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Akhand Bharat possible, will be good for Pakistan, says RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat

Meanwhile, Pakistan and Indian Militaries have agreed to the ceasefires. Pakistan's Government and Military had promised they would NEVER leave Kashmiris alone and fight till Kashmir gets its rights. Obviously, Pakistan's military thinks that Kashmir has gained independence from India, and india has stopped killing innocent Pakistanis all over Pakistan and specially Baluchistan via their terrorist bombs. Wow what Fantastic work by Pakistan's Military Generals!! For this wonderful work, Lets give them another few DHA housing schemes to sell !! :enjoy:
you are right. Kashmir is the land of the Tamils, just like the desert is the home of the penguins.
Kashmir is the land of Tamils. Gujarat is the land of Kashmiris. Bihar is the land of Marathis. In summary, any Indian land is the land of all Indians.
Kashmir is the land of Tamils. Gujarat is the land of Kashmiris. Bihar is the land of Marathis. In summary, any Indian land is the land of all Indians.

yes, and lockdown showed Kashmiris approved of all this. like all indians, shameless till the day you die.
yes, and lockdown showed Kashmiris approved of all this. like all indians, shameless till the day you die.
Kashmir valley was largely peaceful within India till late 1980s. Then your Jihadi fighters free from fighting with Soviet created havoc here. The military response to them led to many collateral damages which has left some Kashmiris with genuine grievances since. I do not agree that we should have placed Kashmir under lockdown for this long. I hope we can build trust with the discontented again so that they soon come into mainstream like Jammu and Ladakh.
It is Practically impossible to retain Pakistan and Afghanistan with India as one country. The cost to benefit analysis dictates that it would do more harm than any good. I don't think Indian planners even think about it anymore.
Maybe not a few or even one decade ago, but India has changed this last decade. Ultranationalism, and the rise of extremist ideology among hindus in India has clearly affected Indian military planners. You don't go a decade of ignoring extremism, and not expect it to spread like wildfire, Pakistan learned this lesson the hard way and is finally fixing its mistake, all the while it seems clear that India will be learning it soon enough as well.
Kashmir valley was largely peaceful within India till late 1980s. Then your Jihadi fighters free from fighting with Soviet created havoc here. The military response to them led to many collateral damages which has left some Kashmiris with genuine grievances since. I do not agree that we should have placed Kashmir under lockdown for this long. I hope we can build trust with the discontented again so that they soon come into mainstream like Jammu and Ladakh.

good luck. hindutva will see to it that the balkanisation of india will come to fruition. Modi and dogs like you too have our full support.
Akhand Bharat, Ghazava e Hind la la. I tell yeh what. Let's call the British back and have British Raj back again with the Queen as Empress so everybody will be satisfied.

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Nah, we should invest in putting all the continents back together, and revert back to Pangea. We can call it Akhand Pangea.

HYDERABAD: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

Indeed Akhand Hindustan will be reality because Sarkar e Hindustan reject the Colonization of Hindu Rashtra Territory !!!

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism. India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

When Kingdom of Manchuria - Moo Gools Chagatai Military Generals by themselves are saying that Union of India Establishment is fighting to Liberate Ancient Hindu Rashtra Territory then there will be no Condemnation from the International Security Community but when Hinduwadis are explaining by keeping Deen e Islam / Deen a Arya Commandments then this is made a big issue !!!

The Meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam can be understand by the Hindu Clanships only , In Short Aulad e Al Anbiya !!!

He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed. “Because they are separated from the energy of life (India), we are open to treat them as our own as they were before,” he said.

Gandhara & Takht e Shila are having important place for Raghu Vanshi's & Chandra Vanshis !!!

Saying that ‘akhand Bharat’ is possible, he said some people have expressed doubts on division of India six months before it happened. “Jawaharlal Nehru rubbished it as a dream of fools. Similarly, anything can happen,” he said. “Lord Wavell (during British rule) said in British Parliament that god has made India one and who is going to divide it,” he recalled.

Calling that Division of Union of India by Military Invasion by rounding up of the whole Population would be correct . Azad Hind Fauj is fighting since Day 1; Military Status Quo is Top Priority.

