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Aamir Khan meets Turkish President Erdogan's wife, Emine, in Istanbul. Sanghis get Heart-burn

You get paid only when you write more than a para? I get paid for each letter I type. LOL.
Seriously though. Erdogan sounded the bugle of his anti-India stance when he did whatever he did in UN against removal of 370/35A. We Indians dont expect everyone to be with us in international fora anyway. A vast majority is sufficient.
But as far as "Indians" are considered, Indians agree that any Indian trying to get cosy with anti-Indians is a fake Indian, a snake in the backyard.
We dont expect non Indians and fake Indians to agree with that. But please leave it to Indians to decide who is In and who is Out. Pretty please?

Are you trying to stroke nationalistic sentiments to get paid extra ?

All I could deduce from your post was India, India, India and yet more India. :blah::blah:

@Shantanu_Left you went from being an 'asshole' Indian to being a snake to being a fake Indian, how many avatars do you have :cheesy:

Fake Indian asshole snake :cheers:
Most of our nationalistic Indians (Im one), are not able to find the positive aspect of this visit and I dont blame them. I for once REALLY dont see a problem here. Amir Khan's meeting is a purely private affair with its many positive angles.

For information, relation improved with Saudi with saving a sheikh's daughter while trying to escape. In diplomacy everything has a meaning. I am not saying this particular incident has a diplomatic string attached. But we need to be vocal as well as logical at times.
One by one, all the navel lovers are coming forth...

When will it end ? Will it ever end ?

Are we all navel lovers ? But it can't be.

Surely I'm not.....

many kingdoms vanished in navels .:D
i am ready to sacrifice my kingdom .
I said this in my original comment addressed to ps3linux

Clearly, unlike in that example of Gen Zia's rule, the Modi administration isn't doing any of it.

My point stands, that as PM, Modi hasn't done anything anti-muslim.

I've read bits about religious police flogging people on the street. State sanctioned and authorized beatings for breaking religious law.

Let me repeat:
  1. There were NEVER any religious police in Pakistan.
  2. Flogging was awarded as a punishment, but NOT for religious reasons. Flogging itself was abolished by statute in 1996.
The point was about State sanctioned punishment for religious offences. There was no such thing.

As for Modi not doing anything anti-Muslim, does that mean that he gets a free pass because he did not personally assault a Muslim? Nobody has accused him - yet - of going around personally lynching anybody; when he supports every anti-Muslim action of his party, including acts by the politicians ruling UP, that constitutes anti-Muslim action, according to any reasonable interpretation.

Oops - did I say 'reasonable'?

Silly of me.
Most of our nationalistic Indians (Im one), are not able to find the positive aspect of this visit and I dont blame them. I for once REALLY dont see a problem here. Amir Khan's meeting is a purely private affair with its many positive angles.

For information, relation improved with Saudi with saving a sheikh's daughter while trying to escape. In diplomacy everything has a meaning. I am not saying this particular incident has a diplomatic string attached. But we need to be vocal as well as logical at times.

thousands of indians are getting their bread and butter as acting as his team of filmakers , why should any indian should be annoyed with his activities in turkey ? did he denounce his indianness ? we should be proud of this indian actor that he is known there as an indian actor .
revoking 370 wasn't an anti-muslim move, just pro India.

It wasn't about the revocation, it was about the illegal way in which it was done.

Further, the BJP also revoked 35A; why did they feel the need to do that when even states under their own administration have a very similar law and people think nothing of it? Why is it that this law is allowed to stay in six other states, where the majority of people are Hindu, or Christian, or Buddhist, and abolished only in the one state where Muslims were a majority?
Let me repeat:
  1. There were NEVER any religious police in Pakistan.
  2. Flogging was awarded as a punishment, but NOT for religious reasons. Flogging itself was abolished by statute in 1996.
The point was about State sanctioned punishment for religious offences. There was no such thing.

As for Modi not doing anything anti-Muslim, does that mean that he gets a free pass because he did not personally assault a Muslim? Nobody has accused him - yet - of going around personally lynching anybody; when he supports every anti-Muslim action of his party, including acts by the politicians ruling UP, that constitutes anti-Muslim action, according to any reasonable interpretation.

Oops - did I say 'reasonable'?

Silly of me.

Modi proved his credentials as Gujrat CM during the riots.

There are statements from police officers who said they were instructed by the higher ups in the Gujrat government to let the rioters have their fun for a certain amount of time.

Reading about Ehsan Jafri's death still sends shivers down my spine, poor man was dismembered limb from limb.... Even being a former Lok Sabha member didn't save him from the rampaging bhakts.

So, the question is, If a powerful politician like Ehsan Jafri can be torn from limb to limb, then who is safe in India ?

Now in 2020, is any Indian who goes against RSS-BJP axis safe ? Nevermind whether they're Muslim or Hindu or Christian....
That's just fearmongering.

revoking 370 wasn't an anti-muslim move, just pro India. They will live free and be happy just like in Kerala and TN or any other state in the union. What had the status quo accomplished anyway ? After Pokhran 2 and the quick Pakistani response, the LOC is already a de-facto international border.

census and NRC is not anti muslim.

Yogi is a good and effective administrator.

People say all sorts of things on social media, not sure what you mean by him 'encouraging vigilantes to attack muslims' there ? :undecided:

Can't say about the doctor, haven't follower that one at all.

He enjoys pretty phenomenal across the board support among the well educated middle and upper middle to wealthy people. None of it has much to do with him being 'anti muslim', it's about vision and policy.

but power corrupts, and absolute power...

so my wish is for a viable opposition at the centre sometime in the next decade but it's looking pretty grim for the grand old party of India. That greying toddler is not his dadi or pardada, he's not even his dad.

somewhere there is an insult, good thing I'm not smart enough to know where exactly :enjoy:

Every SINGLE one of your points falls apart like wet cardboard when the slightest examination is performed, but this is honestly boring. I suppose that is your USP.
It wasn't about the revocation, it was about the illegal way in which it was done.

Further, the BJP also revoked 35A; why did they feel the need to do that when even states under their own administration have a very similar law and people think nothing of it? Why is it that this law is allowed to stay in six other states, where the majority of people are Hindu, or Christian, or Buddhist, and abolished only in the one state where Muslims were a majority?
if kashmiri muslims want to live in india we will allow 35 a and article 370 .
muslims of kashmir were demanding merger with pakistan , we are not ready to give kashmir to pakistan at any cost . no other state wants separation from india so they can enjoy all privileges .
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