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Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

@yavar whats your personal opinion on this incident?

Now you can see who is real agent of isreal ,,,,, they want Shia - Sunni war bro ….. Sanctions got them hard , they want way out .. Now they are out in open ..
Keep in mind KSA never attacked main land iran or even helped any group to attack that big ..
are you blind or wahabi terrorist and terrorist maker supporter and lover of bensaw .who first attack yemenies .who sanctions qarar .who saide we take the war to iranian land .who attacks iran parliament you are someone of those people in the region who pays by saudi .who help usa to sanction us and they are slaves of saudi money poor creature .no honer

I only know that relations were not that bad.. you have to curse your own regime which has brought your country to the brink of destruction.. sorry to say..
are you iranian to know our government do that .who said that to you .our country may have some westerner stealer liberals leader but you must keep quite .your country is worse in this case so first go and make right in yours then come talk about your good work to us until we do the same.

Well there will be a sectarian war in Pakistan as well.

But as you said, this is going to get nastier..

Remember, Indian RAW works right under the noses of Iranian regime... and our General Pasha is involved in UAE dismantling RAW network.. The future alliance structure is very much visible.
why you pak thinks we iranian must sacrifice our selves for paks what you done for us to want say that your govwrnment in past and now is ally of saudi and help them to attack and ill kids and women in yemens .the whabbi terrorist have base in paks soil and paks government do nothing about them and they attacks iran from your land so go wash your face maybe wake up of sleep and see your government mans pays by saudi and dont blame iran for that to have relations with india for our interests

That is something KSA and GCC has to decide what they can do or will do with Iran ..You just pray that America did not jump in this war cause if that happen , Iran will even worse than Syria ..

I agree Iran show its Aggressive Posture towards its enemy, in a certain way yes it was brave to antagonize your enemy but if a war breaks out a lot of people will die on both sides .
why u say that .what you think we must do let the usa drone bomb our lands and lie some country do nothing .are you we must do that or let usa rob us our resources and like saudi fools pay us by hit above our neck .if they want war(they dont and even dont see dream of that) we ready and we going to destroy all enemy and their wealth with us but i dont thing they can destroy us even usa

Sorry to say but against America , Your equipment is like fighting with sticks and stones against fully automatic rifle. But against KSA yes you guys are a even match
sorry i say that but our sticks shut down global hawks and downed rq-170 and make fun of rembo marines in PERSIAN GULF but pak nukes i think made of plastic bic the usa bombed u like you are not human and do operations in your soil like they dont see you with that stick you have and no ice cream to eat with them even
why u say that .what you think we must do let the usa drone bomb our lands and lie some country do nothing .are you we must do that or let usa rob us our resources and like saudi fools pay us by hit above our neck .if they want war(they dont and even dont see dream of that) we ready and we going to destroy all enemy and their wealth with us but i dont thing they can destroy us even usa

You have the right to protect your country same as Saudi's, so you are not innocent here either , as for War Iranians think they can take on anyone or everyone , its just delusional we will see what happen when Iran face a proper enemy in a all out war . Forget about US, if US concentrate 25% of its Armed forces to attack Iran it will be more than enough .
You have the right to protect your country same as Saudi's, so you are not innocent here either , as for War Iranians think they can take on anyone or everyone , its just delusional we will see what happen when Iran face a proper enemy in a all out war . Forget about US, if US concentrate 25% of its Armed forces to attack Iran it will be more than enough .
They (U.S) love to concentrate in their ships and military bases, super easy targets for Iranian missiles.
They (U.S) love to concentrate in their ships and military bases, super easy targets for Iranian missiles.

You do know that they have AD on their Ships and Military bases ? AD like Patriot PAC-3 and THAAD ? Also you do know that America has more Missiles than you do ? with Nuclear Warhead and MIRV Technology ? You really think you will launch a CM or BM on a US base and get away with it ?
I love you man, but you should not be saying stuff like this on a forum full of spies.

