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An open letter to Hamas


Jun 2, 2012
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I'm not exactly sure whether or not the Isrealis or Americans are blocking my connections to the Hamas forum at http://amoltaqa.ps, or if the Hamas moderators are not interested to hear my viewpoint, so I'd like to post this message as an open letter here on this forum as well;

From: Peristalsi​so Peacefan
TO: english@almoltaqa.ps, info@cia.gov, nsapao@nsa.gov, noc@tehila.gov.il
Subject: please, please, allow me to post on your forum (account pending)‏


I've just created an account on your forum, which I would very much like to use to post the following message on your forum, for consideration by the leadership of Hamas;

If you do not approve my account then please at least me know this by e-mail to this address I'm sending you from now, and please forward the text below to the Hamas leadership.
I would like to know if my account has been blocked by Hamas, or if it has been blocked by the Americans / Israelis..

subject : I feel for the suffering of the Palestinian people, and want to do something about it.


With violence once again hitting Palestinian streets, and another
ground invasion by Israeli troops in the works, I come to you as a
white Dutch man who hates to see suffering caused by violence. For any

I am of the opinion we humans had better spend our energy and efforts
on agriculture, non-violent art forms, and commerce, rather than
making war on each other.

And I am somewhat of an amateur diplomat, using online forums and
twitter and facebook (all under my own name, which I can't reveal
here, yet) to motivate various groups that hold political and military
power towards peace and agriculture.

While I support Israel's right to defend it's citizens from rocket
attacks from Palestinian lands, I also support the Palestinian wish to
be free from oppression by the Israelis.

And in this time of hardship for the Palestinian people, I wish to
extend my hand of friendship towards Hamas and the PLO. As a white
european with a trackrecord of supporting Israel's right to defend
itself, I am in a better position also to criticise the Israeli
government on various issues that cause Palestinians to hate the
Israelis so much that these Palestinians resort to (what are (in my
opinion) in military sense quite futile) missile strikes against
Israeli population centers.

I can not just simply deliver a list of demands to the Israelis, but I
can listen to Palestinian wishes for better treatment by the Israelis.
And this can be anything from less occupation to more travel rights to
less water-stealing by the Israelis. I humbly request that
Palestinians think carefully about what gestures of de-escalation they
want in what priority from the Israelis, and I'll promise to deliver
this to the Israeli people and government and military leadership.

The Israelis are notorious for not allowing anyone to disagree with
them. I found that out firsthand by getting an IP-ban on their
israelmilitary.net forum (which I can bypass when I want),
when I criticised their "asymmetrical warfare" during operation cast lead,
which I found way too harsh and having created way too many innocent
Palestinian victims. Now the Israelis are about to do the same thing
all over again, and it looks like this "process" will have to be
repeated about every 5 years, creating a never ending cycle of
hatred and violence, not just for the Palestinian people,
but between all Muslims and NATO+Israel+friends.

I'd really like to do something about this, to help out in some
(albeit perhaps limited) way. Even if that means I will miss out on
business opportunities here in my comfortable and safe home. The
apathy that some of my European peers have for the entire muslim
conflict is disgusting me sometimes, but I can not hate my European
peers for focussing on their own families and lives, certainly not in
these somewhat hard economic times. All I can do is donate my own time
and energy towards, and use the safety of the Internet to, being a
messenger between the warring parties.

I've been doing this, playing amateur diplomat sorta-say, for several years now.
And Hamas, I do have several alternative tactics and strategies for
you, some of which I'll outline very briefly in this first post here;

- switch to non-violent resistance forms;
* use cameras and youtube to document and spread the word of how
Israeli hatred against Palestinians is causing Israelis to mistreat
* besides creating "complaint videos", also create videos in which
the peaceful business efforts of the Palestinian people are
documented. This to show that not all Palestinians are in the business
of making war against the Israelis.
* use youtube, twitter and facebook as a means to spread these
non-violent complaints about Israelis to the world, thereby lifting
this conflict from the dimension of physical violence into the
dimension of political debate. I'm most willing to assist the
Palestinian people(s) in how not to get aggitated by Israelis, who
will probably try to provoke you at every turn in the initial 20 years
of employing these strategies.

