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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Source: http://www.otokar.com.tr/db/tr/urunler/b/ALTAY_BRO_TR.pdf
Laser Guided Missile Launch Ability
Modular Composite / Reactive Armor





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A few months ago there were some discussions about Altay tank's armour whether it was a product of ToT or an indigenous developed one.

Mr. Hayri Torun, Vice President and Head of OES Group at Roketsan Missiles Inc. had an interview with DefenceTurkey and cleared out the question.

Defence Turkey: Roketsan has the responsibility for design and development of the the armour system of the Altay - Turkish Main Battle Tank. As you already mentioned, South Korean company “Rotem” provided technical support to you in this project. Could you explain the co-operation with Rotem according to the sub-contract agreement? Has there been a technology transfer as a result of this co-operation?

An agreement was signed between Roketsan and the Hyundai Rotem company based in South Korea concerning technical support with the approval of SSM, in order to speed up the development process and save time. This technical support agreement covers the technical support for design studies in Turkey. It did not cover the transfer of technology, so we cannot name it as technology transfer. South Korean experts stayed at Roketsan throughout the program and have been really supportive during the development phase at the Ballistic Protection Center. Along this phase, Rotem supported us in equipment supply, software development, armour design as well as its adoption by the Roketsan personnel. This South Korean company has fulfilled mainly its obligation with the accomplishment of the qualification of the armour system. Currently we are performing our activities mostly independent from Rotem company together with our qualified personnel.

Defence Turkey: The armour system developed by Roketsan within the scope of the Altay Project was qualified successfully after completion of the tests conducted in June and July. Could you inform us on the qualification process and how the related program schedule will proceed?

During the system development phase, at first, system verification is performed with the extensive tests and then the qualification process starts in order to prove that the customer requirements are complied with under the extreme conditions. Armour system qualification was the last step we have finalized through the development process of our armour system. We have been through a testing campaign that lasted for one and a half months starting from the beginning of June until Mid-July 2013. The armour tests have been conducted since the beginning of the development phase to check whether the results are in accordance with the expectations. In this period of 1,5 months, the Armour System of Altay Tank was tested with actual ammunition and real sized structures in order to prove that the system has sufficient protection against all threats defined by Turkish Armed Forces and the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. In this respect, we proved to our acceptance committee that all threats are suppressed successfully with our armour systems. Ultimately the armour system has shown its capability to have effective protection against all the threats defined. Our efforts for the improvement of the system will proceed.

Defence Turkey: How will the program schedule proceed?

We are continuously working at the center and together with the research institutions for the development of new materials with better properties to replace the ones being used. On the other hand, we started to work with the potential companies for the local production of the materials procured from the outside sources. Armour System for Altay Program has been successfully qualified and ready for serial production. We wait for the serial production contract to start up where we plan to use all appropriate available local sources. We will manufacture a prototype armour system in line with the project schedule and provide this armour system to Otokar who is the main contractor for Altay Tank System Development. Following this stage there will be another test in which the Armour System shall be installed and after the completion of this test our responsibilities regarding the project shall be accomplished.

Defence Turkey
This Roketsan Armour will be very interesting too for other Tanks ,maybe they can offer it later as an Armour Kit Upgrades!
The Altay is considered a third generation MBT,the Japanese Type-10 is a fourth generation MBT.
Dont know what to think about this.:undecided:
The Altay is considered a third generation MBT,the Japanese Type-10 is a fourth generation MBT.
Dont know what to think about this.:undecided:

There is no clear definition of the generations that I could find. Wikipedia sources vary, some even say that Altay is 4th gen.
Heck, according to the vague definitions on Wikipedia, one could say that Altay is 4th gen since 3.5th gen is described as
basically third generation design and development with fourth generation technology

thus, the Altay has both a 4th gen design and involves the latest technology, AFAIK
There is no clear definition of the generations that I could find. Wikipedia sources vary, some even say that Altay is 4th gen.
Heck, according to the vague definitions on Wikipedia, one could say that Altay is 4th gen since 3.5th gen is described as

thus, the Altay has both a 4th gen design and involves the latest technology, AFAIK
Yep, there is not propper definition if Altay is third or fourth generation.

List of main battle tanks by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A 4th generation MBT designed and produced by Otokar. The Altay will enter serial production phase in 2016. It is expected that a total of 1000 Altays will be produced, in 4 batches of 250 for the Turkish Army.

But why should Altay not be fourth if it has newest weapons and design? What is the difference between third and fourth generation?
I'd like Pakistan to join the project. We posses huge armoured formations and the Altay would prove to be a solid force multiplier in a region full of Russian/Chinese tanks.
I'd like Pakistan to join the project. We posses huge armoured formations and the Altay would prove to be a solid force multiplier in a region full of Russian/Chinese tanks.

* Altay is not suited for our terrain
* We don't have the money to pay ~ 7 million dollars a piece

What we need is to work with Turkey to develop subsystems for our armor as well as on new designs.
* Altay is not suited for our terrain
* We don't have the money to pay ~ 7 million dollars a piece

What we need is to work with Turkey to develop subsystems for our armor as well as on new designs.
7 milion?
5,5 milion no?
When in house production(in Pakistan)would be cheap or not?
Smaller(lighter) Altay maybe?

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