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Any Gym goers or Bodybuilders in this forum

did gym for 5 years, can do 80 push ups, 30 pull ups , dips, benches, done it all

all it did was increase my BMI and spiked my cholestrol to 250 + ( all those chickens and whey proteins after wards)

martial arts / shooting guns etc is far engaging and beneficial . plus, sweating in the gym doing the same reps gets boring after a while .

having said that, gym is very essential for male grooming , ladies like you far more ,

good luck with muscle building sans proteins
Look who is talking? Weight lifting is for male grooming? Lolz.

I think you must be that guy who does shit load of isolation exercises like Pec Dec, Lat pull down, unnecessary triceps and biceps work and some bogus shoulder exercises.

Check pro weightlifters who has amazing records in Squats, Deadlift and Bench Press. Check their strength level and they ain't no pussies.

Also you mentioned push ups and pull ups. Did you even do weighted pull ups and dips? Those are very challenging.

Most people don't use weights when doing calisthenics so they don't get maximum benefits out of calisthenics.

@waz can tell you something about what weightlifting is actually like.
Look who is talking? Weight lifting is for male grooming? Lolz.

I think you must be that guy who does shit load of isolation exercises like Pec Dec, Lat pull down, unnecessary triceps and biceps work and some bogus shoulder exercises.

Check pro weightlifters who has amazing records in Squats, Deadlift and Bench Press. Check their strength level and they ain't no pussies.

Also you mentioned push ups and pull ups. Did you even do weighted pull ups and dips? Those are very challenging.

Most people don't use weights when doing calisthenics so they don't get maximum benefits out of calisthenics.

whats a pec down?


there was a fight in our street, a gymmer like you shouting on the top of his voice, with biceps the size of gladiators . the other party , a skinny guy in pajamas took his 9mm out and fired two shots in the air

the gymmer ran away like the fastest marathon sprinter


calm down kid ,
my friend.

gym is 70 percent diet

30 percent sweat


high BMI and chol is a consequence you have to live it .

you cant grow muscle without chicken breasts after wards,,,

what i would recommend to gents / esp young members is to train and work like an infantryman

in pakarmy , the routine for infantry is like this

early morning get up , eat 2 x parathas, 2 x eggs, lassi , chai whatever,

then you run, run like hell, with pithoos on , you scale mountain passes with G3 slinging

then some martial arts, basic kicks etc

then more running

infantrymen are the some of the fittest jinns ive seen and i strive to attain that level of fitness


Do please add the evening compulsory games as well....:chilli:
my friend.

gym is 70 percent diet

30 percent sweat


high BMI and chol is a consequence you have to live it .

you cant grow muscle without chicken breasts after wards,,,

what i would recommend to gents / esp young members is to train and work like an infantryman

in pakarmy , the routine for infantry is like this

early morning get up , eat 2 x parathas, 2 x eggs, lassi , chai whatever,

then you run, run like hell, with pithoos on , you scale mountain passes with G3 slinging

then some martial arts, basic kicks etc

then more running

infantrymen are the some of the fittest jinns ive seen and i strive to attain that level of fitness

Military academies have gyms too. There are countless powerlifters of military background. They don't do shit loads of isolation work.

See how they squat and deadlift. Those are real weightlifters.

whats a pec down?


there was a fight in our street, a gymmer like you shouting on the top of his voice, with biceps the size of gladiators . the other party , a skinny guy in pajamas took his 9mm out and fired two shots in the air

the gymmer ran away like the fastest marathon sprinter


calm down kid ,
Now you are comparing Guns with physical fitness? Are you out of your mind?
Military academies have gyms too. There are countless powerlifters of military background. They don't do shit loads of isolation work.

See how they squat and deadlift. Those are real weightlifters.

weight lifting /gym is not part of any basic military training regimen

you are seriously misinformed mate!
whats a pec down?


there was a fight in our street, a gymmer like you shouting on the top of his voice, with biceps the size of gladiators . the other party , a skinny guy in pajamas took his 9mm out and fired two shots in the air

the gymmer ran away like the fastest marathon sprinter


calm down kid ,
Listen you did not get it? Gyms and martial arts have different purpose.

Gyms are for keeping your body fit. They do not teach you combat techniques like martial arts. Both have different purposes.

Also everyone does weightlifting or in your language goes to the gym. Cricketers, footballers, army personnel everyone. Weightlifting keeps your body fit but if you are a sportsman, then you have to play and if you are in the army then you need to have combat skills.
Military academies have gyms too. There are countless powerlifters of military background. They don't do shit loads of isolation work.