According to Bhagwat, talking of ‘akhand Bharat’ does not mean imposing colonialism. “When we talk about united, we don’t talk about power, it is about people. They are united through ‘sanatana dharma,’ which is called Hindu dharma,” the RSS chief asserted.

Akhand Hindustan means Liberation of Ancient Hindu Rashtra Territory from Colonization !!!

Haad wo Hadood !!! Jai Hind !!!

The RSS chief will be in Adilabad to attend a private programme on Friday.
He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed

One of the Markez of Maratha & Hai Dara Abaad !!! Hindustan Zindabad !!! Jai Hind !!!

another glimpse into the expansionist ideology of India.

Think opposite !!! Liberation from Colonization of Outsiders !!! Yajooj wa Majooj - Hadees !!!

not only are they talking about adding the lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh into their shithole concept called Bharat,

Sutoon has been Established by Bhagwanam Shree Rama - 7500 Years Ago !!!

Bharata Ganaraj ; Harata is name of Ishitun; Gana means to Praise and Raj means Kingdom.

Ishitun Harata Praising Hindu Rashtra Empire - Hindustan !!!

they are now even talking about adding Afghanistan into it. this RSS is the brainchild of political parties like the BJP and Shiv Sena, and have senior officers in their military indoctrinated with this crap.

Rashtriya Seva Sangh is a Tehreek of Peshwa Maharaj Sahab !!!

Demon Hunters - Swords and Danda !!! Zaffrane Nishan - Tilak Dhari Pahelwan !!!
HYDERABAD: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat on Thursday said there is a need for ‘akhand Bharat’ (undivided India) and it would suit better for countries like Pakistan which got separated from India.

Indeed Akhand Hindustan will be reality because Sarkar e Hindustan reject the Colonization of Hindu Rashtra Territory !!!

Speaking at a Sanskrit book launch, Bhagwat said ‘Akhand Bharat’ is possible with Hindu dharma. “We consider countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan as ours. Once they are with us, it does not matter what they practise or what they eat. It is not colonialism. India believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family).”

When Kingdom of Manchuria - Moo Gools Chagatai Military Generals by themselves are saying that Union of India Establishment is fighting to Liberate Ancient Hindu Rashtra Territory then there will be no Condemnation from the International Security Community but when Hinduwadis are explaining by keeping Deen e Islam / Deen a Arya Commandments then this is made a big issue !!!

The Meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam can be understand by the Hindu Clanships only , In Short Aulad e Al Anbiya !!!

He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed. “Because they are separated from the energy of life (India), we are open to treat them as our own as they were before,” he said.

Gandhara & Takht e Shila are having important place for Raghu Vanshi's & Chandra Vanshis !!!

Saying that ‘akhand Bharat’ is possible, he said some people have expressed doubts on division of India six months before it happened. “Jawaharlal Nehru rubbished it as a dream of fools. Similarly, anything can happen,” he said. “Lord Wavell (during British rule) said in British Parliament that god has made India one and who is going to divide it,” he recalled.

Calling that Division of Union of India by Military Invasion by rounding up of the whole Population would be correct . Azad Hind Fauj is fighting since Day 1; Military Status Quo is Top Priority.

According to Bhagwat, talking of ‘akhand Bharat’ does not mean imposing colonialism. “When we talk about united, we don’t talk about power, it is about people. They are united through ‘sanatana dharma,’ which is called Hindu dharma,” the RSS chief asserted.

Akhand Hindustan means Liberation of Ancient Hindu Rashtra Territory from Colonization !!!

Haad wo Hadood !!! Jai Hind !!!

The RSS chief will be in Adilabad to attend a private programme on Friday.
He sought to know if Pakistan and Gandhar (which became Afghanistan later) are having peace and trust ever since they were formed

One of the Markez of Maratha & Hai Dara Abaad !!! Hindustan Zindabad !!! Jai Hind !!!

another glimpse into the expansionist ideology of India.

Think opposite !!! Liberation from Colonization of Outsiders !!! Yajooj wa Majooj - Hadees !!!

not only are they talking about adding the lands of Pakistan and Bangladesh into their shithole concept called Bharat,

Sutoon has been Established by Bhagwanam Shree Rama - 7500 Years Ago !!!

