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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

Some days ago I wrote that Germany continues an embargo against Tükiye and we have not the necessary high developed CNC machinery for tank and aerospace industry.

Now military expert Orko8 confirmed that today :

"Sn Rıfat, benim kastettiğim zaten tabiri caizse "ayağa düşmüş" CNC vb tezgahlar değil. Hassasiyeti yüksek, nitelikli iş yapan tezgahlardan bahsediyorum. Şu anda savunma sektörüyle alakası dahi olmayan firmalara Almanya bu tezgahları ya satmıyor, ya da çok katı denetlemelere tabi tutuyor ihracat izninden önce, ki o denetimlerin uzaması da fiilen satılmaması anlamına geliyor."
Meetings with Ukrainian officials (especially defence industry heads) has been going on for quite a while now. I remember TEI officials going to Ukraine just a couple of weeks after the incident with Russia to conduct discussions about mutual cooperation in the defense industry arena.

And it's not just defense industry either. Turkey and Ukraine are about to sign a visa free travel agreement. There are huge mutual opportunities for the two countries. There is nothing but good in strengthening the mutual ties.

What I don't understand is why the Turkish members feel the constant need to degrade their own country. When has a search for engine ever been "desperate"? It's just a business transaction, If you've got the pink we've got the green.
What I don't understand is why the Turkish members feel the constant need to degrade their own country. When has a search for engine ever been "desperate"? It's just a business transaction, If you've got the pink we've got the green.
''Turkish members feel the constant need to degrade their own country.'' what the heck you are talking about?
You misunderstood me for sure! I am the last person to do so!
''Turkish members feel the constant need to degrade their own country.'' what the heck you are talking about?
You misunderstood me for sure! I am the last person to do so!
Then I am sorry but there is a deficiency in your English. I didn't mean to misinterpret your words and I don't want to mock your language either. But the saying the phrase "looks like a desperate search for an engine to me" as a response to a mutual meeting of two prime ministers is degrading to say the least.
Then I am sorry but there is a deficiency in your English. I didn't mean to misinterpret your words and I don't want to mock your language either. But the saying the phrase "looks like a desperate search for an engine to me" as a response to a mutual meeting of two prime ministers is degrading to say the least.
May be I know something that you don't.
'deficiency in your English' :yahoo:
PS: I didn't mention anything about a mutual meeting of two prime ministers.

this picture will certainly change when the BMC got it,sadly
Whoever have/make it, it's not a problem, WHat we need is to MAKE it...
It is a problem if you want quality.
Its like the difference between Kalekalip(good quality) and MKEK(inferior quality)
Otokar stands for quality but BMC,who knows.
It is a problem if you want quality.
Its like the difference between Kalekalip(good quality) and MKEK(inferior quality)
Otokar stands for quality but BMC,who knows.

Well whatever it's otokar or bmc... I think they will ask some proof of Q. I don't think the turkish gov will keep out the "Quality" condition.
So in my opinion, otokar can make good Quality and BMC too. So the Ultimate Question will be the price and " capacity manufacturing"
Well whatever it's otokar or bmc... I think they will ask some proof of Q. I don't think the turkish gov will keep out the "Quality" condition.
So in my opinion, otokar can make good Quality and BMC too. So the Ultimate Question will be the price and " capacity manufacturing"
Its not that easy.
Otokar is from Koc Holding and Erdogan doesnt like them,he hates the Koc family.
BMC belongs to a buddy of Erdogan and thats why BMC gets to produce the Altay(at least the first batch).
BMC never built military vehicles except trucks,it has no experience in building sophisticated land platforms,Otokar on the other hand is one of if not the best in Turkiye so,why didnt Otokar who ''designed''(with help) the tank get the contract?
Also read something about how BMC ended up in the hands of who. This deal has a lot to do with politics.
It is a problem if you want quality.
Its like the difference between Kalekalip(good quality) and MKEK(inferior quality)
Otokar stands for quality but BMC,who knows.

Well whatever it's otokar or bmc... I think they will ask some proof of Q. I don't think the turkish gov will keep out the "Quality" consition.
So in my opinion, otokar can make good Quality and BMC too. So the Ultimate Question will be the price and
Its not that easy.
Otokar is from Koc Holding and Erdogan doesnt like them,he hates the Koc family.
BMC belongs to a buddy of Erdogan and thats why BMC gets to produce the Altay(at least the first batch).
BMC never built military vehicles except trucks,it has no experience in building sophisticated land platforms,Otokar on the other hand is one of if not the best in Turkiye so,why didnt Otokar who ''designed''(with help) the tank get the contract?

WEll they designed it with Government funds... they didn't used a dimme of their pocket, they were paid for.
So in the End they acquirred knowledge in the fields and that will surely (almost) get them the contract.
And we still don't know who get it yet. it's just speculation right now.

But ofc it's should be otokar who get the contract, and they will surely get it tbh. It's just a way to get the price down from otokar.
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