both, you better consult orthopedic or physiotherapist before doing something.
I think you may have quoted in error. In any case, that is sound advice.

As for my wrist, I have to get an X-ray done but waiting for this Covid situation to improve before I do.
I think you may have quoted in error. In any case, that is sound advice.

As for my wrist, I have to get an X-ray done but waiting for this Covid situation to improve before I do.
Yes I meant to quote Valar's post.
And this is what brings my question.

I broke my elbow and have 2 screws in it. For the rest of my life, my one arm is going to be twisted for around 15 degrees.

Question is, if I join gym and strat chest and shoulders exercises, wouldn't my body be built in asymmetric way? How to avoid that? Hmm... anybody??

Don't go for internet advice my friend. Please go see a trained physio. You are setting yourself up for a lifelong injury if you decide to follow internet based advice.

That being said, even if you avoid heavy lifting with your arms, you can still do a lot for your core, back and lower body without any risk to your arm.


started 2 months back and its amazing!

Same boat. Started after COVID closed the gym. But to be honest its not the same. I am the kind of person who needs constant motivation and that is only available in the gym.

Btw what are you doing? I am doing incline, decline and normal pushups, squats (weighted and bodyweight mix) and dips mostly. And then some good old curls with my rusty old dumbbells. Thinking about getting in to headstands, but too much of chicken to actually attempt it so far. Lost a lot of definition in last two months :(
Don't go for internet advice my friend. Please go see a trained physio. You are setting yourself up for a lifelong injury if you decide to follow internet based advice.

That being said, even if you avoid heavy lifting with your arms, you can still do a lot for your core, back and lower body without any risk to your arm.

Same boat. Started after COVID closed the gym. But to be honest its not the same. I am the kind of person who needs constant motivation and that is only available in the gym.

Btw what are you doing? I am doing incline, decline and normal pushups, squats (weighted and bodyweight mix) and dips mostly. And then some good old curls with my rusty old dumbbells. Thinking about getting in to headstands, but too much of chicken to actually attempt it so far. Lost a lot of definition in last two months :(
No Pull ups? You will end up having a bad posture.
Don't go for internet advice my friend. Please go see a trained physio. You are setting yourself up for a lifelong injury if you decide to follow internet based advice.

That being said, even if you avoid heavy lifting with your arms, you can still do a lot for your core, back and lower body without any risk to your arm.

Same boat. Started after COVID closed the gym. But to be honest its not the same. I am the kind of person who needs constant motivation and that is only available in the gym.

Btw what are you doing? I am doing incline, decline and normal pushups, squats (weighted and bodyweight mix) and dips mostly. And then some good old curls with my rusty old dumbbells. Thinking about getting in to headstands, but too much of chicken to actually attempt it so far. Lost a lot of definition in last two months :(
i bought caliatheltics members ship following his program started frog stand and wall assited hand stand!
No Pull ups? You will end up having a bad posture.

Ordered that Iron Gym thingy today. I am a bit on the heavier side weight wise compared to my strength, so pull ups/ chin ups were never my forte. Max 5 reps of poor form chin ups when at the gym. Though I have ordered this Iron gym pull up bar, I am still not too sure if I'll use it. Other than that don't have anything around the house to support a pull up.

i bought caliatheltics members ship following his program started frog stand and wall assited hand stand!

Re wall assisted hand stand, you are a brave man. Watch this guy if you intend to keep at it and improve your form

Is there any correlation between squats and lower back pain.

You asked someone else, but yes. Poor form in any exercise will result in injury. Squats is perhaps the most injury prone compound movement. Watch AthleanX for proper squat form but basics are keep your feet shoulder width apart and pointing slightly outwards, butt out and back straight, no jerks, neck up front, feet bellow the bar up to your shoe laces and pull up with your legs/butt. Most importantly, do NOT lift with your ego.
banged my head really hard while practicing!

Haha sorry to hear that man, be careful. I am more scared of the emotional trauma my family will give me for years if they find out I broke something doing this at home lol. Gym is different.
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