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A little help please!

My new Yars I have a dilemma and I need some help. First a little background, I'm a Psych grad (B.Sc Hons.) Top of my class. Buch of other academic yada yada yada. I wanted to go for CSS (civil service) but after studying Psych for 4 years I'm in love with the subject and wana make it my profession.

That being said I'm from a middle-class fam and both my parents are educationists near their retirements, we do not have ZAMEENS and JAEDAADS to fall back on. We eat what we earn, like most of my countrymen and neighboring countrymen (even the world?).

Since the last two years of my studies my university has been visited by the Army, Navy and Air Force Psychs, they really need some good guys (to give you a picture every year there about 3-5 male psychs passing out and most of them not so good in terms of the subject).

I'm decided for a career as a military psych but for which arm? PAF, PN or PA? :( Can you guys help me a little bit?

I will keep my own observations for now and hear what you guys have to say.

Thanks and feel free to ask me anything

@Marshmallow @Secur @Pak-one @Armstrong @haviZsultan @Dillinger @Capt.Popeye

jaibi though im not very xperienced to talk too much about it but still wud like to give my precious little opinion

i wud just say that go where ur heart wants to go....i mean the profession where u wud feel most comfortable n wud enjoy also while working n not just like a robot working day n nite to earn money...but no relaxation n peace of mind by having thoughts at the end of the day that this what i really wanted to do or be in....

plz dun be victim of our stupid n regular pakistani culture where parents n relatives impose their wishes in kids to be anything they wish us to be rather than what we really want ourself to be.....cuz u may regret then....

ill rate the three option as

1- Air Force


3- Navy

Army is too over rated:P n Naveris seem too slow n way behind da real world :P so u better go wid Air force
also Air Force Men are so gud looking n their uniform too:P

i hope my suggestion wud be of any help

some other ppl who can also help u in this regard whom u dint quoted..

@Hyperion @Manticore @S.U.R.B. @Aeronaut @Leader @Jazzbot @nuclearpak @balixd @p(-)0ENiX

please help him!
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My new Yars I have a dilemma and I need some help. First a little background, I'm a Psych grad (B.Sc Hons.) Top of my class. Buch of other academic yada yada yada. I wanted to go for CSS (civil service) but after studying Psych for 4 years I'm in love with the subject and wana make it my profession.

That being said I'm from a middle-class fam and both my parents are educationists near their retirements, we do not have ZAMEENS and JAEDAADS to fall back on. We eat what we earn, like most of my countrymen and neighboring countrymen (even the world?).

Since the last two years of my studies my university has been visited by the Army, Navy and Air Force Psychs, they really need some good guys (to give you a picture every year there about 3-5 male psychs passing out and most of them not so good in terms of the subject).

I'm decided for a career as a military psych but for which arm? PAF, PN or PA? :( Can you guys help me a little bit?

I will keep my own observations for now and hear what you guys have to say.

Thanks and feel free to ask me anything

@Marshmallow @Secur @Pak-one @Armstrong @haviZsultan @Dillinger @Capt.Popeye

Hi @jaibi; I feel both honored and a little bit amused that you seek my opininions on this subject. Because I am not any professional in this area of study!

You mention that you have enjoyed and would seek to continue work in the field of psychology. I do commend that; there is nothing quite so interesting as seeking to understand how the human mind works, it still happens to be little understood.

Having said that; your specific query about which branch of the Armed Forces one should join up with; really does not matter. I'd say that the work would be similar across all three branches. BTW, in India; professional psychologists serve in the Armed Forces both in uniform as well as civilians.

One thought that comes to my mind; is that you should consider working in HR in Civvy Street. There is genuine work to be done there and based on what I know of in India, will be satisfying both professionally as well as materially. In comparison, in the Armed Forces; the nature of work is relatively much more regimented, doctrinaire and "in-the-box". These are not exactly enthusing conditions.

If you are willing to go off the 'beaten track' (with all the attendant risks), then consider working in the field of education. That is a crying need in our countries of origin. Your contribution can be much more meaningful in that area, going forward into the future.

