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Aamir Khan meets Turkish President Erdogan's wife, Emine, in Istanbul. Sanghis get Heart-burn

I had a good Indian friend back in school, Hmmm yes; Shaghor, good guy from Malda.

He had a God Given gift, he would find and tell me about all the obscure places Bengalis are in or have been in, Speaking of Indian bengalis here.

He is the one who told me, that Imran Khan's (the actor, he was famous when shaghor and I were classmates) father was a Bengali.

I suppose you mean 'Sagar', as in সাগর. Interesting friend. Where is he now?
I suppose you mean 'Sagar', as in সাগর. Interesting friend. Where is he now?

He studies in Bangalore now.

Never liked the way Sagar is written not accurate to the bengali way of pronouncing that name.

My teachers would call him Sagar in the hindi way but I would always call him shagor and chagol for when I would want to get back at him.

Will try and say a few more words on this, but why I mean? I have no issues with you being a devout Hindu and a nationalist Indian or for that matter a practicing jew, a practicing Sikh, a practicing christian, or any other and they have every right to be patriotic citizens of their respective countries. Problem would be if they are not patriots, not the definition issued by extremist be it mullah on our or your side or be it the RSS sanghis.

It seems that we are both saying the same thing, and find ourselves in the same position.

Incidentally, the devout Hindu offering Puja was not I; it was an abstraction. Not to seem to be taking a position, but the facts are that my father categorically insisted that Hindu rites not be observed after he died; my daughter and son-in-law also got married quite outside the usual, well-known routines (they devised something with the help of a friend).

As you pointed out, patriotism has nothing to do with religious belief, or with the extent of conformance to any particular religious belief, much though the mullahs and the priests try to make that a loyalty test. Their definitions are self-serving and wholly irrelevant.

It is ironic that just after your country climbed out of the ditch, we have fallen into it.
Not too well informed on the Zia years in Pakistan but think I've read bits about religious police flogging people on the street. State sanctioned and authorized beatings for breaking religious law.

That was Saudi Arabia.

You are SUCH a touchingly innocent guy.

Don't women pinch your cheeks when you walk down the street?
That was Saudi Arabia.

You are SUCH a touchingly innocent guy.

Don't women pinch your cheeks when you walk down the street?

Public floggings became a common sight during General Ziaul Haq’s tyrannical reign, especially in its early part. | Photo: Dawn / White Star Archives
Special Report: Darkness Descends 1977-1988

The one person who single-handedly changed Pakistan, perhaps forever, was the military dictator, General Ziaul Haq.

Never liked the way Sagar is written not accurate to the bengali way of pronouncing that name.

My teachers would call him Sagar in the hindi way but I would always call him shagor and chagol for when I would want to get back at him.

Fair enough. That is true.

However, you should remember that I come from a milieu where Calcutta University insisted that it would recognise one, and only one, way of writing various surnames, and you could move Heaven and Earth, but Chatterjee would remain Chatterjee, and never Chatterji, or Chattopadhyaya, or Chatujye, or even Chaterji.
They haven't done anything of the sort here in India.

No, of course not. Only lynched people for suspected carrying/cooking of beef. Now it's come down to transporting cattle. But no, not anything of that kind that they do in Saudi Arabia. Never.
As prime minister, what 'anti-muslim' thing has Modi ever done ?

Terrible things.

Going around encouraging vigilantes to attack Muslims who speak up on social media, putting his weight for a law that will effectively allow all Muslims to be stripped of citizenship, appointing and encouraging a state Chief Minister who has systematically persecuted a doctor who saved lives by contributing his personal funds, violated the constitution to deprive the only Muslim majority state of its existing rights and laws.....the list goes on and on.

Honestly, you are too good to be true.
No, of course not. Only lynched people for suspected carrying/cooking of beef. Now it's come down to transporting cattle. But no, not anything of that kind that they do in Saudi Arabia. Never.

