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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

My dear fellow Pakistani relax. Logic and history is on your side. You are on the right side of history.

Once again they have no claim over Kashmir and they know it.

It is so simple - for future reference also allow me to just share with you some historical facts that many Pakistanis might not be be aware of.

Sheikh Abdullah's National Conference had zero seats in Kashmir Assembly. Muslim conference had 15 out of 21 muslim seats and Muslim Conference openly declared accession to Pakistan.
Abdullah never had any mandate as he had no seats. There goes the moral argument.

For the princely states- one of the clauses of the 3rd June Plan made it clear that the ruler must respect the wishes of his populace. Did Hari singh do that? No.

Fact is if hindutvadis argue that Kashmir is contiguous to india then Kashmir is more contiguous to Pakistan as the state shares a longer border with Pakistan and it has far more connectivity to Pakistan than india as all her supplies came from Pakistan.

If they argue legal accession, than Pakistan must argue accession of Junagadh and Manavadar to Pakistan.

If they still had any basis of argument, tell them they must return Bengal and Punjab as it was they who demanded partition on religious bases with only muslim areas going to Pakistan.

They cant win, they just want their hindu rashtra and dream of recreating the mauryan empire.
Sir, can you please share some sources regarding the seats in Kashmir assembly you mentioned. It will help your Pakistani friends too.

Bengal was already partiononed by British once on the basis of religion. So it was easy to partition it again on same lines. You seriously think that you should have got the entire Punjab? Sikhs wanted to be with India, so how was that possible?
What does 'munafiq' mean?

munafiq means the worst kind of hypocrite. which you are.

Is this how you interact with common Indians?

this is how i interact with the typical indian. a typical indian talks peace, but never justice. steals others lands and then calls himself a saint. owns property, denies others the right to own their own. steals their property and lands and calls it his own. typical indian. you are filth like the rest of your countrymen.
HYDERABAD: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism. India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed. “Because they are separated from the energy of life (India), we are open to treat them as our own as they were before,” he said.

Saying that ‘akhand Bharat’ is possible, he said some people have expressed doubts on division of India six months before it happened. “Jawaharlal Nehru rubbished it as a dream of fools. Similarly, anything can happen,” he said. “Lord Wavell (during British rule) said in British Parliament that god has made India one and who is going to divide it,” he recalled.

According to Bhagwat, talking of ‘akhand Bharat’ does not mean imposing colonialism. “When we talk about united, we don’t talk about power, it is about people. They are united through ‘sanatana dharma,’ which is called Hindu dharma,” the RSS chief asserted.

The RSS chief will be in Adilabad to attend a private programme on Friday.
He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed


another glimpse into the expansionist ideology of India. not only are they talking about adding the lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh into their shithole concept called Bharat, they are now even talking about adding Afghanistan into it. this RSS is the brainchild of political parties like the BJP and Shiv Sena, and have senior officers in their military indoctrinated with this crap.

The day when the RSS attempts for that ,that day Indians will kick out BJP from rule
TBH Indian Army dont like RSS which is a good thing .

We voted for the Modi not because of so called Hindutva but because of his administrative capability.
Pakistan’s India policy is destined to fail-RavaSpecial
June 29, 2020
Many people across all socio-political, economic and military circles will argue ad nauseum that Pakistan’s policy vis a vi its neighbor to the East has failed. This has been a constant refrain echoed through power circles for the last seventy plus years. Yet if you dig in deeper as to the reasons for this failure you’ll get a litany of explanations, that straddle Indian hegemonic designs to Pakistan’s own intransigence.
Rava Editorial Board