Just my thoughts, for whatever they are worth.......
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Well , I was just thinking . Despite the fact that I am pleasantly surprised to meet a psychologist that would explain your deep understanding of so many different things - due to the reason that I myself have profound interests in your field of study with an emphasis on psychoactive compounds , even though I am pursuing a B.E. in Material Engineering . I would personally recommend you that you join the Army because they in my observation - are badly in need of some psychologists to advise and help them on deployment patterns , coping with stress , anxiety and other psychological problems , psychological warfare and interrogation in the ongoing war on terror which has taken a heavy toll on the morale and mental health of the troops .

Its not about you needs it more, its about who wants it more.. :D Although I agree with you that right now PA badly needs some pro pshycs due to continuous WoT, but as far as culture is concerned I'd recommend PAF. @jaibi I'm not related to armed forces but have family relations with a few officers in PA and PAF. So as per my limited knowledge, I'm agreed with whatever @Pakistanisage have said as he already has summed everything up pretty nicely..

All the best for choosing perfect career.. :tup:
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jaibi though im not very xperienced to talk too much about it but still wud like to give my precious little opinion

i wud just say that go where ur heart wants to go....i mean the profession where u wud feel most comfortable n wud enjoy also while working n not just like a robot working day n nite to earn money...but no relaxation n peace of mind by having thoughts at the end of the day that this what i really wanted to do or be in....

plz dun be victim of our stupid n regular pakistani culture where parents n relatives impose their wishes in kids to be anything they wish us to be rather than what we really want ourself to be.....cuz u may regret then....

ill rate the three option as

1- Air Force


3- Navy

Army is too over rated:P n Naveris seem too slow n way behind da real world :P so u better go wid Air force
also Air Force Men are so gud looking n their uniform too:P

i hope my suggestion wud be of any help

some other ppl who can also help u in this regard whom u dint quoted..

@Hyperion @Manticore @S.U.R.B. @Aeronaut @Leader @Jazzbot @nuclearpak @balixd @p(-)0ENiX

please help him!

Lil' Marsha thank you so much for replying I know you are young but that doesn't mean that your opinion is of any less importance :)

My parents have always wanted me to go for CSS and I would be miserable there :( so I'm following my own dream to work as a military psychologist it's just that I know that I won't be able and don't even want to leave whichever branch I choose for at least 2 decades and I really don't want to be stuck in an organisation that will make me miserable. I frankly do not like the Army culture despite what everyone keeps telling me.

I would rank the Navy better than the Army because of its culture. When I went over there to ask them I met a guy who talked very openly and politely and offered me tea and biscuits it was later that I discovered he was a Commander (Lt. Col), I was impressed that he would go to such an extent to answer my queries. I've had had family in the PAF so I know it well :) but even the Navy deserves respect.

Hahaha even my fiance says, 'Air Force main jao, unki uniform main bahut achey lago gaye.' :D th
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Hi @jaibi; I feel both honored and a little bit amused that you seek my opininions on this subject. Because I am not any professional in this area of study!

You mention that you have enjoyed and would seek to continue work in the field of psychology. I do commend that; there is nothing quite so interesting as seeking to understand how the human mind works, it still happens to be little understood.

Having said that; your specific query about which branch of the Armed Forces one should join up with; really does not matter. I'd say that the work would be similar across all three branches. BTW, in India; professional psychologists serve in the Armed Forces both in uniform as well as civilians.

One thought that comes to my mind; is that you should consider working in HR in Civvy Street. There is genuine work to be done there and based on what I know of in India, will be satisfying both professionally as well as materially. In comparison, in the Armed Forces; the nature of work is relatively much more regimented, doctrinaire and "in-the-box". These are not exactly enthusing conditions.

If you are willing to go off the 'beaten track' (with all the attendant risks), then consider working in the field of education. That is a crying need in our countries of origin. Your contribution can be much more meaningful in that area, going forward into the future.

Just my thoughts, for whatever they are worth.......

Hey, Capt., hope you're well. I asked for your two cents more as a friend than an expert :) I really want to go for the military. As much as I have seen in the military culture once you reach a high enough rank people will listen. One has to take the organisational trust and frankly I like that I work better when I am directed.

The Civvy street is almost non-existent save NGOs and clinics and Abnormal/Clinical Psych is not my forte.