Bharata Ganaraj ; Harata is name of Ishitun; Gana means to Praise and Raj means Kingdom.

Ishitun Harata Praising Hindu Rashtra Empire - Hindustan !!!

they are now even talking about adding Afghanistan into it. this RSS is the brainchild of political parties like the BJP and Shiv Sena, and have senior officers in their military indoctrinated with this crap.

Rashtriya Seva Sangh is a Tehreek of Peshwa Maharaj Sahab !!!

Demon Hunters - Swords and Danda !!! Zaffrane Nishan - Tilak Dhari Pahelwan !!!
Akhand Bharat thought was the reason for the creation of Pakistan, let's keep such thoughts coming.

No !!! Clashes of Civilisations !!!
It is Practically impossible to retain Pakistan and Afghanistan with India as one country. The cost to benefit analysis dictates that it would do more harm than any good. I don't think Indian planners even think about it anymore.

Again the History is Repeating !!! Emir Dost Mohammed Khan Sahab and Peshwa & Khalsa Maharaj Sahab !!!
How conveniently and easily they changes the narrative on different occasions...dichotomy and hypocrisy.

RSS on other occasions...

Savarkar’s thesis
Bhagwat’s comment is not entirely new. Savarkar in his 1923 book Hindutva, also talks of converted Muslims and Christians. In his opinion, even a converted Muslims cannot be accommodated into the Hindutva-fold.

He says: “Some of our Mohammedan or Christian countrymen who had originally been forcibly converted to a non-Hindu religion and who consequently have inherited along with Hindus, a common Fatherland and a greater part of the wealth of a common culture — language, law, customs, folklore and history — are not and cannot be recognized as Hindus. For though Hindus than to them is Fatherland as to any other Hindu yet it is not to them a Holyland… Their holyland is far off in Arabia or Palestine.”

The contradiction in Savarkar’s argument is that Hindu religion should not be treated as the decisive criterion to determine the Hindutva of any group of people; however, when it comes to converted Muslims and Christians, their belief in holy places of worship is treated as a principle to evaluate their patriotism.

they do!!! believe you me, they are in the govt.

Shiekh Ghazali Analysis Scanner needed here !!!

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was arrested in 1910 Isvi, Seems Sarkar e Hindustan - Safeer !!! Think Maam !!!
You are no civilization. You are just a continent sized harem for Brahmins.

Indeed Sarkar e Hindustan is fighting against Colonization; Superiority was being showed infront of Brown Hindu Clanships !!!
Nah, we should invest in putting all the continents back together, and revert back to Pangea. We can call it Akhand Pangea.

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All Countries are within the Range of Indian Armed Forces - Ballistic Missiles Force !!!
Funny how these indians NEVER mention Myanmar being part of an "undivided india" even though it was a part of india for 1000s of years.

Union of India - State Burma has being invaded because of the Great Game !!!

Now Aircraft Carriers will be not Visible in Indian Ocean Region - Sea Bengala like 1971 !!! This time any Foreign Naval Vessels would be completely destroyed !!!

They always mention Pakistan and occasionally Afghanistan as being a part of a "united india". Truth is Pakistan was ONLY a part of the "British Raj" from 1853 to 1947.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Kingdom of Safavid - Wars are well known !!! Kingdom of Safavid Expansion result is Creation of Pakistan on Union of India Territory !!!

Nothing more. Afghanistan was NEVER a part of or has ever had anything to do with india..........:disagree:

Hindu Shahi Clans are United on the Frontlines against Enemies of Deen e Arya / Deen e Islam !!!

Yajooj wo Majooj Tribes, who are not part of Hindu Tehzebun !!!

Not happening EVER. We are a different race, ethnicity, culture, religion and different everything to india and indian people.

Yes, you are right, Kingdom of Safavid has nothing to do with Hindu Tehzebun !!! Hindu Clanships are easily identified who are Completely different from Tunani Clanship; Turali Clanship and Turani Clanship !!!

Hindu are Hindu, Hindu Knows Clanships & Kingships !!! Hindustan Zindabad !!! Jai Hind !!!
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