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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

the whole video is made up of speculation and guesswork nothing concrete . test motor weighs 5 t and mtu engine 1.5 t is he serious.
I have watched some of his videoes and I have seen a lot of wrong technical information. I mean a lot! Sometimes he makes videoes and tries to give scientific information but he can't!
MTu engine is 1800 kg and Renk transmission is 2400kg.. he is just mr bullshit.. so many time i heard him making mistakes in his previous videos and stopped watching.
I have never seen him adding anything technocal into his videos.. he has way below knowledge than any of us to be honest.

The fact is that we still don't have anything in our hands - neither the indigenous engine nor a single Altay Tank.
Often, for these reasons, we blame others for "below knowledge" when they try to take care of our problems in public.
The fact is that we still don't have anything in our hands - neither the indigenous engine nor a single Altay Tank.
Often, for these reasons, we blame others for "below knowledge" when they try to take care of our problems in public.
i have different view, probably Active protection system is not ready as building these tanks and not putting in SYrian operations might bring lots of public anger, and putting them in front and getting destroyed might bring another blow...
on the other hand, Turkey has lots of tanks, they dont need to put 6 billion$ into this project when they want to develop 5th generation jet and others.. You are not cash machine.. obviously you will see your priorities.. instead, you can wait several years to get local engine with half price and more..
i have different view, probably Active protection system is not ready as building these tanks and not putting in SYrian operations might bring lots of public anger, and putting them in front and getting destroyed might bring another blow...

TSK already operating with Pulat systems on M60T Tanks in North Syria. Aselsan would easily complete the Akkor system until series production of Altay Tanks. Maybe it's even done..

on the other hand, Turkey has lots of tanks, they dont need to put 6 billion$ into this project when they want to develop 5th generation jet and others.. You are not cash machine.. obviously you will see your priorities.. instead, you can wait several years to get local engine with half price and more..

Right now, there are a large number of new residential projects being built in Turkey.
It is in my view high time to stop massive waste of money in refugees and real estate.
We should better invest money for Altay Tanks instead of empty Toki apartments or horny refugees.
TSK already operating with Pulat systems on M60T Tanks in North Syria. Aselsan would easily complete the Akkor system until series production of Altay Tanks. Maybe it's even done..

Right now, there are a large number of new residential projects being built in Turkey.
It is in my view high time to stop massive waste of money in refugees and real estate.
We should better invest money for Altay Tanks instead of empty Toki apartments or horny refugees.
You think that its bad to invest in Syrians, but you are very narrow minded. let me explain why,
you would get high reconstruction projects from syria, once all those people choose their president. You pay lots of money to gas and petrol, instead you could purchase from them and offer construction, which is over 100-200 billion$.
having friendly nation nearby means a lot after you saw what fighting 30 years with pkk did..
having good relations with them means Israel will have to deal with Turkey as they will be nearby on the border..
You also need them to support you in Aegian sea where everybody is against Turkey and Turkey recently started to work against it with supporting Libia and so on..
not a single great country is built without struggle, if US wouldnt join ww2, they wouldnt be the US of today..
You think that its bad to invest in Syrians, but you are very narrow minded. let me explain why,
you would get high reconstruction projects from syria, once all those people choose their president. You pay lots of money to gas and petrol, instead you could purchase from them and offer construction, which is over 100-200 billion$.

Syria exported only 4 billion US dollar petrol in its best phase.
Why should we wait 50 years until to reach 200 billion US dollar trade volume?
Turkey has already spent over 20 billion US dollar on refugees. No one is interested in a losing business..

having friendly nation nearby means a lot after you saw what fighting 30 years with pkk did..
having good relations with them means Israel will have to deal with Turkey as they will be nearby on the border..
You also need them to support you in Aegian sea where everybody is against Turkey and Turkey recently started to work against it with supporting Libia and so on..