Its not about you needs it more, its about who wants it more.. :D Although I agree with you that right now PA badly needs some pro pshycs due to continuous WoT, but as far as culture is concerned I'd recommend PAF. @jaibi I'm not related to armed forces but have family relations with a few officers in PA and PAF. So as per my limited knowledge, I'm agreed with whatever @Pakistanisage have said as he already has summed everything up pretty nicely..

All the best for choosing perfect career.. :tup:

Thanks, Jazz, I agree I reached the same conclusion independently as sir, @Pakistanisage and now by you. So it seems it's the best decision :)
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Hey, Capt., hope you're well. I asked for your two cents more as a friend than an expert :) I really want to go for the military. As much as I have seen in the military culture once you reach a high enough rank people will listen. One has to take the organisational trust and frankly I like that I work better when I am directed.

The Civvy street is almost non-existent save NGOs and clinics and Abnormal/Clinical Psych is not my forte.

Since you gave me an opprtunity to put in "two-cent's worth" in the first place, let me add another "two-cents". I am not in complete agreement with you, esp. with the underlined part. And I do speak from some experience.

The Armed Forces are as "Establishment" as any establishment can get. The system there is not in the habit of listening much, apart from listening to "whatever they want to hear". Confrmism is both the underlying and over-riding principles of existence within that system.So there are not too many listeners for any radically innovative ideas most of the time. And if those ideas ever get the garb of "non-conformist thinking"; then the ideas (and even you) may just get junked. This is the actual state of affairs even in this 21st Century. Our Militaries have still to evolve significantly.

Just had to give some kind of 'reality-check'. :)
@jaibi - Think a thousand times before taking this decision because whatever you do - You'd, most probably, have to stick with it for the remainder of your life !

The Army Life, as I've heard, is not an easy life for one's family because whereas a bachelor would love to move about the country, meeting new people, seeing new faces & of course flirting with newer women ! :D

A family man can't do any of that & its tedious for one's family to up-root themselves every other year & move to some other city & at times some of the more, shall we say but with utmost respect, obscure locations that are a mismatch for your wife & your kids.

It takes more than the average amount of patriotism & self-less service to the country to put your family through that ! And part of making it work means that they too must fall in love with the Army Life otherwise things do become tiresome & arduous for them.

I certainly wouldn't want my son walking up to me & asking me 'Abu.....this is the 3rd time in 6 years that I've had to change schools, make new friends & settle down - Can't we stay here in Lahore ? We'd visit you of course....but can't we stay at Grandmas ?'

Meraaa tou wahaan dil hiii chuuuur chuuuur ho jaiii - So its a tough choice !

But hey people do manage & some of them live wonderful & absolutely fulfilling lives as a Military Family - I know some of them !

So if you want to take the plunge - God Bless & We'd always be there for you ! :)

But I'd still ask you to pause & to think it through a thousand times - Not everyone is cut out for it....my own Uncle (who served in the Armored Corp in the '71 War) took early retirement because he couldn't continue doing it & because his family had started growing weary from it even if they were very proud of him serving the country !
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@jaibi - Think a thousand times before taking this decision because whatever you do - You'd, most probably, have to stick with it for the remainder of your life !

The Army Life, as I've heard, is not an easy life for one's family because whereas a bachelor would love to move about the country, meeting new people, seeing new faces & of course flirting with newer women ! :D

A family man can't do any of that & its tedious for one's family to up-root themselves every other year & move to some other city & at times some of the more, shall we say but with utmost respect, obscure locations that are a mismatch for your wife & your kids.

It takes more than the average amount of patriotism & self-less service to the country to put your family through that ! And part of making it work means that they too must fall in love with the Army Life otherwise things do become tiresome & arduous for them.

I certainly wouldn't want my son walking up to me & asking me 'Abu.....this is the 3rd time in 6 years that I've had to change schools, make new friends & settle down - Can't we stay here in Lahore ? We'd visit you of course....but can't we stay at Grandmas ?'

Meraaa tou wahaan dil hiii chuuuur chuuuur ho jaiii - So its a tough choice !

But hey people do manage & some of them live wonderful & absolutely fulfilling lives as a Military Family - I know some of them !