Loose lips sink ship. Don't get surprised if someone show his post in upcoming UNGA meeting.. lol
You do know that they have AD on their Ships and Military bases ? AD like Patriot PAC-3 and THAAD ? Also you do know that America has more Missiles than you do ? with Nuclear Warhead and MIRV Technology ? You really think you will launch a CM or BM on a US base and get away with it ?
You mean air defenses like the ones which were protecting Aramco? good for Hollywood fans!

No, their missiles in the region isn't bigger than Iran, while they are concentrated and are easy targets for Iran. Americans wont find any important target to fire at. this is the concept of asymmetric warfare.
remember how these idiots were thinking they have destroyed all of Yemeni missiles?

The era of nuclear toys are over. if they use nuclear, then from Russia to Pakistan, India and China, they all have very good reason to arm Iran with nuclear bombs as well, otherwise they all have to deal with poisoned environment.
You mean air defenses like the ones which were protecting Aramco? good for Hollywood fans!

No, their missiles in the region isn't bigger than Iran, while they are concentrated and are easy targets for Iran. Americans wont find any important target to fire at. this is the concept of asymmetric warfare.
remember how these idiots were thinking they have destroyed all of Yemeni missiles?

The era of nuclear toys are over. if they use nuclear, then from Russia to Pakistan, India and China, they all have very good reason to arm Iran with nuclear bombs as well, otherwise they all have to deal with poisoned environment.
You hit the jackpot......everyone is looking for a eccuse to make nuke.....if the countries like Iran Beasil S.korea been persuaded that nukes give them deterence they go for it
You do know that they have AD on their Ships and Military bases ? AD like Patriot PAC-3 and THAAD ? Also you do know that America has more Missiles than you do ? with Nuclear Warhead and MIRV Technology ? You really think you will launch a CM or BM on a US base and get away with it ?

Iran has atleast an order of magnitude more ballistic missiles in its 2000km radius than all of US and it's it's a combined in the 2000 km vicinity. In addition, Iran can mobilize millions throughout the region storming all American bases and embassies taking vast amount of Americans hostage. Nevermind the fact that US best air defence did jack shit in Saudi Arabia.
Iran has atleast an order of magnitude more ballistic missiles in its 2000km radius than all of US and it's it's a combined in the 2000 km vicinity. In addition, Iran can mobilize millions throughout the region storming all American bases and embassies taking vast amount of Americans hostage. Nevermind the fact that US best air defence did jack shit in Saudi Arabia.

Can you provide a source that Iran has more BM than America ? how many are tipped with Nuclear Warhead ? Can any of your missile reach US main land ? you really think your missiles are some Alien tech that can defeat world best AD systems ? ? Come on ...

You mean air defenses like the ones which were protecting Aramco? good for Hollywood fans!

Why you guys are so delusional about world ? you don't have some alien technology which cant be stopped or countered, your most of the stuff is based on Ex USSR , and even Russia themselves are not that delusional than Iranians . Attacking a Oil refinery is different than Attack the Super power .

No, their missiles in the region isn't bigger than Iran, while they are concentrated and are easy targets for Iran. Americans wont find any important target to fire at. this is the concept of asymmetric warfare.
remember how these idiots were thinking they have destroyed all of Yemeni missiles?

Do you have any source that America has less missiles than Iran ? America battle carrier groups can and will target Iranian missile sites before they land , if they feel like it they can launch few nukes on you , and trust me no one in the world can do jack about it .. 5 nukes on Iran and Iran will panic and game over my friend , Their Ships has Aegis AD systems which among the best in world, your missiles will and can easily be stopped , not to forget their stealth bombers, Advance Jamming , intel/recon etc
When did America get involved in Yemeni war with its full extent ? you do know we are discussing a scenario if Iran go to war against US, not KSA .. Iran can easily take on KSA and most likely defeat them too .

