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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

Maurya is overrated. The fan maps in Google and Wiki are overexaggerated. Also Mauryans killed more Indians (aka Akhand Bharatis) in human history than any other emperor. You cannot assume continuity with an empire that had no vision of Akhand anything. Also they were extremely short lived.

Maratha was not even close to conquering entire subcontinent. You forget that the subcontinent was full of other powerful states, like Nizam right next to them, or the Sikhs in the North. They were not the only ones filling the vacuum left by Mughals. Maratha also got a very good beating at the hands of Afghans, so British were not the only ones to humiliate them.

Also, why are you people so obsessed about some sort of 'union' with Pakistan? I don't see this obsession with regards to Myanmar or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh. You are too obsessed with Pakistan and Afghanistan. Because you darkies fancy Caucasian people? I think some recent news articles gives us some idea about what you really want:

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Indus Pakistan Hoping you people are aware of this psychology ^^.
Ofcourse Mauryan empire expanded through military conquest which meant many deaths. Emperor Ashoka refrained from conquest after seeing the killings his army did in capturing Kalinga. The empire lasted 150 years (similar to how many British lasted). I agree with you that Marathas were still some time away from ruling the entire subcontinent, but if British never came on the scene, they would have sooner or later.
I am not talking about a union at all. I am talking about friendship with all our neighbours - Pakistan & Bangladesh included. I want same friendship on our western borders as we have on our eastern borders.

My friend from Bangladesh, I know that BJP and Amit Shah talk shit at times and it is not easy to swallow their words. Hope we can think of friendship as a long term thing and not focus too much on what they say for petty domestic vote bank politics.
look at this munafiq. the ruler of Kashmir chose India, so Kashmir should be part of India. but when the ruler of Junagarh chose Pakistan, he says it should be part of India.

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And when the Nizams of Hyderabad, India and all the Muslims wanted to remain independent, Sardar Patel invaded the richest state of India, looted and plundered the resources and killed thousands of Nizam Razakars and civilian Muslims...

look at this munafiq. the ruler of Kashmir chose India, so Kashmir should be part of India. but when the ruler of Junagarh chose Pakistan, he says it should be part of India.

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You are twisting my words. I am saying that Junagarh is surrounded by Indian territory. Usko le bhi lete toh baad mein India mein hi merge hona tha usko. I dont think Pak has any realistic desire for Hyderabad, Junagarh at present.
And when the Nizams of Hyderabad, India and all the Muslims wanted to remain independent, Sardar Patel invaded the richest state of India, looted and plundered the resources and killed thousands of Nizam Razakars and civilian Muslims...

India has been a terrorist state since 1947. never trust an indian that talks peace. they lie, deceive, then invade and occupy. Hyderabad, Kashmir, etc are all living proofs.

moo me ram ram, bagal me churi.
You are twisting my words. I am saying that Junagarh is surrounded by Indian territory. Usko le bhi lete toh baad mein India mein hi merge hona tha usko. I dont think Pak has any realistic desire for Hyderabad, Junagarh at present.

yaar tu chodh ye sab bakwaas. kujse baat karna hi baykar hai. sirf bakwas bak raha hai tu.
Too be honest, you can't blame the indians. indians are the most hideously ugly and physically repulsive race on the planet. When you see how abnormally ugly indian women are you can understand why indian males drool over Kashmiri or non-indian women in general.

indian women are....... :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad:
Hello sir, when you make such comments based on physical features and skin tone, you are also insulting your fellow Pakistanis who travelled thousands of miles from India to be your compatriots. I hope you dont go blind with hatred.
India has been a terrorist state since 1947. never trust an indian that talks peace. they lie, deceive, then invade and occupy. Hyderabad, Kashmir, etc are all living proofs.

moo me ram ram, bagal me churi.

yaar tu chodh ye sab bakwaas. kujse baat karna hi baykar hai. sirf bakwas bak raha hai tu.
ok sir. Its your wish to engage or not in a logical discussion.
I will leave it to neutral sources to decide which state has been proud to send Jihadis to achieve their goals. (#Kargil conflict, #1947 Kashmir conflict)
Fucking hell for these Asians to be living under india

You had a chance in 1962,
China had virtual control over the North-east region, and the Indian army had given up,
But, you guys withdrew and gave it all back.

Search American aid to India, and threats to China via its embassy in Poland, and Philippines-based forces. I heard this fact from Bruce Riedel, in an interview, he is an India lover, and ex-CIA so knows his stuff. Although hates China and Pakistan and twists stuff regarding these two countries.

