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Analysis : What used to attack saudi oil facilities?

Well it is like this

USSR/ Russia (Scud Missile Tech.) -------> Iran (modifies, extends, adds some bells & whistles) --------> Houthis (paint jobs, new names) ======> :sniper::sniper::sniper: on KSA ..... and then PAC3 fail, US forces and radars fail to stop or even detect... I must say that's a big win for Iran.

KSA should contemplate why did PAC3 or other countermeasures did not work? and I'm sure they are doing it right now
Rest, most of Irani members on PDF seem to accept that it was done by Houthis with Irani support... though some Pakistani members are coming up theories that it is USA or Israel.

It is not like the patriot missile system is a total scam. If PAF can track and shoot down Iranian drones with very old radar systems, then I think Patriot could at least try to engage them. It is beyond understanding that the systems did not respond at all.
I will only believe that Iran launched cruise missiles from her mainland if all the evidences fit like a puzzle.

PAF interception of Iranian drone:

I think that the air defence systems in the oil fields were offline to begin with. Israel could have cooperated with the Saudis to attack the site with Iranian look-alike missiles & drones, so that USA could make the next move against Iran. Both Israel and S.A would be happy.
It is not like the patriot missile system is a total scam. If PAF can track and shoot down Iranian drones with very old radar systems, then I think Patriot could at least try to engage them. It is beyond understanding that the systems did not respond at all.
I will only believe that Iran launched cruise missiles from her mainland if all the evidences fit like a puzzle.

PAF interception of Iranian drone:

I think that the air defence systems in the oil fields were offline to begin with. Israel could have cooperated with the Saudis to attack the site with Iranian look-alike missiles & drones, so that USA could make the next move against Iran. Both Israel and S.A would be happy.
You are comparing huge high RCS S-129 with small suicide drones? Lol
Depends on the size of full tank and total weight !

Everything they said about soumar is a big lie for political reasons ... It's range is +2000 km and designed to carry nuclear warheads if needed in future !

Hoveizeh is a cheaper variant for conventional missions ...
I love you man, but you should not be saying stuff like this on a forum full of spies.
I follow my Prophet, who taught his people to go to any extent to reach peace and avoid War . Trust me God doesn't Chose Side, he stopped after the death of Muhammad pbuh .

No one avoid peace and talks .. Iran is a country that has not attacked/invaded any country in the past 3 centuries what about others? and God would never stop choosing side he would side with righteous side . Prophet (pbuh) legacy on peace must be seen by his 27-8 wars he led during his life ... God verses on peace must be read next to verses for war ...
On going to any extent to reach peace and avoid War I would ask you how many times we should ask for talks? and how many times we should hear back NO?

Overcoming Regional Challenges in the Middle East: An Iranian Perspective
Chatham House, London

Q: Do you see a time where Saudi Arabia and Iran will collaborate? When will that be?
Mohammad Javad Zarif:
Tomorrow, if they're ready. We didn't break diplomatic relations. I'm saying it, and I'm saying it with every possible intention. We are ready to engage with all our neighbours in the Persian Gulf for security in the region, starting tomorrow. If they're ready

Iranian foreign minister urges regional cooperation after returning from Oman, Qatar

“We have repeatedly suggested a system of dialogue in the Persian Gulf, but unfortunately this has not been acknowledged by some countries, who see their future through tension, pressure and imposing on neighbors,” Zarif said, according to state media.

Zarif Says Neither Saudis Nor Iran Can Dominate Middle East; Talks Needed
Zarif said there is "a dire need for change" and "Iran is ready for it because we are big enough, old enough, mature enough to appreciate this reality."
"None of us can become the new hegemon" in the region, he said. "The era of hegemonic influence is long gone," he said. "Neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia can be the hegemons of the region. That's a fact."
Zarif called for a new "regional dialogue forum" that would include five Gulf Cooperation Council countries along with Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. He said such a dialogue has the potential to transform the Middle East.

Furthermore Iran responded to Kuwait's plan of dialogue positively in way Iran president had a trip to Kuwait to show Iran readiness for solving problems & misunderstandings .. despite the fact that dialogue plan was initiated by all members of PGCC including Saudis, they refused of taking any further step & Rohuni trip became pointless and no talk took place..

"...Sources told Kuwaiti daily Al Seyassah that Rouhani’s visit is linked to the message from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to Iran to start a strategic dialogue.

The message was conveyed last month by Kuwait’s Foreign Minister Shaikh Sabah Al Khalid Al Sabah to Rouhani in Tehran.

The GCC countries agreed at their summit in Manama in December to send a message to their neighbour that would centre on starting a dialogue based on the principles of good neighbourliness, non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries and respect for the sovereignty of other countries, the official said..."

So if you are really after peace no partner can be found better than Iran, but if your choice is in another direction we would not stand idle letting you destroy us by the US commands..

So you are willing to risk countless of your civilians lives over a Gas shortage in few countries ? Is that how much the lives of Iranians worth to its leaders ?
As for Pakistan, we were never be part of this Persian and Arab war , Shia Sunni Conflict cause its a war between two cults who are destroying Islam . I would rather have both of Ayatuallah's and House of Saud hang for the crimes they did . Thank God Pakistan stay out of this ..

The best commander ain't the want whom wins many wars but the one that wins before war getting started, if lives of Iranians had no worth to their leaders Iran would not be the safest country in the region full of chaos and terrorism .... the point is not the so-called Gas shortage in few countries but about consequences of a war against Iran which could make war-mangoes reflect twice when it comes to a war to Iran .. war with Iran would not cause shortage gas in few countries it'd lead to total collapse of international economy ...we give them a perspective to see things more clear ....

On the other hand it's neither a Persian/Arab war nor Shia/Sunni war don't bring such a sectarian color to every analyses you dish out ... we have good relations with many Arab Sunni countries ... we helped Sunni Bosni, Arbil, Afghaniastan , Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait so don't mix things up .... many Sunnis live in Iran without any problem. today Saudis representing the US hegemony in the region and that's the roots of the problem, invading of Yemen is the problem, starving people targeting hospital are the problem ... arming isis is the problem ... END....
It would be cool to see PAF F-16s flying in combat formation with Israeli airforce.

It is not like the patriot missile system is a total scam. If PAF can track and shoot down Iranian drones with very old radar systems, then I think Patriot could at least try to engage them. It is beyond understanding that the systems did not respond at all.
I will only believe that Iran launched cruise missiles from her mainland if all the evidences fit like a puzzle.

PAF interception of Iranian drone:

I think that the air defence systems in the oil fields were offline to begin with. Israel could have cooperated with the Saudis to attack the site with Iranian look-alike missiles & drones, so that USA could make the next move against Iran. Both Israel and S.A would be happy.

Bro ... S-129 not designed for cross bordering operations!

It's for patrolling and attacking terrorists ...

S-129 powered by a piston engine and flying slow ... same size of MQ-1 !

Shooting it down is not a big deal at all ...

You are comparing huge high RCS S-129 with small suicide drones? Lol

Caused by lack of knowledge ...

I love you man, but you should not be saying stuff like this on a forum full of spies.

Bro ... They already know what we have ! (Almost :D)

I am a normal person !

A fan boy ... But a fan boy who reads :)

There is no need to get nukes when you have China guarding your back

Never let others to guard your back ... They can finger or stab your behind !

We can't trust anybody ...

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