The era of nuclear toys are over. if they use nuclear, then from Russia to Pakistan, India and China, they all have very good reason to arm Iran with nuclear bombs as well, otherwise they all have to deal with poisoned environment.

No bro, Trust me no one will come to either your aid or can do jack about US, they control everything .. they sanction Russia and bring them to their knees , Yes Russians are getting better at Geo Political game but they need more time .
Can you provide a source that Iran has more BM than America ? how many are tipped with Nuclear Warhead ? Can any of your missile reach US main land ? you really think your missiles are some Alien tech that can defeat world best AD systems ? ? Come on ...

Why you guys are so delusional about world ? you don't have some alien technology which cant be stopped or countered, your most of the stuff is based on Ex USSR , and even Russia themselves are not that delusional than Iranians . Attacking a Oil refinery is different than Attack the Super power .

Do you have any source that America has less missiles than Iran ? America battle carrier groups can and will target Iranian missile sites before they land , if they feel like it they can launch few nukes on you , and trust me no one in the world can do jack about it .. 5 nukes on Iran and Iran will panic and game over my friend , Their Ships has Aegis AD systems which among the best in world, your missiles will and can easily be stopped , not to forget their stealth bombers, Advance Jamming , intel/recon etc
When did America get involved in Yemeni war with its full extent ? you do know we are discussing a scenario if Iran go to war against US, not KSA .. Iran can easily take on KSA and most likely defeat them too .

No bro, Trust me no one will come to either your aid or can do jack about US, they control everything .. they sanction Russia and bring them to their knees , Yes Russians are getting better at Geo Political game but they need more time .
Stop! Just stop! Any country using a single hydrogen bomb will mean death to all humanity. It’s a deterrence weapon. Using 1 means deterrence is gone and domino effect of nations trying to knock of others arsenal begins. This is a well understood fact.
Stop! Just stop! Any country using a single hydrogen bomb will mean death to all humanity. It’s a deterrence weapon. Using 1 means deterrence is gone and domino effect of nations trying to knock of others arsenal begins. This is a well understood fact.

Wrong, 1-2 bombs will not destroy the world , in case Pakistan and India goes to war with their nukes, it will have long lasting effects but not 1-2 nukes on a country that endanger the World Economics and trade routes .
Wrong, 1-2 bombs will not destroy the world , in case Pakistan and India goes to war with their nukes, it will have long lasting effects but not 1-2 nukes on a country that endanger the World Economics and trade routes .
Because you don’t think further than your nose reaches.

The hour US bombs Iran, it is a proof to all other countries that if they come into a conflict with US then they might get bombed as well. First country which will fire away is North Korea. Or even better. Since US knows that North Koreans might use the bomb out of fear then they might try to knock them out first which will then alarm the Chinese which in their turn...nuclear holocaust!
This is the domino effect and it is a well known fact. If you are unaware of this fact then I can’t help you. It’s called nuclear deterrence. Go read about it!
Because you don’t think further than your nose reaches.

The hour US bombs Iran, it is a proof to all other countries that if they come into a conflict with US then they might get bombed as well. First country which will fire away is North Korea. Or even better. Since US knows that North Koreans might use the bomb out of fear then they might try to knock them out first which will then alarm the Chinese which in their turn...nuclear holocaust!
This is the domino effect and it is a well known fact. If you are unaware of this fact then I can’t help you. It’s called nuclear deterrence. Go read about it!

Rich coming from Iranian, lets make one thing clear I don't want war let alone used of Nukes in a war , but trust me NK , China and Russia combine can't do nothing if USA put its whole Military power to use .. Ask any learned person about the Capabilities of US Military . Just their navy has more Jets than many AF's fighters combined .
America will not use nukes like that but one thing for sure if God forbids they ever decide to use it , No one and I repeat NO one will come to help you, No Nuclear deterrence , No Allies , no nothing .. They control the UN, they control the most powerful economies , they have powerful Allies (NATO) they have military bases all over the world you won't know where to hit .

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