See how they squat and deadlift. Those are real weightlifters.

Now you are comparing Guns with physical fitness? Are you out of your mind?

squatting , ?

by all means, do it

use bench press bars with 20x 2 kg weights if u have to

just dont forget to get ur CT scan later, ( slip discs)!

my friend.

gym is 70 percent diet

30 percent sweat


high BMI and chol is a consequence you have to live it .

you cant grow muscle without chicken breasts after wards,,,

what i would recommend to gents / esp young members is to train and work like an infantryman

in pakarmy , the routine for infantry is like this

early morning get up , eat 2 x parathas, 2 x eggs, lassi , chai whatever,

then you run, run like hell, with pithoos on , you scale mountain passes with G3 slinging

then some martial arts, basic kicks etc

then more running

infantrymen are the some of the fittest jinns ive seen and i strive to attain that level of fitness


Sure but people overeat thinking that eating more would lead to bigger growth. Saw such fat people in gym quite often.

Your body really needs not much protein/carbs to get big.

When i used to bodybuild, there was a soup place right next to the gym serving egg chicken soup. That's the only thing extra i added to my diet and i used to live in a dorm at the time so you can imagine the quality of food.

Still saw massive gains. Gained so much strength to lift up to 44kg which for a skinny dude like me is so huge in just two short months.

This is the book i used to follow
I used to go regularly but stopped since I hurt my wrist and it still hasn't healed. What is it that you want to know?
My both arms are hypermobile at 15 degrees; never had any problem working out.

But if you have that in one arm not both, you better consult orthopedic or physiotherapist before doing something.
Listen you did not get it? Gyms and martial arts have different purpose.

Gyms are for keeping your body fit. They do not teach you combat techniques like martial arts. Both have different purposes.

Also everyone does weightlifting or in your language goes to the gym. Cricketers, footballers, army personnel everyone. Weightlifting keeps your body fit but if you are a sportsman, then you have to play and if you are in the army then you need to have combat skills.

you dont get my drift here

gym is basically using weights to stress muscles and enlarge them. the whole process is targeted at a certain muscle set .

the idea is to hammer down the muscle and use protein supplements to enlarge them .

i have never stopped you from doing anything , but now the trend is to learn a sport or keep fit via activity .

half the gyms in my area are now closed , to be replaced by MMA dojos and jijutsu centres .

they have weight training to strength muscle and kicks and punches as main course

you dont get my drift here

gym is basically using weights to stress muscles and enlarge them. the whole process is targeted at a certain muscle set .

the idea is to hammer down the muscle and use protein supplements to enlarge them .

i have never stopped you from doing anything , but now the trend is to learn a sport or keep fit via activity .

half the gyms in my area are now closed , to be replaced by MMA dojos and jijutsu centres .

they have weight training to strength muscle and kicks and punches as main course
Weightlifting and bodybuilding is not same. Bodybuilding is a sub-sect of weightlifting. There are many different types of weightlifting.

What you are referring to is bodybuilding which is primarily focused on building a good looking body. You have to work each part of your body and you need to rest and eat a lot.

But there are other forms of weightlifting too which focuses more on strength and endurance than on muscle size like Powerlifting and weighted calisthenics.

Powerlifting is entirely focused on strength and endurance. Squats, Deadlifts, Bench press are the key and you need to lift heavy *** weights and rest for a short period of time.

Weighted calisthenics is basically pull ups, push ups, dips and leg workout with weights. This can build a good looking body and build awesome strength.

Weightlifting is a broader term.
Those are very good numbers. Indeed exceptional.
Unless we know what type of Pushups he is doing.

Most of the people who claim these astronomical number of pushups usually do not even bother to go halfway down let alone hit their chest to the floor. I used to make the same mistake and claimed like 150 reps till I realized that I am doing them wrong. Not to mention its the internet where everybody is six foot 2, has a six pack and a 56 inch chest.
And this is what brings my question.

I broke my elbow and have 2 screws in it. For the rest of my life, my one arm is going to be twisted for around 15 degrees.

Question is, if I join gym and strat chest and shoulders exercises, wouldn't my body be built in asymmetric way? How to avoid that? Hmm... anybody??
See a physical therapist, they can help you strength the right muscles to compensate for the injury

then you should use a trainer at the gym to help you safely do the right exercises to build up your muscles in a balanced manner.
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