- stop accepting weapons from those Muslim nations who keep using you
as a violent proxy against Israel.
* thereby immediately removing Israel's permission in the
international community to hurt your innocent children and citizens

I'll leave it at this for now, Hamas. I'd like to know in plain terms if
you're willing to even consider a non-violent resistance form against
Take your time to properly discuss this with eachother. I'd greatly
appreciate it if you can even discuss this.
I know you have a war to fight at this moment,
but the survivors of this war have to ask themselves the
tough question: is this what we want for our people?
/epic facepalm

in re to apathy: they get food and money since 1993....appears magically somehow on the airport....money is in the billions category, just recently 200 million allocated....
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The Israeli's MIGHT have picked this fight, but it's the Palestinians who are investing in those futile rockets, and then firing them KNOWING the Israeli response!

what a stupid response. a group of people who have been in an unlawful blockade, have their freedom restricted and are backed in a corner. how can somebody come up with a reasoning for this?
from: Peristalsiso Peacefan
to: Hamas <english@almoltaqa.ps>,
cc : CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, Mossad <noc@tehila.gov.il>
subject: the advantages of talking to a mid-section of government.

Hello again.

I see that you have not yet approved my account for posting on the Hamas English forum. I regret that, but I have some more insights to share with you anyway; Please forward this to your senior AND mid-section leadership members;

It may seem that I as an amateur diplomat have very little to say in the halls of political power (among NATO, Israel or Muslim governments).
But it only seems that way..

As you all know, negotiations between governments done through official diplomats in luxury surroundings can be very irrelevant and fruitless.

Personally, I have achieved better results by talking to the mid-sections of a government and leadership. For if you convince that mid-section, the leadership has to follow that new trend of decision making.

In 2006 or 2007, the massmedia in the USA was calling quite loudly for military action against Iran's nuclear weapons program.
I was severely against such military action at that time, because it would lead without a doubt to a loss in the arena where the battle for the moral highground was fought; online forums and Muslim Jihadist recruitment sites. Simply put, Iran had not yet finished a nuclear weapon, therefore it could be said by Jihadists that this was another very illegal invasion of a sovereign Muslim nation.
To make a long story short, the Americans were not convinced quickly when I entered their Republican forum on compuserve.com. But eventually, they asked me the question: "Ok, what would you do instead". And I advocated to at least postpone that war. While the hawks on that forum continued to call for war, and I resumed my verbal conflict with those hawks (leading to a ban of my account there), the mass-media in the USA did stop calling for war, and in the end the war WAS postponed, giving many Iranians at least some years of peace, and saving NATO from another expensive war just before the economic crisis hit their lands.
I'm still not, and probably will never, be quite sure if it was poor young me that prevented the regime change mission of NATO in Iran that year. But I like to think that I influenced some influential Americans and Illuminati members to at least postpone that war then.

So far, this is the only "evidence" I can give you to show that amateur diplomats like me CAN have an impact on what wars get fought when.

And let me be clear; I'm not against violent resistance against oppression by principle. I'm against FUTILE violent resistance, the kind of violent resistance that only makes your own people suffer.

I do think that Hamas' violent resistance against Israel is FUTILE at the moment, and will ALWAYS remain that futile because Israel+NATO will not allow Muslims to attain the same weapons technology as NATO+Israel has and is developing. So do not get your hopes up, Hamas, that Iran will be able to pass you a working nuclear weapon to be used against Israel. I for one would now support a NATO+Israel regime change mission vs Iran. I have clarified this position at http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/53979-iaea-hypocrisy-israeli-nukes-66.html#post3568582

I therefore ask you Hamas English forum moderators again to allow me onto your forum (with the same account as the one I'm sending this message from), so that I can convince YOUR mid-section leadership and upper leadership of the virtues and advantages of exclusively-non-violent resistance forms against Israel.
I sincerely promise not to put you in mental distress without providing you with real alternative forms of resistance that will bear fruit for you within 10 years.

Please consider the fact that Israelis will continue to kill, humiliate, scare and provoke Palestinians, leaders and ordinary folk alike. You of Hamas can escalate that into another futile war in which too many Palestinian innocent people will die, children among them, or you can take the bloody nose that is the assasination of yet another one of your leaders. By making your own people pay the price for the leadership aspirations of your own top leaders, you declare yourselves somewhat evil.

As an example of HOW TO WIN AGAINST THE ISRAELIS, consider how the Brittish provoked and killed many Indians (from India), before Ghandi and his connections to western newspapers made it clear that India deserved independance from Brittain. But by his tactics and strategies, Ghandi prevented many innocent loss of life among his Indian followers.
Hamas can go Ghandi on the Israeli's, and I'm willing to help EVERY step along the way.
Please approve my account on your forum, and allow me to post these 2 messages and more on your forum.

I will also post this message on defence.pk as another open letter to you.
I will soon send you the link.

With regards,
and hoping you will see the light,
Peristalsiso Peacefan
The Israeli retaliation is excessive, the response disproportionate.
The Israeli retaliation is excessive, the response disproportionate.

Sometimes, yes. But Hamas has stocked up on rockets, and will keep firing those rockets. The Israelis are of the opinion that these rockets have to be destroyed, possibly with another ground invasion and the related loss of innocent Palestinian lives, and so long as Hamas keeps investing in rockets instead of video cameras and internet connections, I have to give the Israelis my approval to remove the threat posed by these rockets.

