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Any Gym goers or Bodybuilders in this forum

You don't even need to go to the gym to keep yourself in shape. You need a pull up bar and some weight plates.

Do pull ups and push ups putting additional resistance with those weight plates.

Then do some squats,lunges and calf raises with those plates that's it.

I know a guy who made excellent Quads just by walking the stairs.

i tried gym few times before but i am very lazy and gym felt like a burden kaam karo phir gym jao not possible! but i started calisthenics at home and its so convenient ghar peh he karlo without the need of special equipment
I brought a Pull Up bar and I want to know if any body here workout at home due to corona virus?

I did but then gave up. I used to do 150 chinups in 24 hours when I was younger. Still have a bar but can't workout because of injuries.
Yes I workout for from home, having the full olympic sets totalling 240kg I have no issue.
I left the 'gym' years ago. What I mean by Gym I mean heavy weights (powerlifting). I can't work out at gyms anymore, especially since they became metrosexual dens with loads of younger dudes who spend years looking at the mirror, and doing less. Don't even get me started on the women who pour in with their extra tight workout gear, they may as well be naked, and the distraction is crazy. The music just plain sucks as well.
The gyms I worked from (90's, 0's) were dusty, raw looking and had that blood, sweat and tears look about them. That included both the fighting gyms and weight areas, very often they were mixed.
The problem with gyms are arsehole members. There are many such members with superiority complex who would approach you in the middle of your workout and would complain how horrible you look and what should you be doing to increase your muscle mass. These members don't do shit yet would find fault in others.

I was personally attacked several times and even left one gym even when things got outta control.
Dumbells needed for sure, what up a pull bar gonna do
Dips, Pull ups and Push ups can build a well built physic. The reason why most guys don't see result with these three because they don't add resistance and does high reps. 50 push ups is unnecessary and does not build mass. Do weighted pull ups, weighted dips and weighted push ups and see the magic. Your upper body will be like a monster.
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Dips, Pull ups and Push ups can build a well built physic. The reason why most guys don't see result with these three because they don't add resistance and does high reps. 50 push ups is unnecessary and does not build mass. Do weighted pull ups, weighted dips and weighted push ups and see the magic. Your upper body will be like a monster. View attachment 638058

View attachment 638059

Most likely you'll max out and stop seeing gains. The best way to put on size is big heavy *** weights.

Technically you can do a ton of crazy shit with anything heavy, but the heavy part is the real key. The best thing anybody can get for adding size and muscle is a nice setup with an olympic bar. If there's one thing to get a squat rack and an olympic bar and that's a full sweet workout. (You can bench, deadlift, squat, overhead press, bent over row, hell the list keeps on going).

But if you have 20lb dumbbells you're going to plateau at 20lb dumbbell strong. That's not too big.
I am not consistent at home, I like to do freehand compound exercises. I'd start with 50-60 wide hand pushups followed by 2 sets of closed-hand 30-35 push-ups. Then, I'd start arm workout since I have 2 dumbells and one bar only. I'd hit one-day biceps with 4 different core exercises and the other day I'd hit my lower belly with planks, crunches, laying down bicycles and etc.

I like to hit weights on alternative days so my muscles can get the time to grow (48 hours). However, due to lockdown my food consumption hasn't been great so it has affected my workout routine. One thing I have learned is if your diet is not up to the mark no amount of exercise can yeild any results.

I haven't started taking Protein but I am seriously considering it. One thing which stops me is the fear that it has some affect on your kidneys not sure how true or false it is.
I am not consistent at home, I like to do freehand compound exercises. I'd start with 50-60 wide hand pushups followed by 2 sets of closed-hand 30-35 push-ups. Then, I'd start arm workout since I have 2 dumbells and one bar only. I'd hit one-day biceps with 4 different core exercises and the other day I'd hit my lower belly with planks, crunches, laying down bicycles and etc.

I like to hit weights on alternative days so my muscles can get the time to grow (48 hours). However, due to lockdown my food consumption hasn't been great so it has affected my workout routine. One thing I have learned is if your diet is not up to the mark no amount of exercise can yeild any results.

