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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Sad that we will never see this BEAST.

That is also what Turkey needs imo. a Tank for Assymetric Warefare.
Ahmet Raci YALÇIN, Head of Land Systems Department of SSB, who made a presentation in the morning program of the Fourth Land Systems Seminar held in Ankara, METU on November 5, stated that they hope to sign the contract in the near term and stated that the first 250 produced will be produced in two different configurations as T1 and T2.

In the light of the information we have obtained, it is aimed that 40 ALTAY tanks will be in T1 configuration and other products will be in T2 configuration. The T1 configuration will be based on the PV-1 and PV-2 configurations, but will incorporate a range of additional capabilities (such as increased protection capability, etc.). T2 will also have a completely different tank configuration. This configuration is intended to include capabilities such as unmanned towers.

This configuration is intended to include capabilities such as unmanned towers
can someone comment .... is this a hint about unmanned turret like T-14 Armata ???
can someone comment .... is this a hint about unmanned turret like T-14 Armata ???
Only a ''hint'',nothing more,we should have had 500 already but as you know,nothing nada yet,instead they opted for updates of older MBTs,ridiculous bs.
But that will need a drastic redesign of the Altay?
IF this news is true then

1- Yes it will require redesigning of tank chassis but will also increase the protection level for the crew of the tank
2- Might decrease the overall weight of the Tank as manned turret are large contributor of weight in tanks
3- It might be an indication of cooperation of Turkey with Ukraine who also have a similar program name T-Rex to develop a tank with unmanned turret (link)
4- A common design which could satisfy the needs of both countries would also decrease the financial burden of the program and would have a potential to become commercial success
5- this cooperation could lead to the cooperation for other areas such as tank engines

Only a ''hint'',nothing more,we should have had 500 already but as you know,nothing nada yet,instead they opted for updates of older MBTs,ridiculous bs.
I can not comment about the project management and politics related to Altay project but on paper It seems an EXCELLENT product but the question is

Turkish Arm forces feel the same level of urgency for its production as many enthusiast feel or currently the product is exceeding the actual needs of the user ...???
IF this news is true then

1- Yes it will require redesigning of tank chassis but will also increase the protection level for the crew of the tank
2- Might decrease the overall weight of the Tank as manned turret are large contributor of weight in tanks
3- It might be an indication of cooperation of Turkey with Ukraine who also have a similar program name T-Rex to develop a tank with unmanned turret (link)
4- A common design which could satisfy the needs of both countries would also decrease the financial burden of the program and would have a potential to become commercial success
5- this cooperation could lead to cooperation other areas such as tank engines

Yes, after your previous post, I did link the T-Rex Ukrainian tank... and Recent UKR-TR relationship...But (If true) is still quite a strange move and even "Risky one"... by Jumping/Opening/Wishing for another MBT Design/Manufacturing While the Original one isn't manufactured yet...

Such "Changes" could also answer the ever lasting Altay MBT manufacturing beginning.
Turkish Arm forces feel the same level of urgency for its production as many enthusiast feel or currently the product is exceeding the actual needs of the user ...???
Times have changed,in the past if the TSK(Turkish Armed Forces) wanted or needed something,it was provided by own means(used to have companies,real estate,big money) or the government in charge bought built or how ever,the TSK had hard and soft power.
Currently,the TSK falls under the government(ministry of defence) so,Erdogan decides,the Syrian campaignes have showed that the need for the Altay is urgent.
At first it was Otokar Koc Holding(design,development) to produce the first batch of 250 units but Erdogan said no(to expensive),then a BFF (BMC)of Erdogan without any experience in MBTs got the tender,a new factory will be built(still not finished) and production will start soon………
2015,2016,2017,2018,still waiting…..
Times have changed,in the past if the TSK(Turkish Armed Forces) wanted or needed something,it was provided by own means(used to have companies,real estate,big money) or the government in charge bought built or how ever,the TSK had hard and soft power.
Currently,the TSK falls under the government(ministry of defence) so,Erdogan decides,the Syrian campaignes have showed that the need for the Altay is urgent.
At first it was Otokar Koc Holding(design,development) to produce the first batch of 250 units but Erdogan said no(to expensive),then a BFF (BMC)of Erdogan without any experience in MBTs got the tender,a new factory will be built(still not finished) and production will start soon………
2015,2016,2017,2018,still waiting…..

Oh my God!! I cant believe it how politics gets in the way of Defence thats literally a shame.

No different to the Ottoman times where the various idiots in the higher ups ruining everything.

I really wonder when are we going to learn???

That the defence and its industry should never be sacrified for petty politics!!
Only a ''hint'',nothing more,we should have had 500 already but as you know,nothing nada yet,instead they opted for updates of older MBTs,ridiculous bs.

It seems like you don't have the technology to build a tank from scratch. You still need an engine for example. In the meantime upgrading older tanks to offer better protection for your troops is a good stopgap.
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