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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

So, what will make the Altay better than the Leo2 in a battle like Afrin ?
So, what will make the Altay better than the Leo2 in a battle like Afrin ?

Its mine resistance as its highter and has special protection for that.
Also, laser warning as soft kill to blind anti tank missiles and shoot them as soon as they target the tank, and the hard kill Akkor.

Also, Altay has special version for ciry warfare which has many other advantages..
Guys, regarding the mass production tender, give SSM some credit.

This whole pro-government/anti-government thing is all fake. If it were true, then Otokar would've never gotten the Altay development project in the first place. FNSS was a better choice back in 2007. Otokar had zero experience in tracked vehicles, but they gave the project to Otokar anyway, and Otokar did an excellent job at that so I guess 'devlet buyuklerimiz bizden daha iyi bilirler'. Not only that, if this whole pro-government stuff was correct, than Cobra ll's, Ural's etc. none of those vehicles would've been purchased by the army, police etc. All this shows that there is no need for such a sentiment. Even Erdogan had attended a factory opening of Koc a couple years back. This sentiment is all due to slander and misinformation guys. And if it so happens that BMC ends up getting the tender, that's fair enough because 'devlet buyuklerimiz bizden daha iyi bilirler'.

My personal favorite is FNSS, because I feel like they innovate more than any other company in this field in Turkey and am hoping this innovation will reflect on future iterations of the Altay tank. Otokar is a close second for me.
No, this isn't slander. Haven't you listened to Erdogan's voice recordings?
Did everyone forget what happened after RMK Marine won the tender to build 6 Ada class corvettes?

He legit hates Koç and makes sure they don't win any major tenders.
Cobra II is nothing, it's like 200.000 dollars a piece.

It's the billion dollar sales like this that matter.

Personally I would divide the project between FNSS and Otokar 500 tanks each.
Things would get done very quickly.
Hayırlı olsun BMC'ye. I hope BMC will not f*** up this important project and Army's capabilities will increase significantly.
Otokar's main advantage = %100 national
FNSS's main advantage = decades of experience working with tracked armored vehicles
BMC's main advantage = Biggest shareholder being friends with Erdogan

Guess which one is more important :)
After all those wasted years, i don't really care if Erdoğan's himself found a company by himself and give this tender to his very own company. I just want to see some modern tanks in army's inventory.
After all those wasted years, i don't really care if Erdoğan's himself found a company by himself and give this tender to his very own company. I just want to see some modern tanks in army's inventory.
Of course we would not mind who it was making the engine we need, if successful. But the problem is, companies without technical ability to R&D are awarded the tender just because of being pro-AKP like TÜMOSAN. In the end we have nothing in our hands and start from zero again..

What the government should do, maybe, is to give the project to more than one companies and pay the one who succeeds in making the motor.
Of course we would not mind who it was making the engine we need
Afaik this tender doesn't include national engine, but MTU engine. In order to put a new engine, desing should be changed and should be tested completely with new progress, which would take additional 4-5 years.
Afaik this tender doesn't include national engine, but MTU engine. In order to put a new engine, desing should be changed and should be tested completely with new progress, which would take additional 4-5 years.
As i know the Altay Tank is ready except for its engine. OTOKAR succesfully manufactured the first party, passed all tests.

Now, if they give the tender to another company other than Otokar who proved itself, before even developing indigenous motor, the project will again be completely messed up. We dont have time to gamble on such an important issue.
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