I haven't started taking Protein but I am seriously considering it. One thing which stops me is the fear that it has some affect on your kidneys not sure how true or false it is.
Protein is not necessary. But here is the thing. Protein rich foods like Chicken, Mutton, Eggs are expensive. So if you cannot afford a huge sum of protein rich foods then you can take protein. But you can build a good body with natural foods.
Protein is not necessary. But here is the thing. Protein rich foods like Chicken, Mutton, Eggs are expensive. So if you cannot afford a huge sum of protein rich foods then you can take protein. But you can build a good body with natural foods.

The problem is eating chicken breast, broccoli, and other protein-rich foods are expensive and boring. and to be honest eating too much food (4 full meals) is not my cup of tea. I enjoy doing exercise but eating this food not so much.
The problem is eating chicken breast, broccoli, and other protein-rich foods are expensive and boring. and to be honest eating too much food (4 full meals) is not my cup of tea. I enjoy doing exercise but eating this food not so much.
The problem is most people have this misconception that bodybuilders eat heavy. They don't actually.

What they does is they consume 6 small meals. Those meals have proportionate amount of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins.

But a regular diet consists of shit load of carbohydrates along with other junks like coca cola and all. So this makes your tummy full easily.
gym is for pussies

learn martial arts, karate, weapon shooting
gym is for pussies

learn martial arts, karate, weapon shooting
Gym is not for pussies. It all comes down to what you are doing in the gym.

Also the sports you mentioned like karate and martial arts, most people don't have access to them. For most people gyms are good for keeping your body fit. And weapon shooting is not even a physical sport. Also most countries have tight gun control to begin with.

There is nothing called a bad sport or a good sport, likewise there is nothing called sports for pussies or sports for cocks. Every physical sports be it cycling, weight lifting in gym, martial arts will reap benefits and will keep your mind and body fresh and healthy. So treat every sport with respect.
Gym is not for pussies. It all comes down to what you are doing in the gym.

Also the sports you mentioned like karate and martial arts, most people don't have access to them. For most people gyms are good for keeping your body fit. And weapon shooting is not even a physical sport. Also most countries have tight gun control to begin with.

There is nothing called a bad sport or a good sport, likewise there is nothing called sports for pussies or sports for cocks. Every physical sports be it cycling, weight lifting in gym, martial arts will reap benefits and will keep your mind and body fresh and healthy. So treat every sport with respect.

did gym for 5 years, can do 80 push ups, 30 pull ups , dips, benches, done it all

all it did was increase my BMI and spiked my cholestrol to 250 + ( all those chickens and whey proteins after wards)

martial arts / shooting guns etc is far engaging and beneficial . plus, sweating in the gym doing the same reps gets boring after a while .

having said that, gym is very essential for male grooming , ladies like you far more ,

Protein is not necessary. But here is the thing. Protein rich foods like Chicken, Mutton, Eggs are expensive. So if you cannot afford a huge sum of protein rich foods then you can take protein. But you can build a good body with natural foods.

good luck with muscle building sans proteins
did gym for 5 years, can do 80 push ups, 30 pull ups , dips, benches, done it all

all it did was increase my BMI and spiked my cholestrol to 250 + ( all those chickens and whey proteins after wards)

martial arts / shooting guns etc is far engaging and beneficial . plus, sweating in the gym doing the same reps gets boring after a while .

having said that, gym is very essential for male grooming , ladies like you far more ,

good luck with muscle building sans proteins

Why did you eat so much lol

Don't blame gym when you couldn't keep your hands off the chicken habibi :toast_sign:
Why did you eat so much lol

Don't blame gym when you couldn't keep your hands off the chicken habibi :toast_sign:

my friend.

gym is 70 percent diet

30 percent sweat


high BMI and chol is a consequence you have to live it .

you cant grow muscle without chicken breasts after wards,,,

what i would recommend to gents / esp young members is to train and work like an infantryman

in pakarmy , the routine for infantry is like this

early morning get up , eat 2 x parathas, 2 x eggs, lassi , chai whatever,

then you run, run like hell, with pithoos on , you scale mountain passes with G3 slinging

then some martial arts, basic kicks etc

then more running

infantrymen are the some of the fittest jinns ive seen and i strive to attain that level of fitness

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