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7-Year-Old Allegedly Raped On Train In India

Too bad you guys never learned that, since you are the ones who started trying to score brownie points over rape, and it's your country that is the famous rape capital of the world.

Just take a look at the travel advisories from your beloved Western countries. They all warn of rape and sexual assault in India, even before all the world famous gang rape incidents in the past year.

am not going to go as low as you do ...there are so many thing i could say about china which would make you leave pdf...But guess what ,i got better morals than you...welcome to my ignorelist....

Lol blame on @JayAtl :lol:, he provoked me first after being humilated on his American cheerleading thread..and to venting his fustration, he created a uyghur thread just purposely to have a p1ss countest, so I just grab what ever it come on my mind ...and it happened that this article was release few minutes prior I created this thread :smokin:.

YOu started this thread...period... nothing mroe to be said
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am not going to go as low as you do ...there are so many thing i could say about china which would make you leave pdf...But guess what ,i got better morals than you...welcome to my ignorelist....

You told me only a few days ago that you would not quote or respond to me ever again. :lol:

Yet here you are, crying at me again. :no:
Too bad you guys never learned that, since you are the ones who started trying to score brownie points over rape, and it's your country that is the famous rape capital of the world.

Just take a look at the travel advisories from your beloved Western countries. They all warn of rape and sexual assault in India, even before all the world famous gang rape incidents in the past year.

LOL you are a classic clown dude. first you come lecturing about how we started it, then when we show you that you guys did, what do you do? you get in the same mud and wrestle around in the sloth by taking pot shots about Rape :lol:

as said to you - you are no 1 in the world in rapes, just that your govt hides those stats. You even throw victims into labor camps when they complain about rapes. Typical chinese...
What is a big deal, I post this thread like any Indian post a Chinese bashing thread...and beside I didn't invited this rape story...i already provide the link and it was today's new.

Did you mean invented ?

Are you using a translator ?
China is the world leader of child murders and rape of women. The state media and govt hides stats to show china in a better light

In fact in China they blame the victim often! Rape victim 'loses mind' as suspect not charged- China.org.cn

it is not time to justify the thing.......if chines is doing rape than you will also do?
actually we need to accept it , if will not accept than it is not gonna to improvise .............it exist in every society.......but what is root cause which making Indian life miserable

1> too much hypocritical attitude toward freedom in sex
2>second alcohol

let me start with alcohol ........................on an average 70% of total earning , poor Indian is spending on alcohol.......and entire family load comes to woman solder and that is not end here , it lead to domestic violence also ........why condition of Bangladeshi is much better than Indian lower class.........because alcohol is completely ban there.........only smoking is exist
....... so lower class what ever be earning they are feeding there family rather than wasting money in alcohol .........i lived there so i am very much aware of that .......we use to buy from duty free shop only after producing pass port ........hardly get alcohol in market .......only very less in % we find London rum which smuggle from Myanmar.................

another example Indonesia..........here alcohol is not ban ......but government is handling it in different way...............here no wine shop exist...........no consent of wine shop like India ......daru ki dukan or desi daru ki dukan openly ..............you can buy only beer ..........which is available in any alfa mart or lotte mart .....................hard liquor is available in only high class pub /restaurant /or night club at very high price ................as result domestic violence case is very less..........infect this society has zero tolerance for such kind of violence

now rape...........in Indonesia hardy you will see rape case ...............compare to India ,case is almost zero................it doesn't mean they don't have extreme instinct like Indian sub continent .......the reason is, they don't have double slandered in sexual freedom .......every think is highly organised .............if you have stress , you could release your load easily........you will get tons of massage parlor which is giving plus plus service......................infect Jakarta has largest night life in south east Asia........Bangkok is just peanut in-front of Jakarta night life .................

is the only place were young girl of 17-18 age group, enjoying clubbing without fear ......................even place like alexis jakarta/club 36 (stripiest club ) girls use to come ............

no physical abuse/harassment ........weather you are foreigner.....or young girl ......better life than India

only because they don't have double slandered to wards sex freedom........rather that restricting it ........they are organizing sex industries in control and better way
A 7-year-old girl was allegedly raped on a train in India, authorities said Monday.

The girl was on a train traveling through the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, and told police that the man gave her a 10 Indian rupee note (approximately $0.16) after the crime.

The rape is believed to have occurred on an express train between Friday night and Saturday morning. The man allegedly followed the girl into a bathroom, locked the door, and raped her. The assailant then gave the girl money, wrapped her in a piece of cloth, and dumped her at a train station in Bilaspur. It is unknown whether the girl was traveling alone or with company.

Police are trying to figure out if the girl was raped on the train or somewhere else in the region.

“The girl was found near Bhakt Kanwarram Market at Kotwali police station. She was seriously injured and profusely bleeding, following which she was admitted to Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences hospital yesterday morning,” Bilaspur superintendent of police Ratanlal Dangi said.

The Government Railway Police are trying to identify the girl, Dangi said. They have announced a 25,000 rupee ($409) reward for information about the assailant. The GRP is also reviewing CCTV footage of the train station.

The girl is in intensive care, but in stable condition.

Last month, a 22-year-old Catholic nun trainee was kidnapped and gang-raped for a week by a group of men, including her cousins. The young woman was lured to a train station in the Orissa region by her kidnappers, who told her over the phone that her mother was sick. They then took her to a different location and raped her for several days before taking her back to the train station on July 11. She was told not to tell anyone what happened.

The rape was believed to be a revenge attack. The suspects reportedly believed that the victim’s brother was involved in the death of one attacker’s father.

7-Year-Old Allegedly Raped On Train In India


Indians these days :disagree:

No need to go toe to toe with JayAtl. That kid is going to get banned soon.
criminals exist everywhere, but when the same group of people rape minors in the public domain repeatedly. There is something fundamentally wrong with that race of people.

The mere fact Indian men grope and sexually harrassing women is cheered on by a public crowd reflect the true characters on the people.
CNN even announce this news to their American and international audiences about this shocking news - Rape in India.
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