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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

Quam means Nation - Nation is consist of Clanship Tribesman - Clanship is further expanded in Sub-Clanships !!!

Arabs and Arya's are been given Ownership by Allah Rabbul Alameen and the Proof of this is the Holy Scriptures !!! Arya's are Ahle Kitabun !!! Raja Dahir was defeated by Joint Arab & Arya's Clanships !!!
but can a dalit become leader of hindu clan?
When a Buddhist country like Sri Lanka or Hindu majority country Nepal is not interested in sharing nationality with India. Why would Pakistan be interested.

This ponga Pandit Mohan Bhagwat just wants to grab attention by giving absurd statements, he is high on gow mutra. The truth is when people of India see Rss or Modi on TV, they shut down their television.
Pakistanis and indians are a different race, different DNA, different genetics, different religion, different culture, different heritage, different language, different EVERYRHING. Claiming that Pakistan and india should be one country is just as retarded and ridiculous as claiming that Pakistan, Brazil and Germany should become one country............ :disagree:

not according to this guy! can you please educate us simpletons on dalit history and renowned dalit leaders

sellouts are everywhere .
Pakistanis and indians are a different race, different DNA, different genetics, different religion, different culture, different heritage, different language, different EVERYRHING. Claiming that Pakistan and india should be one country is just as retarded and ridiculous as claiming that Pakistan, Brazil and Germany should become one country............ :disagree:

original aryavir hindu DNA are different from mixture of arab turk mangol .
When a Buddhist country like Sri Lanka or Hindu majority country Nepal is not interested in sharing nationality with India. Why would Pakistan be interested.

This ponga Pandit Mohan Bhagwat just wants to grab attention by giving absurd statements, he is high on gow mutra. The truth is when people of India see Rss or Modi on TV, they shut down their television.

are you from PDF ?
sellouts are everywhere
just because he doesnt agree with the philosophy of castes and valuing or devaluing humans based on this caste or more important the ideology of rss he is a sellout?
original aryavir hindu DNA are different from mixture of arab turk mangol .
is slavery part of that dna? judging from hindu history of slavery and defeats!
just because he doesnt agree with the philosophy of castes and valuing or devaluing humans based on this caste or more important the ideology of rss he is a sellout?

he is a sellout .
dalits are ruling india on highest of posts .
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
mixed breeds are always beautiful .

But the products of aryavir hindu dna certainly are not. In fact they are the most hideously ugly and physically repulsive of ALL creations. You just need to look at images of india to realize this. The ugliness of indians is enough to kill you of depression.
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