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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

What happened to the upgrade package of Aselsan Leopard 2ng?
Some things are really wrong here.

Wasnt the upgrade package already made more or less with cooperation of Rheinmetall? The armor package was bought from them and the modernized FCS was made by Aselsan which they put into a nice package called Leopard2NG.
Wasnt the upgrade package already made more or less with cooperation of Rheinmetall? The armor package was bought from them and the modernized FCS was made by Aselsan which they put into a nice package called Leopard2NG.
Yes but there is no mention of Aselsan in the article,looks like Aselsan is out or the writer is an idiot.

I still believe that Aselsan will have a share in the electronic upgrade of the Leo II
But the armour package will come from Rheinmetall
No mention of Aselsan.
Weren't there issues with Germans blocking Aselsan upgrade offer to Poland( or Finland??) because of them using German made stuff.
Thats why its EXTREMLY dangerous to give Altay mbt to BMC. At the end exports will again be blocked
SSM can make a work share between OTOKAR and BMC like they did for MPT-76.They divided between MKEK and Kalekalıp
OTAKAR for Turkish land forces and BMC for export version or BMC for turkish army and Otokar for export sounds good to me.
I expect a huge potential for export of ALTAY and all potential buyers will want it early because of their urgent needs like us.
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