Where over the years Pakistan has adopted a reactive policy mode to its neighbor, swaying between passive belligerism (first Kashmir uprising) and misplaced fawning (Amn-Ke-Aasha), India has on the other hand been consistent through-out its application of foreign policy goals, since independence in 1947.
Indian policy makers to their credit have consistently applied their policy goals in spite of the varying bi-national geo-political conditions between India and Pakistan (Congress or BJP). They have clearly understood since partition that for the Indian experiment to survive the Pakistani experiment must fail. They have realized that they are in a death embrace with Pakistan, and at the end of this embrace only one national entity will survive.
The reasons for such a binary view point is that India has always expressed itself within the prism of a multi-cultural, secular and constitutional state (Modi might be changing that). That the promise of India is longer lasting to the Islamic underpinnings of a more homogenized Pakistan. That the failure of Pakistan is testimony to the need to mitigate its own internal fractions; that the path adopted by Pakistan is fraught with danger and must be avoided at all costs. Hence India’s natural fractures that abound such as its caste system, its wealth disparity, its north and south cultural segregation, its Assam exclusion, its Kashmir challenge, its Sikh desire for greater autonomy and finally its Muslim problem, all can be calmed under the boogey of a failing experiment to the West. Indian policy establishment, the power brokers, must therefore cast Pakistan as a dangerous failure in both the imaginative and real terms.
Again to India’s credit, Pakistan’s treatment of its minorities along-with the national tragedy in East Pakistan (spurred on by India), was aptly leveraged in driving a narrative. With a large bully pulpit, India has managed to effectively amplify Pakistan’s short-comings in areas of social justice and development, while diminish or obfuscate its own litany of grievous failures. Where Pakistan is perceived as a fundamentally failed or failing experiment due to its foundational construct, India’s failures are easily dismissed as the growing pangs of an untidy democratic process.
Pakistani policy makers, and domestic audiences must understand this equation and adjust accordingly.
The only way to bring stability to Pakistan is to have a strong counter offensive to India on all fronts (social, economic, political and military). Fawning over any notion of talks or charm offensives is pointless and against Pakistan’s interests. Our energies must be applied towards building stronger internal institutions, enhancing our education around international standards, developing and reinforcing a national narrative (that is inclusive of all rungs of society), investing and supporting in our intelligence infrastructure, and waking up from the naivete that belies our policy towards India.

It is Practically impossible to retain Pakistan and Afghanistan with India as one country. The cost to benefit analysis dictates that it would do more harm than any good. I don't think Indian planners even think about it anymore.

We wont even allow anyone from outside, forget about thinking , we wont accept anyone even if they want to join .
They call us bad neighbours, they seem to forget their elders breathed a sigh of relief when the partition happened. Patel himself said the Western ones should be kept afar as possible they would tear India apart.
With a a far greater birth rate, younger population and numbers well over half a billion (including Bangladesh) it wouldn't be long before the Hindu population became a minority.

Illegal immigrants fate is sealed thanks to CAA and coming NRC.
Hindus will remain as majority in India.
And we wont allow anyone from outside also.
munafiq means the worst kind of hypocrite. which you are.

this is how i interact with the typical indian. a typical indian talks peace, but never justice. steals others lands and then calls himself a saint. owns property, denies others the right to own their own. steals their property and lands and calls it his own. typical indian. you are filth like the rest of your countrymen.
Thank you for enhancing my Urdu vocab.
Just a clarification, 15% of my countrymen are Muslims. Do you consider them as filth too?
clearly you were in the minority.

You are wrong.
Infact majority of India dont care about Hindutva .
PM won every election because of his grassroot level of development .
A union of some sort, free movement, a somewhat synchronized economic structure, an end to proxy warfare and military hostilities.

Seriously, Pakistan have a lot of gain from such a scenario. Much better off having Adani, TATA, L&T etc developing your ports and infra than the Chinese and their long term debt traps.

Noone want Pakistan in to India.
We South Indians dont like simple as that.
If anyone attempts something for that.
You have to chose Southern side or new Pakistan.
You are wrong.
Infact majority of India dont care about Hindutva .
PM won every election because of his grassroot level of development .

