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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

could the turkish brothers post some pics of this tank? would love to see em... :)
i am a tank lover (if you can't tell seeing my profile photo :P )
People think that quality in engineering products is a product of chance, that some companies are just more "skilled" than others. And that it is a vague concept. However that is not the case. Quality in terms of manufacturing is a very quantifiable property. The government can easily require a certain level of quality and measure the quality of the final product to check if those criteria are satisfied. As long as those criteria are satisfied the products of all companies will be virtually the same.

Otokar has only one advantage over BMC in this regard. They can bring out the product faster. They are readier in terms of personnel and equipment. But since we (at least the government) are not in a hurry to produce Altays that is not a serious advantage.

Plus I find the idea that Erdogan is taking revenge on the Koc family by denying them the manufacturing contract baseless to be honest. AFAIK they made up long ago.
The question then arises, why BMC? Well, I speculate that there is an agreement with Qatar that basically says Qatar will buy a relatively large number of Altays if the Turkish government lets BMC manufacture the Tanks, since AFAIK a large number of shares of BMC are owned by Qatari government.
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People think that quality in engineering products is a product of chance, that some companies are just more "skilled" than others. And that it is a vague concept. However that is not the case. Quality in terms of manufacturing is a very quantifiable property. The government can easily require a certain level of quality and measure the quality of the final product to check if those criteria are satisfied. As long as those criteria are satisfied the products of all companies will be virtually the same.

Otokar has only one advantage over BMC in this regard. They can bring out the product faster. They are readier in terms of personnel and equipment. But since we (at least the government) are not in a hurry to produce Altays that is not a serious advantage.

Plus I find the idea that Erdogan is taking revenge on the Koc family by denying them the manufacturing contract baseless to be honest. AFAIK they made up long ago.
The question then arises, why BMC? Well, I suspect that there is an agreement with Qatar that basically says Qatar will buy a relatively large number of Altays if the Turkish government lets BMC manufacture the Tanks, since AFAIK a large number of shares of BMC are owned by Qatari government.

Interesting point about Qatar. Effectively, if BMC gets production rights Qatar will be partially subsidising the production of Altays, which is a good deal for Turkey because it not only makes them cheaper but guarantees an export contract.

Also, didn't Otokar win some contracts recently? If Erdogan was trying to punish Koc why would he allow those contracts but prevent the Altay contract? Doesn't make sense.
secret of very low production number of altay is to give BMC a breath for cost
Interesting point about Qatar. Effectively, if BMC gets production rights Qatar will be partially subsidising the production of Altays, which is a good deal for Turkey because it not only makes them cheaper but guarantees an export contract.

Also, didn't Otokar win some contracts recently? If Erdogan was trying to punish Koc why would he allow those contracts but prevent the Altay contract? Doesn't make sense.

I get the point that people think that everything is ok with Koc and Erdogan again, but government deals with Koc have been terminated in the past and there is a lot of hesitation going on.
And why on earth would even Erdogan cancel a deal Otokar made with UAE, if that is the deal you're talking about.
I get the point that people think that everything is ok with Koc and Erdogan again, but government deals with Koc have been terminated in the past and there is a lot of hesitation going on.
And why on earth would even Erdogan cancel a deal Otokar made with UAE, if that is the deal you're talking about.

Erdogan doesn't even need to hate Koç, if he wants to fill pockets of his own or of connected people he will do it. BMC is going to work with the Germans, yes maybe high quality but we're going to pay out of the *** for it while on tv he calls them nazi's?! Not to mention it's going to screw with the people who actually designed the damn thing.

Also a lot of people are seeing easy money in defence industry and are trying to switch to it by signing license agreements and calling it milli, and then they have fellow connected media to play out the story (tada!). So all those guys who made money with TOMA vehicles or with construction and are now worrying about worse economy are looking for an easy fill... which once again degrades Turkish defence industry.

This is why I am against BMC getting it, yes they may be investing a lot but at the end of the day they don't seem to have vision, just trying to get their slice of the pie.