So if you want to take the plunge - God Bless & We'd always be there for you ! :)

But I'd still ask you to pause & to think it through a thousand times - Not everyone is cut out for it....my own Uncle (who served in the Armored Corp in the '71 War) took early retirement because he couldn't continue doing it & because his family had started growing weary from it even if they were very proud of him serving the country !

Despite all odds, its worth it.
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@jaibi - Think a thousand times before taking this decision because whatever you do - You'd, most probably, have to stick with it for the remainder of your life !

The Army Life, as I've heard, is not an easy life for one's family because whereas a bachelor would love to move about the country, meeting new people, seeing new faces & of course flirting with newer women ! :D

A family man can't do any of that & its tedious for one's family to up-root themselves every other year & move to some other city & at times some of the more, shall we say but with utmost respect, obscure locations that are a mismatch for your wife & your kids.

It takes more than the average amount of patriotism & self-less service to the country to put your family through that ! And part of making it work means that they too must fall in love with the Army Life otherwise things do become tiresome & arduous for them.

I certainly wouldn't want my son walking up to me & asking me 'Abu.....this is the 3rd time in 6 years that I've had to change schools, make new friends & settle down - Can't we stay here in Lahore ? We'd visit you of course....but can't we stay at Grandmas ?'

Meraaa tou wahaan dil hiii chuuuur chuuuur ho jaiii - So its a tough choice !

But hey people do manage & some of them live wonderful & absolutely fulfilling lives as a Military Family - I know some of them !

So if you want to take the plunge - God Bless & We'd always be there for you ! :)

But I'd still ask you to pause & to think it through a thousand times - Not everyone is cut out for it....my own Uncle (who served in the Armored Corp in the '71 War) took early retirement because he couldn't continue doing it & because his family had started growing weary from it even if they were very proud of him serving the country !

Ah yes, a goodly amount of details furnished. Just one issue, who'd ever procreate with you? @Hyperion do you see our Butt brother here engaging in conventional drilling? Me thinks not. Analogy or not, should have stuck to the realm of possibility.:)
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Despite all odds, its worth it.

It is indeed ! :pakistan:

If I were born all over again I'd join the Pakistan Army ! :) @jaibi

I wish I hadn't made the mistake of listening to others when I just completed my A'levels & gone to the Army Recruitment Center as I wanted to !

Ah yes, a goodly amount of details furnished. Just one issue, who'd ever procreate with you? @Hyperion do you see our Butt brother here engaging in conventional drilling? Me thinks not. Analogy or not, should have stuck to the realm of possibility.:)

I'm the Pakistani Don Juan & Casanova - Both rolled into one ! :smokin:
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My new Yars I have a dilemma and I need some help. First a little background, I'm a Psych grad (B.Sc Hons.) Top of my class. Buch of other academic yada yada yada. I wanted to go for CSS (civil service) but after studying Psych for 4 years I'm in love with the subject and wana make it my profession.

That being said I'm from a middle-class fam and both my parents are educationists near their retirements, we do not have ZAMEENS and JAEDAADS to fall back on. We eat what we earn, like most of my countrymen and neighboring countrymen (even the world?).

Since the last two years of my studies my university has been visited by the Army, Navy and Air Force Psychs, they really need some good guys (to give you a picture every year there about 3-5 male psychs passing out and most of them not so good in terms of the subject).

I'm decided for a career as a military psych but for which arm? PAF, PN or PA? :( Can you guys help me a little bit?

I will keep my own observations for now and hear what you guys have to say.

Thanks and feel free to ask me anything

@Marshmallow @Secur @Pak-one @Armstrong @haviZsultan @Dillinger @Capt.Popeye

I will advise you to go for Civil Service. No job is better than this.
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One word answer would be "Navy".

Oh please you're just saying that because you're in Karachi & you need a buddy like @jaibi jisss ko aaap khuuub Zamzamaa ghumaaa ghumaaa kar 'sight-seeing' karvanaa chahteiii haiiin ! :whistle:

Bhabi tou aaap kooo Zamzamaa janeiii nahin deiteiii ke Hubby kharaaab ho jaiii gaaaa ! :D

Hum aaap kooo apnaa Lahoriii kharaaab nahin karneiii deeein geiii ! :P
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