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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

We were never disappointed by our Korean buddies, except for TF-X deal maybe.

T155 did so well in our anti-terror campaigns, replaced many old systems of Turkish artillery, now Altay is about to form the backbone of our tank force.

While T155 was practically a heavier version of K9 with Aselsan fire control systems and specialised turret. Altay is a whole new tank.

It's surprising to hear K2 and K9, are having difficulties.
Well, it is of Russian mentality to build minus 50 tonnes tanks.

It's obvious that anything Russians can bring to the battlefield will be eaten alive by Altay. We can apply slat armor at behind of the tank against RPGs and reactive armor to the sides. These are relatively light metarials.

But in the end Altay will become one of the heaviest MBTs of the world along with other NATO tanks.

They are damn right to get busy :)

It looks like we chose marketing over secrecy, I can only hope it doesn't become our undoing. We better reach some good export numbers.

btw data is a word originally in a plural form :) It comes from 'datum' in latin
(just confirmed from my latin dictionary)

After 2nd prototype called FTR which firing trials will be performed, 3rd Altay turret prototype will be reached the final appearance thanks to Roketsan add-on armours. 3rd turret will be used to test the protection level as well and Most probably, The Turret will look more like Leopard-2A6/7.

According to specification given, The current FTR Altay has a weight around 66 tonnes. With final turret add-on armours + Aselsan AKKOR Active Protection system + Aselsan SARP RCW will make Altay reached around 68-69 tonnes. Most probably, Altay will be one of the heaviest NATO Tank which is able to provide impressive protection level from all side.

Most probably, Final Altay looks like this one from side...



I think Front side reached the final appearance...

and Some additional armours may also be integrated on chassis...
We were never disappointed by our Korean buddies, except for TF-X deal maybe.

T155 did so well in our anti-terror campaigns, replaced many old systems of Turkish artillery, now Altay is about to form the backbone of our tank force.

While T155 was practically a heavier version of K9 with Aselsan fire control systems and specialised turret. Altay is a whole new tank.

It's surprising to hear K2 and K9, are having difficulties.

Really interesting. Turkey's T-155 Firtina is one of the rare artillery system Army loves and never voiced any problem by army officials. At present, Ammunition resupply vehicle based on Firtina chassis are under development/trial stage and 244. T-155 Firtina is in production line and most probably, total number will exceed 300+.

244th Firtina welding...
I believe the final Altay will surprise all of us with some differences, because between first and second prototype there's a lot of additions and difference
Thanks to cabatli for his great work about Turkish Industry :tup:, it is very important for us to have our national power pack for Altay, our MBT will be a serious concurrent of German Leopard 2A6/A7, that's why we could have a lot of difficulties with a German power pack in export market.

A question about Leopard NG modernization, are there shared components with Altay or completely different ?
We were never disappointed by our Korean buddies, except for TF-X deal maybe.

T155 did so well in our anti-terror campaigns, replaced many old systems of Turkish artillery, now Altay is about to form the backbone of our tank force.

While T155 was practically a heavier version of K9 with Aselsan fire control systems and specialised turret. Altay is a whole new tank.

It's surprising to hear K2 and K9, are having difficulties.

IT was some political and man-made problems in Korean

The government chose the cheapest company to make and maintain the weapons,especially the power pack of k-2,that company offered a very cheap price and lack the ability to produce the powerpack(actually there were better company in Korea)also Korean government bought the cheapest lubricating oil for K-9,caused lot of problems

Also because of the longtime peace and lacking the real fighting experience ,the Korean (also Japanese )soldiers are not as pay attention on their weapons as turkish soldier,so sometimes make mistakes


Every government does stupid things to save money in longtime peace
A question about Leopard NG modernization, are there shared components with Altay or completely different ?
Of course there are!
as i said numerous times, it will be like how Israel upgraded M60 to sabra level. IDF officers call it "mini-merkava"

Leo2NG will take every sub-system that is compatible from Altay, Starting with fire control system and laser countermeasure systems. Then the L55 gun and other stuff
Also because if longtime peace and lacking the real fighting experience ,the Korean (also Japanese )soldiers are not as pay attention on their weapons as turkish soldier,so sometimes make mistakes
heheh :)
You see, living in one of the most problematic regions of the world may have some actual advantages. Turkish Armed Forces must maintain very high battle-readiness levels at all times.

Middle-east never sleeps.
IT was some political and man-made problems in Korean

The government chose the cheapest company to make and maintain the weapons,especially the power pack of k-2,that company offered a very cheap price and lack the ability to produce the powerpack(actually there were better company in Korea)also Korean government bought the cheapest lubricating oil for K-9,caused lot of problems

Also because of the longtime peace and lacking the real fighting experience ,the Korean (also Japanese )soldiers are not as pay attention on their weapons as turkish soldier,so sometimes make mistakes

S. Korean Vehicles Suffer Glitches, Budget Cuts | Defense News | defensenews.com

Every government does stupid things to save money in longtime peace

You got the point.
Do you know that the entire amount of budget for k2 is less than the cost for developing hyundai's new sedan?
This is why the problems always occur when they try to develop something.
After 2nd prototype called FTR which firing trials will be performed, 3rd Altay turret prototype will be reached the final appearance thanks to Roketsan add-on armours. 3rd turret will be used to test the protection level as well and Most probably, The Turret will look more like Leopard-2A6/7.

According to specification given, The current FTR Altay has a weight around 66 tonnes. With final turret add-on armours + Aselsan AKKOR Active Protection system + Aselsan SARP RCW will make Altay reached around 68-69 tonnes. Most probably, Altay will be one of the heaviest NATO Tank which is able to provide impressive protection level from all side.

Most probably, Final Altay looks like this one from side...



I think Front side reached the final appearance...

and Some additional armours may also be integrated on chassis...

I thought Front section of Altay is completed but It is not...

The 1500 hp engine that worries me most. I don't think it'll be enough for a decent performance if Altay reaches something like 68-69 tonnes.
The 1500 hp engine that worries me most. I don't think it'll be enough for a decent performance if Altay reaches something like 68-69 tonnes.
Don't worry, one of the heaviest tanks Challenger 2 runs with 1200 hp...

It'll be excellent even for 70+ tonnes
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