My solution, Otokar for domestic production, if Qatar magically buys a lot of Altays (don't they have leo2a7s?) then BMC can ramp up joint production ;). But I doubt they will.

Oh if you need to give BMC something give them some parts of the upgrade package for older tanks to get them started.

And poster above also ignores it was UAE which stopped dealing with us for a long time while still using Turkish arms during their operation in Libya (against our goals lol) and during Yemen. I read a comment somewhere stating Arabs were impressed with Turkish gear during their ops (and they took a lot hits).

I doubt UAE suddenly dealing with us again has to do with warming relations...
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‘ALTAY’da işlem tamam

Otokar’ın ana yükleniciliğinde tasarlanan ve geliştirilen Altay’ın, Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı ve Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından gerçekleştirilen ‘Kabul Testleri’, 2017 yılı Şubat ayı sonu itibariyle başarıyla tamamlandı.

Otokar, 2016 yılında Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı’ndan gelen talep üzerine, tasarım, prototipleme ve kalifikasyon dönemi için ana yüklenicisi olduğu ana muhabere tankı ALTAY’ın seri üretimi için teklifini sunmuştu.

Sözleşmenin imzalanmasıyla birlikte düğmeye basılarak en kısa zamanda hattan ilk tankları çıkaracak şekilde üretim programını yapan Otokar, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı’nın ihtiyacı olan 250 adet ALTAY’ın 5 yılda imalatına ek olarak; ihracat potansiyeli, mayın temizleme, kurtarıcı, istihkam tankı gibi türev ve tamamlayıcı araç ihtiyaçları da göz önünde bulundurarak, yıllık uygun bir kapasite planlaması yaptı. Otokar, bu şekilde Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı’nın veya diğer dost ve müttefik ülkelerin her türlü talebini karşılayabilecek, esnek bir üretim programına sahip olmayı hedefledi.

IDEX Fuarı’nda konuyla ilgili açıklamalar yapan Koç Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Vekili ve Otokar Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ali Y. Koç, “Otokar, ülkemiz için stratejik öneme sahip Altay tankının seri üretimini de başarıyla gerçekleştirecek yetkinliklere sahiptir. Seri üretim için görevlendirilmeye hazırız. Dost ve müttefik ülkelerin Altay’ın prototipine gösterdikleri ilgi, bu projenin uzun vadede Türkiye’nin savunma sanayii ihracatına da olumlu katkı sağlayacağının bir işareti. Altay’ın üretimi için görevlendirildiğimiz takdirde ülkemiz savunma sanayiinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamanın da ötesinde Altay ile de yurt dışına ihracatta önemli bir sayfa açacağımıza ve yeni pazarlara ulaşacağımıza inanıyorum” dedi. Altay seri üretimi için Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı’nın değerlendirmesi bekleniyor.

Kaynak: www.savunmaveteknoloji.com

regarding the motor

Benim aklıma şöyle bir çözüm geliyor ama yapılabilir mi bilmiyorum .

Şimdi elimizdeki Leo 2a4 ler mtu 873 kullanıyorlar 1500 hp 4850 tork 350 adet var.

Biz leo 2a4 tanklarındaki motorların hepsini söküp altaylara taksak , Ukranya motoru(6TD3) şu anki halini da leo 2a4lere uydursak çünkü ;

leo 2a4lerimiz 50 ton 300 nmli ukranya motoru idare edebilir onu .

Leonun motoruda bizim 65 ton (belki daha az) altayı idare eder.

350 altayı veya 300'ünü yapana kadar da 6TD3 motoruna gerekli iyileştirme yapılır. (Tork, Performans)

Sonra ilk üretilen tanklarada bu yeni motoru takarız.

Almanyada karışamaz kusura bakmasında yani bu kadar ayak yapıp motor satmayıp bunada karışamaz. Tankın aks si zırhı üzerinde oynama yapıyorsak motorunda da yaparız .

Rusyanında t-90'ın pazardaki en büyük rakibine motor vereceğine yanaşacaklarını sanmam . Bu kısıtlı s-400 leri şartlı vermeye benzemez.
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