America saved its baby.
look at this munafiq. the ruler of Kashmir chose India, so Kashmir should be part of India. but when the ruler of Junagarh chose Pakistan, he says it should be part of India.

It is simple. If they think that they have legal rights in Kashmir, they should return undivided Bengal and Punjab to Pakistan. They demanded partition of Bengal and Punjab because they said only muslims areas should go to Pakistan. But Kashmir which was almost 80% muslim must go to india because they want to be secular.

I frankly think a partition of Jammu and Kashmir should have been the solution. Hindutvadis would have still gotten 42% of the entire state if we include aksai chin. They did not go for it.

Muslim league didnt even want a sovereign Pakistan. They wanted something like what Switzerland or Belgium has - very autonomous provinces with the center having no role in provincial affairs.

Why didn't they agree to this and instead asked for partition? Real reason was to subjugate muslims and then damage Pakistan as much as possible.
ok sir. Its your wish to engage or not in a logical discussion.

Junagadh's ruler chose Pakistan, but should be part of India because it has no land borders with Pakistan.

Kashmir's ruler chose India, so that should also be part of India even though it also has borders with Pakistan.

great logic. India is sending its best and brightest to PDF.


and after all this injustice you have the balls and the audacity to talk about peace and trade. get fucked.
(#Kargil conflict, #1947 Kashmir conflict)

oh ho. hashtags. so you have come from that indian infested shithole called twitter. i bet you are even a quora user.
It is simple. If they think that they have legal rights in Kashmir, they should return undivided Bengal and Punjab to Pakistan. They demanded partition of Bengal and Punjab because they said only muslims areas should go to Pakistan. But Kashmir which was almost 80% muslim must go to india because they want to be secular.

brilliant point.

It is simple. If they think that they have legal rights in Kashmir, they should return undivided Bengal and Punjab to Pakistan. They demanded partition of Bengal and Punjab because they said only muslims areas should go to Pakistan. But Kashmir which was almost 80% muslim must go to india because they want to be secular.

I frankly think a partition of Jammu and Kashmir should have been the solution. Hindutvadis would have still gotten 42% of the entire state if we include aksai chin. They did not go for it.

Muslim league didnt even want a sovereign Pakistan. They wanted something like what Switzerland or Belgium has - very autonomous provinces with the center having no role in provincial affairs.

Why didn't they agree to this and instead asked for partition? Real reason was to subjugate muslims and then damage Pakistan as much as possible.
You do know that the partition of directly ruled British India was on the basis of which areas are Muslim majority. For the princely states, it was the monarchs who had the legal right to decide. So yes, even if Junagarh would have been Pakistan, I am saying eventually you would have been content in giving to India using the same argument you make with regards to Bangladesh (that a distant territory completely surrounded by India cannot remain Pakistani for long)
You do know that the partition of directly ruled British India was on the basis of which areas are Muslim majority. For the princely states, it was the monarchs who had the legal right to decide. So yes, even if Junagarh would have been Pakistan, I am saying eventually you would have been content in giving to India using the same argument you make with regards to Bangladesh (that a distant territory completely surrounded by India cannot remain Pakistani for long)

you are typical indian. a tyrant that pretends he is civilised and peace loving. even Gandhi said the Kashmiris should be asked who they wanted to join. i bet you shit on Gandhi too, like your idol Godse. no wonder you and Israel are best friends. they are doing the same thing in Palestine that India is doing in Kashmir.
Junagadh's ruler chose Pakistan, but should be part of India because it has no land borders with Pakistan.

Kashmir's ruler chose India, so that should also be part of India even though it also has borders with Pakistan.

great logic. India is sending its best and brightest to PDF.

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and after all this injustice you have the balls and the audacity to talk about peace and trade. get fucked.

oh ho. hashtags. so you have come from that indian infested shithole called twitter. i bet you are even a quora user.

brilliant point.

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You are a pathological user of profanity. And then you talk about tehzeeb and stuff.

Kashmir has borders with both India and Pakistan, so then it lands squarely on who has the legal and moral right. Hari Singh had legal and Sheikh Abdullah had moral right. Both sided with India.

