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Aamir Khan meets Turkish President Erdogan's wife, Emine, in Istanbul. Sanghis get Heart-burn

Mr. Jinnah was a very nice progressive person. He wanted equal rights for the Hindus. But then your country came under the influence of Zia-Ul-Haq.

Care to provide legislative evidence for this?

It seems to be an easy thing to blame Zia
Terrible things.

Going around encouraging vigilantes to attack Muslims who speak up on social media, putting his weight for a law that will effectively allow all Muslims to be stripped of citizenship, appointing and encouraging a state Chief Minister who has systematically persecuted a doctor who saved lives by contributing his personal funds, violated the constitution to deprive the only Muslim majority state of its existing rights and laws.....the list goes on and on.
That's just fearmongering.

revoking 370 wasn't an anti-muslim move, just pro India. They will live free and be happy just like in Kerala and TN or any other state in the union. What had the status quo accomplished anyway ? After Pokhran 2 and the quick Pakistani response, the LOC is already a de-facto international border.

census and NRC is not anti muslim.

Yogi is a good and effective administrator.

People say all sorts of things on social media, not sure what you mean by him 'encouraging vigilantes to attack muslims' there ? :undecided:

Can't say about the doctor, haven't follower that one at all.

He enjoys pretty phenomenal across the board support among the well educated middle and upper middle to wealthy people. None of it has much to do with him being 'anti muslim', it's about vision and policy.

but power corrupts, and absolute power...

so my wish is for a viable opposition at the centre sometime in the next decade but it's looking pretty grim for the grand old party of India. That greying toddler is not his dadi or pardada, he's not even his dad.

Honestly, you are too good to be true.
somewhere there is an insult, good thing I'm not smart enough to know where exactly :enjoy:
In my opinion, parents should beat their children to an extent, I'm no sadist but a little bit of *** whooping goes a long way to teach children to respect the authority.

LOL...it didn't work on me. I became anti-authority. I was smoking cigarettes at age 12. Both my parents took turns to beat me up. I was their common punching bag.

My home environment was a mess after my parents separation drama (They still haven't formally divorced). My mother became an alcoholic.

I wished to have another younger sibling, and I would have abused him in turn.

The fact that I turned out OK, and didn't go to prison for too long (only small sentences each time) is itself a big miracle;.

But I get your points
He is a good actor. Better actor than many seasoned politicians. Needs to be shown his place now. Indians have fed many a snakes in their backyard. He is just one. But a good one.
I wished to have another younger sibling, and I would have abused him in turn.

I don't even know what to say :omghaha:

Funny, I have heard alot of people say this, that they wish they had a little kid brother to use as a stress ball.

Halfway between morbid and hilarity.

Precisely why I don't know whether to be amused or to laugh.
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I became anti-authority.

tenor (1).gif
Care to explain ? Or did you get paid only for this one paragraph ?
You get paid only when you write more than a para? I get paid for each letter I type. LOL.
Seriously though. Erdogan sounded the bugle of his anti-India stance when he did whatever he did in UN against removal of 370/35A. We Indians dont expect everyone to be with us in international fora anyway. A vast majority is sufficient.
But as far as "Indians" are considered, Indians agree that any Indian trying to get cosy with anti-Indians is a fake Indian, a snake in the backyard.
We dont expect non Indians and fake Indians to agree with that. But please leave it to Indians to decide who is In and who is Out. Pretty please?
It seems that we are both saying the same thing, and find ourselves in the same position.

Incidentally, the devout Hindu offering Puja was not I; it was an abstraction. Not to seem to be taking a position, but the facts are that my father categorically insisted that Hindu rites not be observed after he died; my daughter and son-in-law also got married quite outside the usual, well-known routines (they devised something with the help of a friend).

As you pointed out, patriotism has nothing to do with religious belief, or with the extent of conformance to any particular religious belief, much though the mullahs and the priests try to make that a loyalty test. Their definitions are self-serving and wholly irrelevant.

It is ironic that just after your country climbed out of the ditch, we have fallen into it.

Actually I am working up two theories besides my other obsessions and hobbies one linked to your thread where I started contributing but then well you know what happened topic is "can India and Pakistan co-exist", second is probably gonna use for my another PhD something like "Racism and the beginning of discrimination"

People like me, my family and lot of others have paid a heavy price to get out of the cesspool Zia left for us, entire generation lost its peace of mind. The religion that was used to divide us somehow along our founding ideology became the rallying point. The last battle is yet to be fought but if you are following happenings in the mid-east lines are being drawn with or against Pakistan:-).

Terrible things.

Going around encouraging vigilantes to attack Muslims who speak up on social media, putting his weight for a law that will effectively allow all Muslims to be stripped of citizenship, appointing and encouraging a state Chief Minister who has systematically persecuted a doctor who saved lives by contributing his personal funds, violated the constitution to deprive the only Muslim majority state of its existing rights and laws.....the list goes on and on.

Honestly, you are too good to be true.

You are among those who have read my signatures and know the meaning/reason behind them. Most of the time I ignore people whom I find unable to comprehend, spending time here on PDF is a luxury that I afford and I dont want to waste in useless arguments.;)

1) In fact, your nation's founder, Mr. Jinnah was a very nice progressive person. He wanted equal rights for the Hindus.

2) But you have the Blasphemy laws which are abhorrent to any liberal person in India.

3) Having said this, now that Pakistan is emerging out of the shadows of Zia-ul-Haq and religious fundamentalism, India is moving in the opposite direction. That is why some Indian politicians of Congress say that under BJP, India is becoming a Hindu version of Pakistan.

4) What they really mean is that under the Hindutvadi forces, we are becoming like a Zia-Ul-Haq's version of Pakistan.

5) It will be really funny if in another 20 years time, India becomes a Hindu country where all minorities are second-class citizens, and all the liberals are dead or exiled.

6) On the contrary, Pakistan becomes an officially secular country.

1) Yaar Never implied that. Trust me being progressive or religious Muslims doesn't mean we do not recognize and respect people of other religions or their deities. What you see normally is ignorant people saying crap about other religion, people who don't know how much religion Islam respects other religion such people would normally be idolizing Mehmood of Ghazni for me he was just another dacoit.

2) I have my view on that, some day I would let you, @Joe Shearer and may be @jamahir read my blog and my view but this is a no go area.

3) I concur fully. Like I mentioned to joe mullah will become irrelevant as a result of happenings in the mideast.

4) I know what it means and its a sad thing, same thing is happening in myanmar where the most peaceful of monks have become monsters.

5) Thats what I fear, or may be india will not exist in its present geographical form or may be Indians as a nation realize that fanaticism is a bottomless pit and there is no way up once you descend down.

6) It would be strange for you to comprehend that Islam by its original teachings is the most liberal of religions, it recognizes the right for existence of all humans and animals. Think of me as someone who has spend decades in studying religions (almost all major)
You get paid only when you write more than a para? I get paid for each letter I type. LOL.
Seriously though. Erdogan sounded the bugle of his anti-India stance when he did whatever he did in UN against removal of 370/35A. We Indians dont expect everyone to be with us in international fora anyway. A vast majority is sufficient.
But as far as "Indians" are considered, Indians agree that any Indian trying to get cosy with anti-Indians is a fake Indian, a snake in the backyard.
We dont expect non Indians and fake Indians to agree with that. But please leave it to Indians to decide who is In and who is Out. Pretty please?

thank god .
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