Noone want Pakistan in to India.
We South Indians dont like simple as that.
If anyone attempts something for that.
You have to chose Southern side or new Pakistan.
Cool SrNair. Lets not talk in terms of South & North Indians in front of non-Indians. We are ONE in front of others. Having said that, there is no harm in trying to build friendship with all our neighbors including Pakistan.
Thank you for enhancing my Urdu vocab.
Just a clarification, 15% of my countrymen are Muslims. Do you consider them as filth too?

any indian muslim that spits on Pakistan is filth. got it, munafiq? now dont talk peace and keep that bakwaas to yourself. no justice, no peace.
You are wrong.
Infact majority of India dont care about Hindutva .
PM won every election because of his grassroot level of development .

what development? south india gives 2 rupees in tax and get 1 rupee back. north india gives 1 rupee tax and gets 2 rupees back. this is the development you supported Modi for?
Cool SrNair. Lets not talk in terms of South & North Indians in front of non-Indians. We are ONE in front of others. Having said that, there is no harm in trying to build friendship with all our neighbors including Pakistan.
There is no friendship with India. Only foolish Pakistanis or traitors will buy that. Pakistan and India are in a death embrace and Pakistanis must get out of this slumber and realize that India has Pakistan in a death embrace for her own survival. She needs this boogeyman to manage her own fractions.
India's friendship has given us the Kashmir disaster, the Water issue, the Sir Creek and Siachen adventures, the 1971 direct and indirect support of subversives, the Al-Zulfiqar group, the Jeeya Sindh terrorism in Sindh, the BLF/BLA and Balouchi group terrorism, the sub-versive funding or socio-religious groups alongwith TTP, and finally the active funding of groups like Achakzai and now even some main-stream political parties (money trail from India has been identified). India has even tried to hurt us in simple things like ICCI, Kabbadi, FATF (not so simple) and simple sporting events like Davis Cup. Down to even Pakistani artist bans and cricket bans. India wants to be a super-power but acts like a third rate insecure power. WE Pakistanis will never forget what you have done to us for 70+ years, killing countless of my soldiers and innocent citizens, while funding and generating chaos and strife within my country.
If you want friendship, then dismantle your terrorist funding in Pakistan, show us you truly want to develop a long term relationship, reign in your homegrown crazies that hurt our co-religionists, and then give us time to think whether we want to be a friend. Perhaps over 30-50 years of you guys behaving like a bigger saner country, we'll let our guard down. Till then we'll continue to sharpen our sword and be prepared to survive and thrive and you can take your friendship and shove it.
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There is no friendship with India. Only foolish Pakistanis or traitors will buy that. Pakistan and India are in a death embrace and Pakistanis must get out of this slumber and realize that India has Pakistan in a death embrace for her own survival. She needs this boogeyman to manage her own fractions.
India's friendship has given us the Kashmir disaster, the Sir Creek and Siachen adventures, the 1971 direct and indirect support of subversives, the Al-Zulfiqar group, the Jeeya Sindh terrorism in Sindh, the BLF/BLA and Balouchi group terrorism, the sub-versive funding or socio-religious groups alongwith TTP, and finally the active funding of groups like Achakzai and now even some main-stream political parties (money trail from India has been identified). India has even tried to hurt us in simple things like ICCI, Kabbadi, FATF (not so simple) and simple sporting events like Davis Cup. Down to even Pakistani artist bans and cricket bans. India wants to be a super-power but acts like a third rate insecure power. WE Pakistanis will never forget what you have done to us for 70+ years, killing countless of my soldiers and innocent citizens, while funding and generating chaos and strife within my country.
If you want friendship, then dismantle your terrorist funding in Pakistan, show us you truly want to develop a long term relationship, reign in your homegrown crazies that hurt our co-religionists, and then give us time to think whether we want to be a friend. Perhaps over 30-50 years of you guys behaving like a bigger saner country, we'll let our guard down. Till then we'll continue to sharpen our sword and be prepared to survive and thrive and you can take your friendship and shove it.
Mr. Akram, thank you for atleast considering that we may be friends one day. Believe me, India does not need any bogeyman for survival. In fact, it will be more cohesive and united once enmity from Pak is ended. Since, after that, anti-muslim vote bank politics would find no currency in India.
I do not know what terrorist funding you are talking about. Not even China believes you on that. You would need hard proof on that front to show to the world rather than only words. We want to 'live and let live'. Lets try to forget the past and live like good neighbors.
We want to 'live and let live'. Lets try to forget the past and live like good neighbors.

ah yes, the Israel policy. after stealing others lands, let live and let live, so that my stealing becomes legalised.


typical indian.
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