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Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

Rich coming from Iranian, lets make one thing clear I don't want war let alone used of Nukes in a war , but trust me NK , China and Russia combine can't do nothing if USA put its whole Military power to use .. Ask any learned person about the Capabilities of US Military . Just their navy has more Jets than many AF's fighters combined .
America will not use nukes like that but one thing for sure if God forbids they ever decide to use it , No one and I repeat NO one will come to help you, No Nuclear deterrence , No Allies , no nothing .. They control the UN, they control the most powerful economies , they have powerful Allies (NATO) they have military bases all over the world you won't know where to hit .
You keep putting your trust and nose behind the U.S, just like the UAE and Saudis.....so far it hasn't paid off for them but you never know.
You have the right to protect your country same as Saudi's, so you are not innocent here either , as for War Iranians think they can take on anyone or everyone , its just delusional we will see what happen when Iran face a proper enemy in a all out war . Forget about US, if US concentrate 25% of its Armed forces to attack Iran it will be more than enough .
Lol if tbey have ball they done that the american army leader not like yoj sitting to see hollywood movie if they think they win they dont loss chance anb attaking us theg are only attack wrak and bombing their soil you know what i nean?
Lol if tbey have ball they done that the american army leader not like yoj sitting to see hollywood movie if they think they win they dont loss chance anb attaking us theg are only attack wrak and bombing their soil you know what i nean?

why you Iranians are obsessed with Hollywood ? you really think US needs to brag about hollywood technology ? when they are leading in Military tech ?

You keep putting your trust and nose behind the U.S, just like the UAE and Saudis.....so far it hasn't paid off for them but you never know.

why would i keep my trust on US ? I am a Pakistani they won't come to our aid, they didn't do anything in Feb for us , I am just saying there is a gigantic military/Technology gap between Iran and US , Acknowledge that before you look like fools to think that you can take on US .
There are so many rumors and claims about it's being a false flag operation or russian weapons or technology behind it ... etc

I just want to shed some light on it ... (From technical point of view)

It seems 2 types of drones & 1 type of cruise missile used in this operation :

  1. Unknown number of delta wing suicide drones powered by wankel (rotary) engines
  2. Unknown Jet powered UCAV which is able to carry 4 smart bombs
  3. Quds-1 cruise missiles

1. Delta wing suicide drones (The name of this suicide drone is unknown)

Origins : Iranian design (Shahed Aviation Industries) Made in yemen under licence

Engine : High efficient Shahed-783 wankel (rotary) engine

Range : +1500 km (one way trip)

Here you can see the original aircraft in Iran :

Shahed-783 wankel engine :

2. Unknown Jet powered UCAV

(Disclaimer: This is just my opinion base on available information and evidences)

Yemeni army spokesman said a Jet powered UCAV Also used in the attack!

There are 2 known jet powered UCAVs in Iran's inventory (Which are able to carry 4 smart bombs):

  1. Shahed-171 (The presence of this drone in yemen is unlikely !)
  2. Shahed-161 (Saeghe) Jet powered variant

Shahed-171 :

The level of sophistication in this drone is beyond yemenis local production capabilities !

(Jet engine - flight control computer - etc)

Shahed-161 :

View attachment 580194 View attachment 580195
Shahed-161 Jet powered variant (Shahed-161 Piston engine variant behind it)

View attachment 580198
Shahed-161 with 4 smart bombs (Shahed-171 & 129 behind it)

Engine : Tolou(طلوع)-10 (?-Possible name) (Which also used in Shahed-191)

View attachment 580200
Shahed-191 & Tolou-10 engine

The presence of Tolou-10 engine in yemen confirmed here :

View attachment 580201 View attachment 580202 View attachment 580203
Tolou-10 engine onboard Quds-1 cruise missile

3. Quds-1 cruise missiles

Type : LACM (Land Atack Cruise Missile)

Engine : Tolou(طلوع)-10 (Which also used in Shahed-191 & 161 and probably Ya Ali LACM)

Range : +1500 km (Demonstrated in the attack)

  • It's not Kh-55 (or Iranian version Soumar) Cruise Missile
  • It's not Ya Ali Cruise Missile
It's smaller than Soumar in size and have visual differences and a different power plant !

Soumar powered by a turbofan engine but Tolou-10 is a turbojet !

Visual differences :

Quds-1 :

Soumar :

And it's not even Ya Ali Cruise Missile :

But probably Ya Ali components used on Quds-1(?)

View attachment 580218
Tolou-10 engine(?)