That does not mean to say that while I'm critical of Hamas at the moment, that I will not criticise and advise the Israelis at all.
I do criticise the Israelis, do advise them to be patient and if necessary to let a Jihadist or Hamas military politician live another day in order to save some innocent Palestinian lives.

The Israelis are not immune to the effects of needing to retain the moral highground. The Internet and modern 24/7 live TV (I'm watching AlJazeera English all day round atm) will help keep the number of civilian casualties down.

But it remains an option for Hamas to put all their rockets in plain sight of the Israeli planes, keep their own population and members AWAY from those exposed rockets, and LET the Israelis take them out with pinpoint strikes. What may seem like "capitulation" could in fact be an announcement of a VERY EFFECTIVE change of tactics by Hamas and the Palestinian leaderships.
The power of nonviolent resistance is a myth promoted by repressive regimes to keep their victims in check.

The British did not leave India because of Gandhi; they left because the age of colonialism was over, and colonial empires the world over were shrinking back. All the other colonies got their independence in that era. Without their Gandhi.

Nelson Mandela would have achieved nothing if the dominant Western media hadn't taken up his cause. The true credit for liberating South Africa goes to the Western media for raising awareness and putting global pressure onto the apartheid regime.

Martin Luther King, Jr. also would have been a non-entity were it not for the white media to take up his cause. It was Lyndon B. Johnson who advanced key legislation for the civil rights movement, and that happened because of public pressure drummed up by the white media. Ditto for the Vietnam cause.

Bottom line: if 1000 people show up and the media hypes it up, then it becomes a righteous cause. If 100,000 people show up and the media downplays it, or portrays it as a violent mob, then the cause gets marginalized.

Given the absolute dominance of the Western media by the pro-Israeli lobby, there is no way the Palestinians can get their message across. In what universe can a ruthless group of religious fanatics go over and colonize a foreign land, evict the local residents, proclaim their racial superiority and manifest destiny -- ordained by God himself -- to rule that land, and portray themselves as the victims in all this?
I am considering and fact-checking your post soon. I will reply within a few hours up to 24 hours. Thank you for being the first to actually reply to the alternative I've offered the Palestinians. It's sooner than I expect and deserves a well-thought-out and truthful response.
You are naive, peacefan. This war is not about land, it never was. It is about ideologies.
The same Hamas you are trying to help, the same Arabs you are trying to help, would cut your throat open on a whim if you insulted their way of life.

Your life means nothing to them. To them you are nothing more than a foolish white european man who doesn't understand that the war is of ideologies, one of tyranny and oppression and the other of freedom and justice.

May G-D have mercy on your soul.
I am considering and fact-checking your post soon. I will reply within a few hours up to 24 hours. Thank you for being the first to actually reply to the alternative I've offered the Palestinians. It's sooner than I expect and deserves a well-thought-out and truthful response.

I agree with your basic premise that terrorism hurts the Palestinian cause, but the sad reality is that the Palestinians really have no options. They are between a rock and a hard place.

The Israeli Arabs have chosen the nonviolent option and you can see what is happening in East Jerusalem: the Arabs are being squeezed into ghettos in the face of Jewish encroachment over more and more of the city.
You are naive, peacefan. This war is not about land, it never was. It is about ideologies.
The same Hamas you are trying to help, the same Arabs you are trying to help, would cut your throat open on a whim if you insulted their way of life.

Your life means nothing to them. To them you are nothing more than a foolish white european man who doesn't understand that the war is of ideologies, one of tyranny and oppression and the other of freedom and justice.

May G-D have mercy on your soul.

God is near me every day.. Helping me in this task of peace brokering.

I find your attitude counter-productive. With some research and technical knowhow, it is fairly easy to find out who I am and where I live, and nobody has ever come to kill me. And I don't just insult a persons way of life, I CRITICISE only those choices of people that cause innocent people suffering, and then only in the area of warfare between large groups of people.
God is near me every day.. Helping me in this task of peace brokering.

I find your attitude counter-productive. With some research and technical knowhow, it is fairly easy to find out who I am and where I live, and nobody has ever come to kill me. And I don't just insult a persons way of life, I CRITICISE only those choices of people that cause innocent people suffering, and then only in the area of warfare between large groups of people.
A guy who critisizes them on the internet is nothing to them but if you came up to them and told them that "Israel has the right to defend herself", there is a decent chance you won't leave there alive.

You are an idealist, you don't know what it is to be among them and to know them truly. If you're not careful with how much "helpful advice" you give them, someday you'll find out just how peaceful their ways are.

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