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Any Gym goers or Bodybuilders in this forum

Unless your father was in millitary or sports this is a very rare thing for a father to do , respect

I unfortunately have never seen a Pakistani father like yours, it's extremely rare

You are a very lucky man to have such a positive influence in your life
Thank you brother, I know how rare it is in Pakistan and I know how lucky I am to have such a man to look up to, I love that man to bits. The one thing I am definitely doing with my kids is passing on this habit.

This is a great way to look at it. My old man himself is a very good example for me, and to see him still flying fighters at 64 is a clear result of his physical fitness that he has put effort into over the years. An hour of exercise a day can make a big difference, and once it becomes a passion then it becomes a lifestyle. Keep it up and inspire others!!
Exactly people neglect the importance of exercise, it’s so bad that people see someone running or going to the gym and assume he is trying to lose weight and don’t even consider he might just want to get healthy. Also Kudos to uncle for being a beast at 64, that man is a machine MA.
I know it’s of topic feel it’s important to mention it on here Cycling is a great exercise to I do lots of it , it helps work those legs. It also reduces stress, keeps you in good shape, and maintains healthy weight. It also prevents many health problems. Combined with weights training improve overall health
Cycling is an excellent alternative to running to avoid injuries.

I will give you an advice if you take will benefit you. Unless Bodybuilding is your profession, you wont be able to dedicate much time. Between work and family, time is limited.

Stick to these three exercises and you will be fit and it will help you avoid injuries. Squats, Pull Ups and Push Up. You can get resistance bands to make it more challenging if body weight is easier for you.

Btw, thats all i do.

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You could have shown full lower back. My rear delts are a bit weak compared to yours, not much rounded enough.

Back when gyms and pools were open :

An hour weight lifting, split between 4 days a week for different muscle groups.
30 mins swimming (at least 500m a day). The swimming then got put on hold as I had to start preparing for a 1.6 mile run for the armed forces fitness test.

Now with the gyms closed, thanks to COVID:

Currently what I can do lately at home is a barbell with tyres on both ends, rims included. Those are for bench press, squats and deadlifts. For cardio I am using a rowing machine. Occasionally I try to add hiking on the weekends to compensate.
Swimming makes me hungry like hell, so i am not an vid swimmer. I love hiking and lifting weights. I use weights at home too.

I also run but the PMA under 6 min mile is not achievable for me anymore, the best I can do is 7 minute or above.

Best workout at home-

1. Do 100 pushup a day, make this a challenge for yourself. Within 1 month you will notice a huge change in your body.
2. 3-4 times a week do crunches, planks, and leg lifts.
3. 3-4 times a week go for a 5km jog.

Best workouts. In the beginning it is best to push yourself, later once you are used to it take 1-2 days off a week :D
I did 100 push ups a day, took to 35 easy per set and then even did 50 push ups per set, taking around 200 push ups per day.
Plank time is above 90 secs easy, then I start breaking.
Mountain climbers I touched 100 per set, crunches were max 50 per set.

I no longer push weights. I just have a rowing machine to stay fit.
I had to get a cushion to sit longer on that lol.
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skipping helps alot, can help clear heart blockage.
I cant coordinate the jumping correctly lol, i did try it to warm up before sparring.

Beleive it or not but your forearms get hit hard when you do pull ups with different grip variation. In some cases like mine, certain body part growth is limited by genetics.
Pull ups hits back really good.

Lolz. I do not do 100 push ups in one go my friend. I do 15 full rep rest and then again 15
I started 100 by giving rest time of 15 mins too. My first set was always less, but 2nd, 3rd I could do more.

I started at 10 reps, 15 mins rest
15 reps 15 mins rest and so on till I reached 100.

Later I did 35 reps with 30 minutes rest, then 35 reps and then 30 reps for 100 pushups in morning. Then again in evening.

you mean rocky gyms from 90s.

wat you expect when we have bad leadership willing to poison their population with bad food for abit of money. bad quality food, chemicals probably even gmo etc.
I have seen that dieting and getting proper diet is easier abroad than Pakistan due to many factors. I am more fit and healthy abroad than Pakistan.

After having a kid, now I’m in my punjabi uncle phase. Eatings lots of red meat and swearing at politicians on tv.
I hate that bulging stomach which every desi has after marriage.
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May I suggest that you incorporate a forearm exercise?
Don't do a forearm exercise. Do any bicep tricep execrcise, your fore arm will grow.

I did forearm exercises and later it became hard to do bicep tricep exercises as forearm stiffened up.

skipping helps alot, can help clear heart blockage.
I think HIIT would be better. I am not a HIIT fan, but i have taken back to back HIIT classes in gym after a while and found it's efficient for fat loss.

Though I do believe that lifting weights is best for fat loss, as the fat loss process by lifting weights continues for next 48 hours where as in cardio or HIIT, the fat loss process isn't that long.
how do you guys know wat do at the gym? do you go off a template downloaded from the web? or instructor tells you wat to do?

i noticed since youtube tik tok ppl are eating alot more gastronomy.
You can talk to an instructor once and ask him to show you around. I had friends who showed me. Later I developed my own routine.

I would hit two opposite muscle groups for my exercise, like
Monday - Bi/Tri - then cardio
Tuesday - Back/chest - then cardio
Wednesday - shoulders/legs - then cardio
Rest day would be walking or running a bit.
Then repeat.

I kept opposite muscle groups to get my blood flowing all around the body where needed. As an example, I did one set of Biceps, then without rest I would do one set of triceps, then rest. Repeat. Same for chest and back and same for shoulder and legs.

This helped me do more exercises in lesser time. so it looked like,
Bicep barbel curl:
5 kg x 10 reps
Put barbel down, sit on tricep machine immediately.
10 reps
then rest and repeat.

Also I kept 5 sets of each exercise and would go like this, e.g.
Bicep barbel curl:
5 kg x 12 reps
5 kg x 10 reps
7 kg x 8 reps
7 kg x 8 reps
10 kg x 6 reps

So i reduced reps for increased weight. The routine after 3 days for same exercise would be:

5 kg x 12 reps
7 kg x 10 reps
7 kg x 8 reps
10 kg x 8 reps
10 kg x 6 reps

Thats how I increased weights. I kept 5 sets (though 3 are fine too) to feel the hardness of muscle during exercise and for a very enjoyable muscle pump later on. I would feel that pump till next two days. Arnie shalwar-nikker (Arnold Schwarznegger) called it as orgasmic feeling for him in his movie pumping iron, well the pump does feel good.

I kept cardio after weight lifting to:
1. Retain my strength for weight lifting earlier on
2. I found belly fat loss faster if I did cardio later.

The Punjabi uncle phase is disappearing in the UK bro. Many watch what they eat and the fitness craze is big. Their sons are even better.
No tids from 2030 onwards!
Thats the spirit :smitten:
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I would also say yes. to pull-ups / dip stations
It trains a large portion of your upper body in one exercise and you can do many different variations. There is a reason why the military, gyms, parks etc have pull-bars everywhere.
i m cutting these days
abs coming to light soon

I would also say yes. to pull-ups / dip stations
It trains a large portion of your upper body in one exercise and you can do many different variations. There is a reason why the military, gyms, parks etc have pull-bars everywhere.
pull-up should be warmup before every workout
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