Thanks for your time - SOHEIL
I have doubt about this strike .
1. It was very much precision strike. All target were hit with pinpoint accuracy .
2.How come world most strongest defence/anti missile mechanism went to sleep.
3.We didn't notice any jolt in oil prices in the market, except 15 hike for short while.
4.After this strike world most controversial Aramco IPO again in jeopardy .
Someone is doing something behind the door.
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Can you provide a source that Iran has more BM than America ? how many are tipped with Nuclear Warhead ? Can any of your missile reach US main land ? you really think your missiles are some Alien tech that can defeat world best AD systems ? ? Come on ...

Why you guys are so delusional about world ? you don't have some alien technology which cant be stopped or countered, your most of the stuff is based on Ex USSR , and even Russia themselves are not that delusional than Iranians . Attacking a Oil refinery is different than Attack the Super power .

Do you have any source that America has less missiles than Iran ? America battle carrier groups can and will target Iranian missile sites before they land , if they feel like it they can launch few nukes on you , and trust me no one in the world can do jack about it .. 5 nukes on Iran and Iran will panic and game over my friend , Their Ships has Aegis AD systems which among the best in world, your missiles will and can easily be stopped , not to forget their stealth bombers, Advance Jamming , intel/recon etc
When did America get involved in Yemeni war with its full extent ? you do know we are discussing a scenario if Iran go to war against US, not KSA .. Iran can easily take on KSA and most likely defeat them too .

No bro, Trust me no one will come to either your aid or can do jack about US, they control everything .. they sanction Russia and bring them to their knees , Yes Russians are getting better at Geo Political game but they need more time .
there is no official number for our missiles, once some official said 450 thousands. the number possibly contains long range artillery rockets, on other occasion other official said we have 10 thousand ballistic missiles aimed at Israel. this number could be all of our stockpile or just the ones exclusively for Israel. our cruise missile inventory is unknown but i assume it's growing fast.
There is third dimension here, which people are not discussion, what if {} did it.
What strategic gains did this strike got Iran?

There's no pride in terrorism... irrespective whatever gain you earned out of it.
All what Iran is doing is creating a reason for US to stay put in the region.
Iran surely have crossed the limits, let's see what it brings to the region.
Looking from Pakistani perspective, increased oil price would surely sink us.

There is third dimension here, which people are not discussion, what if {} did it.

Actually, People are discussing it only here and on Pakistan social media, with full freedom.
However, for sane people discussing is no proof, while proof is in Saudi hands.

Wrong, 1-2 bombs will not destroy the world , in case Pakistan and India goes to war with their nukes, it will have long lasting effects but not 1-2 nukes on a country that endanger the World Economics and trade routes .

Correct your facts, India don't have nukes.
If they have than those are not successfully tested, at least theirs no such data collected by the watch dog agencies.
Also Pakistan have tactical weapons, which are not going to hurt any one else besides Indian army. SO please refrain from painting a gloomy picture for the entire world, with regards to Pakistani nukes.
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Israeli expert: Iran wanted to mock U.S/Saudi air defenses, Iranian drones were able to pass through all radars.
aparat.com | کارشناسان اسرائیلی :ایران سامانه های آمریکایی را به سخره گرفت

Why you guys are so delusional about world ? you don't have some alien technology which cant be stopped or countered, your most of the stuff is based on Ex USSR , and even Russia themselves are not that delusional than Iranians . Attacking a Oil refinery is different than Attack the Super power .
Unlike you, we live in real world, The real world in which all American (and the rest of west) junkie radar and air defenses around aramco failed against Yemenis' primitive drone attack, and that was while Houthis warned them on their intention, yes we live in this world, but perhaps in other dimensions which you live in, things are different!

LOL, You think USSR era stuff haunted MQ-4 from 90km away? or captured RQ170? maybe your brain has stopped there, but certainly not Iranian tech.
Iran surely have crossed the limits, let's see what it brings to the region.
Looking from Pakistani perspective, increased oil price would surely sink us.

Are we destined to play by the book? U.n sanctions only come into action if there's a state level dealing - - - - -.
Are we destined to play by the book? U.n sanctions only come into action if there's a state level dealing - - - - -.
I failed to understand, what are you referring to because what you quoted is not in context of your statement.
I failed to understand, what are you referring to because what you quoted is not in context of your statement.