I said this in my original comment addressed to ps3linux

I've read bits about religious police flogging people on the street. State sanctioned and authorized beatings for breaking religious law.

Clearly, unlike in that example of Gen Zia's rule, the Modi administration isn't doing any of it.

My point stands, that as PM, Modi hasn't done anything anti-muslim.
"Everyone has been talking about Aamir Khan’s cute looking nephew Imran Khan and his much anticipated silver screen debut ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’. But there are a few things that not everyone knows… Nah, we are not talking about his girlfriend of 6 years, Avantika Malik, this has more to do about his surname ‘Khan’.

The debutante actor, in a candid interview to a news daily revealed that his original surname is ‘Pal’ and not ‘Khan’. That’s because his fathers’ name is Anil Pal who is a Bengali and works overseas with ‘Yahoo’, but the young lad likes to call himself ‘Imran Khan’ because his mother ‘Nuzhat Khan’ and father had parted ways long back when the actor was pretty young.

And, he being closer to his mum, it’s his way of saying ‘thank you’ we guess because she has been a single parent to him. Incidentally, she is now married to actor ‘Raj Zutshi’, who is a Kashmiri. So that makes Imran a half Muslim, half Bengali and a bit of Kashmiri too."


@Shantanu_Left how did you know ?


Sounds like a deadbeat father. Typically seen in India with Hindu men and their Muslim wife/mistress etc. They are cowardly like Anil Pal, and run away the moment the child is born. It's not religion-specific, many abandon their Hindu wives as well.

My Hindu father wasn't like that, in fact I saw him a lot till my teenage years. But then he decided to have a second wife (Hindu) and multiple affairs. I still get along well with him. Most abandoned children don't have any relation with their absentee fathers, and are raised by their mothers side of the families.

My situation wasn't that bad as compared to Imran Khan. But both my parents were very abusive and violent. I used to get thrashed a lot.

Many Hindu men are cowardly for sure. That is why they like that "navel-gazing" bs.
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You're a pro basterd, lol. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ehhh you know takes one to know and all...

I feel like, I need to know what's behind their navel fetish, this video does nothing in that regard.

Could it be something to do with saris ? That women have word saris for centuries in the region and the only flesh shown is the area around the navel....

Perhaps, after centuries of 'Navel gazing', it has affected how they get it on so to speak, and navels click all the right buttons.

In my opinion, parents should beat their children to an extent, I'm no sadist but a little bit of *** whooping goes a long way to teach children to respect the authority.

Just look at the Westerner's their children act unruly and entitled because they know their parents can't even touch them, no matter what they do.

I can't wrap my head around the whole 'you're grounded' as a punishment, doesn't work that way.
I am a practicing Muslim Pakistani Patriot but does that mean I can take away anyone right to exist, I always have had this problems with Mullahs (mindless drones) courtesy of Zia of binary solution either you are a Muslim or you don't have a right to exist, thankfully we have defeated their ideology, rejected it and now they are loosing their face and credibility, seem you guys too have the same problem. How you come out of it we'll have to see...

No, I never said all Pakistanis are like that. In fact, your nation's founder, Mr. Jinnah was a very nice progressive person. He wanted equal rights for the Hindus. But then your country came under the influence of Zia-Ul-Haq. That changed the complete ideological make-up. That's why Indians used to always consider Pakistan as a fundamentalist country.

But yes, some remarkable strides have been made in recent years. But you have the Blasphemy laws which are abhorrent to any liberal person in India.

Having said this, now that Pakistan is emerging out of the shadows of Zia-ul-Haq and religious fundamentalism, India is moving in the opposite direction. That is why some Indian politicians of Congress say that under BJP, India is becoming a Hindu version of Pakistan. What they really mean is that under the Hindutvadi forces, we are becoming like a Zia-Ul-Haq's version of Pakistan.

It will be really funny if in another 20 years time, India becomes a Hindu country where all minorities are second-class citizens, and all the liberals are dead or exiled. On the contrary, Pakistan becomes an officially secular country.
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