Even after that, you forcibly took some portion of Kashmir. We are willing to let it go for the sake of friendship. Par nahin, mar jaayenge lekin chain nahin jeeyenge.. What can I say to such attitude?
you are typical indian. a tyrant that pretends he is civilised and peace loving. even Gandhi said the Kashmiris should be asked who they wanted to join. i bet you shit on Gandhi too, like your idol Godse. no wonder you and Israel are best friends. they are doing the same thing in Palestine that India is doing in Kashmir.
So if Pakistanis were so in awe of our Gandhiji, why did Mr. Jinnah not agree to his requests on not partioning India? Why did Pakistan send its fighters to force merge Kashmir instead of taking it first to UN and ask for plebiscite?
I dont like what Israel is doing with Palestine. The only reason India and Israel are friends is because we need more diverse choices in military equipment.
You are a pathological user of profanity. And then you talk about tehzeeb and stuff.

no need for tehzeeb with a munafiq zalim like you. you are just a typical indian.

Kashmir has borders with both India and Pakistan, so then it lands squarely on who has the legal and moral right.

ah yes. Kashmiri people dont have the moral right to decide what happens to their land.


We are willing to let it go for the sake of friendship.

moo me ram ram, bagal me churi

So if Pakistanis were so in awe of our Gandhiji, why did Mr. Jinnah not agree to his requests on not partioning India?

i dont care about Gandhi. clearly indians dont care either.

Why did Pakistan send its fighters to force merge Kashmir instead of taking it first to UN and ask for plebiscite?

we responded to the will of people, who wanted to join Pakistan in 1947 and want to join Pakistan in 2021.

I dont like what Israel is doing with Palestine. The only reason India and Israel are friends is because we need more diverse choices in military equipment.

is that so?

He is right, Akhand Bharat is possible. However, under Muslim rule, just as it was in the past.
no need for tehzeeb with a munafiq zalim like you. you are just a typical indian.

ah yes. Kashmiri people dont have the moral right to decide what happens to their land.

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moo me ram ram, bagal me churi

i dont care about Gandhi. clearly indians dont care either.

we responded to the will of people, who wanted to join Pakistan in 1947 and want to join Pakistan in 2021.

is that so?

What does 'munafiq' mean? I am not using Sanskritized words, so please dont use overly Persian words to interact with me. Normal Hindi / Urdu I can understand.
By 'typical Indian', do you mean 'common Indian'. Is this how you interact with common Indians? Is this the behavior of 'typical Pakistanis' with someone who is talking politely, or you are an extreme exception?

Kashmiris excerised their moral right through Sheikh Abdullah. Country's borders are not a ping pong ball game. It was decided once. No border change can be done now. Accept status quo and friendship or continue on the path of hatred and self-destruction. Your choice.

Calling someone to Lahore for friendship and sending fighters to Kargil is what I would 'bagal mein chhuri'.
Gandhiji was one of our great heros and he is recognized and remembered worldwide. We dont need to prove to you any further on this.
He is right, Akhand Bharat is possible. However, under Muslim rule, just as it was in the past.
Politically, Akhand Bharat is neither possible nor desirable now. We can aim for cultural almagamation.
no need for tehzeeb with a munafiq zalim like you. you are just a typical indian.

ah yes. Kashmiri people dont have the moral right to decide what happens to their land.

moo me ram ram, bagal me churi

i dont care about Gandhi. clearly indians dont care either.

we responded to the will of people, who wanted to join Pakistan in 1947 and want to join Pakistan in 2021.

My dear fellow Pakistani relax. Logic and history is on your side. You are on the right side of history.

Once again they have no claim over Kashmir and they know it.

It is so simple - for future reference also allow me to just share with you some historical facts that many Pakistanis might not be be aware of.

Sheikh Abdullah's National Conference had zero seats in Kashmir Assembly. Muslim conference had 15 out of 21 muslim seats and Muslim Conference openly declared accession to Pakistan.
Abdullah never had any mandate as he had no seats. There goes the moral argument.

For the princely states- one of the clauses of the 3rd June Plan made it clear that the ruler must respect the wishes of his populace. Did Hari singh do that? No.

Fact is if hindutvadis argue that Kashmir is contiguous to india then Kashmir is more contiguous to Pakistan as the state shares a longer border with Pakistan and it has far more connectivity to Pakistan than india as all her supplies came from Pakistan.

If they argue legal accession, than Pakistan must argue accession of Junagadh and Manavadar to Pakistan.

If they still had any basis of argument, tell them they must return Bengal and Punjab as it was they who demanded partition on religious bases with only muslim areas going to Pakistan.

They cant win, they just want their hindu rashtra and dream of recreating the mauryan empire.
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