Smuggling of quality oil and gas via Iran and other sources under the state patronage
why you Iranians are obsessed with Hollywood ? you really think US needs to brag about hollywood technology ? when they are leading in Military tech ?
about holly wood movie bic you think they are real and rembo thing the marines in us navy are all rembosbut they are marines who crying like who res when they arrested 2.this greatest tec is in rq170 and global hawk so what happend to them didyou thing f22 are invisible lol we detect f22 in PERSIAN GULF weblind their sat in space with laser and usa cant py for big war and if do its collapse right now china going to be first economic power
about holly wood movie bic you think they are real and rembo thing the marines in us navy are all rembosbut they are marines who crying like who res when they arrested 2.this greatest tec is in rq170 and global hawk so what happend to them didyou thing f22 are invisible lol we detect f22 in PERSIAN GULF weblind their sat in space with laser and usa cant py for big war and if do its collapse right now china going to be first economic power

Its weird that you are saying that I am obsessed with Hollywood but it is you who are constantly mentioning Hollywood ..

Israeli expert: Iran wanted to mock U.S/Saudi air defenses, Iranian drones were able to pass through all radars.
aparat.com | کارشناسان اسرائیلی :ایران سامانه های آمریکایی را به سخره گرفت

Unlike you, we live in real world, The real world in which all American (and the rest of west) junkie radar and air defenses around aramco failed against Yemenis' primitive drone attack, and that was while Houthis warned them on their intention, yes we live in this world, but perhaps in other dimensions which you live in, things are different!

LOL, You think USSR era stuff haunted MQ-4 from 90km away? or captured RQ170? maybe your brain has stopped there, but certainly not Iranian tech.

You know in real world which I doubt Iran wants to live in US is far far ahead of Russia/China/Europe Combine .. Iran is not even in a race, you can compare yourself with some regional powers that's it , but Who am i to wake you up from this delusional dreams , they are free so keep dreaming my friend .

there is no official number for our missiles, once some official said 450 thousands. the number possibly contains long range artillery rockets, on other occasion other official said we have 10 thousand ballistic missiles aimed at Israel. this number could be all of our stockpile or just the ones exclusively for Israel. our cruise missile inventory is unknown but i assume it's growing fast.

Interesting numbers .
why would i keep my trust on US ? I am a Pakistani they won't come to our aid, they didn't do anything in Feb for us , I am just saying there is a gigantic military/Technology gap between Iran and US , Acknowledge that before you look like fools to think that you can take on US .
For sure the US has a significant qualitative edge in terms of military tech over Iran. However, the US also had a huge qualitative (and quantitative) edge over the Vietcong and they still lost the Vietnam war. Israel had a huge qualitative edge over Hezbollah and they still lost that war in 2006.

So you should consider asymmetric warfare as a means of leveraging defensive advantages to overcome such a qualitative disadvantage. In fact, this has been Iran's main focus for the past 3 decades in preparation for an attack by the US.

I have doubt about this strike .
1. It was very much precision strike. All target were hit with pinpoint accuracy .
2.How come world most strongest defence/anti missile mechanism went to sleep.
3.We didn't notice any jolt in oil prices in the market, except 15 hike for short while.
4.After this strike world most controversial Aramco IPO again in jeopardy .
Someone is doing something behind the door.
1. Cruise missiles and drones can be very accurate, they do not travel at supersonic speeds or along a ballistic trajectory like ballistic missiles (which makes guidance difficult). Mostly what was hit were huge storage tanks, so a CEP of approx 5m would probably have been sufficient. Also the sites were located in the Eastern Province of KSA by the Persian Gulf, this region is mostly shia Muslim, so it's possible there was some on-the-ground intelligence.
2. Air defence is always at a disadvantage against an attacker. The real operational statistics of the Patriot vs Iraqi Scuds and Yemeni missiles shows this. Also, the Patriot is very limited. It has only one radar and the radar is limited to a 120 degree field of vision, i.e. if the attack comes from the other 240 degrees it will not be detected by the Patriot's radar to begin with. That is what happened here (drones/cruise missiles can fly a certain trajectory to avoid detected).
3. That 15% hike in the price of crude oil was the biggest increase since 1991 - almost 30 years! That is pretty significant.
4. The Aramco IPO is a ploy by KSA and has not happened for many years already.
These batteries are still located afar from the targets that were struck

FALSE. There was an active Patriot battery FIVE KILOMETRES away from the Abqaiq Oil facilities. The coordinates for the Patriot battery are 25°56'30.11"N 49°43'56.19"E and the oil facilities are just 5 km west.

drawing circles is an amateur game and prove nothing

radar coverage in this sector is reportedly poor


There. Not circles. But them not being circles is a testament to one of the most critical weaknesses of the Patriot system. It lacks 360° coverage as exhibited in the S-300 and S-400 systems. The lack of this is a weakness. The Saudis failing to cover for this doesn't detract from the Patriot's flaws.

The oil refinery in question is/was not shielded by any variant of Patriot defense system, period.


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