Israel has a military base in Azerbaijan. The opposite is the case, now we have to deal with Israel near our border. Good work Brother!! I can hardly wait which surprises our Syrian "friends" will give us in the future.

not a single great country is built without struggle, if US wouldnt join ww2, they wouldnt be the US of today..

America not joining a war? How ridiculous!
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Syria exported only 4 billion US dollar petrol in its best phase.
Why should we wait 50 years until to reach 200 billion US dollar trade volume?
Turkey has already spent over 20 billion US dollar on refugees. No one is interested in a losing business..

Israel has a military base in Azerbaijan. The opposite is the case, now we have to deal with Israel near our border. Good work Brother!! I can hardly wait which surprises our Syrian "friends" will give us in the future.

America not joining a war? How ridiculous!
why do you say clear lie here? Show me a single Israeli base in Azerbaijan?
Why do you read stupid news and dont read the answers about it?
right after that every person, including president said that they will never let others use Azerbaijani teritory to use against others, especially Iran.. There is a reason Azerbaijan currently have very good relations with Iran too.
Thats what im talking about. some of you are bunch of kids and believe every single word you hear.. same with the guy who made the video, MTU has 1.5T weight and Turkish engine has 5T, get the hell out of here... If he would do a little research of metallurgy(including you), he would understand that is not impossible...
Why do you read stupid news and dont read the answers about it?

If you don't like a story that concerns Azerbaycan, you can hide it.
All you have to do is close your eyes..


right after that every person, including president said that they will never let others use Azerbaijani teritory to use against others, especially Iran.. There is a reason Azerbaijan currently have very good relations with Iran too.

Israeli Air Force use the Sitalchay Military Airbase. Politicians are lying in the face of the facts, turning godless atheists acting in into believer - You're the best example of that.
If you don't like a story that concerns Azerbaycan, you can hide it.
All you have to do is close your eyes..


Israeli Air Force use the Sitalchay Military Airbase. Politicians are lying in the face of the facts, turning godless atheists acting in into believer - You're the best example of that.
i am probably number one person who talk about issues in Azerbaijan..
You underestimate Iran and also Iran's influence in Azerbaijan..
There is no way Azerbaijan can hide it and there is no way Iran would be silent sitting there..
but to your concern, Iranian deffence ministers visited Baku lots of times and started to talk Turkish(who is originally a Turkish Azeri).
Azerbaijani rejime is the most afraid rejime probably in the world. they would never do anything that could end up untopping them..
Azerbaijani people are very against the rejime, almost 95%. they just need somebody to give them a gun to blow up everything. Army, police, everybody against the government.. Do you think they have a got to do it against Iran when even Qatar and recently UAE dont try it?
also, as Azerbaijan didnt let Israeli force in Azerbaycan, Iran started first time i history fully support Azerbaijan against Armenia.. now tell me, which one of us make more sense here?
When is the mass production going to start? Any schedule?

What will happen to the present military personel working at the Tank-Palet factory after privatization?

Turkish Army will get Fırtına howitzers which used to be manufactured by the Tank-palet factory from The new owner Qatar Army for free or pay money?

BMC Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ethem Sancak:
• Seri imalat ihalesini 4 milyar avroya aldık
• Prototipi yapan şirket 7 milyar avrodan aşağı inmiyordu
• Cumhurbaşkanımız 500 milyon avro daha budadı

https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/ekonomi/altay-tanki-ile- ...ik/1523192
Some very important questions remain though:

For how much money did Erdogan sell the tank palet factory to Qatari army?

The koc family is a bunch of angels who have absolutely nothing except Tutkey’s interests in heart (like profits maybe?). So why was the project given to the sons of satan which is BMC?

When will Erdogan sell the rest of Turkish army to Qatari army?

What will happen to Turkish generals once Erdogan completely betrays Turkey by getting the serial production contract for half the price?

For how much money was the Tank factory sold to Qatar army? Anyone know?
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