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India: Six year old girl raped by teenager neighbor in Delhi

Thanks for the link .I read the article and have a confusion.That means if a girl under 14 get raped then chinese law won,t take any action?

I guess people need to forget the condition their own country is in and concentrate on the social ills of ours.
No need to get cocky my friend .The whole global media loves to report about indian rapes because it,s such a hot topic for the past few years.Every society has problems but some have ten time more than others so that,s why they get attention.

A simple Jail term doesn't seem to be getting the message across the rapists.
Cutting off their genitals in public as well as infront of a raped girl and making them nullos for the rest of their lives is the best option.
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Thanks for the link .I read the article and have a confusion.That means if a girl under 14 get raped then chinese law won,t take any action?
This is what it means...

In China, the age of sexual consent is 14. That does not mean the 14 yr old girl is a legal adult. It simply mean that at 14 yrs old, the person, male or female, is deemed sufficiently of maturity to know what is sex and its consequences. Below the age of 14, any sexual activity would be prosecuted as rape.

For the legal issue in this link...

CHINA: Child rape definition gives rapists a free ride | CRIN

The laws involved are incompetently created and therefore problematic in application.

One law say that sexual activities under the age of 14 constitute rape and warrant X punishment. But another law say that if the girl-child is engaging in prostitution, which is implied to be consensual and money exchanged for service rendered, then it would be less than X punishment for those who got the girl-child into the business.

Note: When I said the laws were 'incompetently' created, that does not imply anything negative towards the Chinese people. In the US, we have plenty of laws that were incompetently created and applied. These laws are just the result of flawed human beings trying to do the right thing.
Thanks for the link .I read the article and have a confusion.That means if a girl under 14 get raped then chinese law won,t take any action?

No need to get cocky my friend .The whole global media loves to report about indian rapes because it,s such a hot topic for the past few years.Every society has problems but some have ten time more than others so that,s why they get attention.

Cutting off their genitals in public as well as infront of a raped girl and making them nullos for the rest of their lives is the best option.
BS , rapes in India are far less than say the US or other countries. its reported in India more because we all accept its a problem we have, but You posted it here just to show India in a bad light.
you are new and dont realize that we have rape topics ever day . all using Indian news feeds. so stop being sanctimonious, your country has far more social problems than us , don't see you raising those topics.
The max. sentence he will receive is 3 yrs in juvenile home. :hitwall:
must decrease age for Juvenile people, if a 17 year old knows what rape is, then beat the shit outta him
The max. sentence he will receive is 3 yrs in juvenile home. :hitwall:
I think we should lower the age from 18 to 16 . if these bastards are old enough to rape then they are old enough to be tried and serve a life sentence.
must decrease age for Juvenile people, if a 17 year old knows what rape is, then beat the shit outta him
Dont see it happening.
You know, in the gruesome Delhi rape, the 17 yr old got away with 3 yrs. And he was allegedly the most brutal one.

I think we should lower the age from 18 to 16 . if these bastards are old enough to rape then they are old enough to be tried and serve a life sentence.
Dont see it happening.
You know, in the gruesome Delhi rape, the 17 yr old got away with 3 yrs. And he was allegedly the most brutal one.

I have been to prison a few times . rapist and child molesters usually get beaten up and some times murdered in prison . i believe this guy too will face the same fate as ram singh.
I have been to prison a few times . rapist and child molesters usually get beaten up and some times murdered in prison . i believe this guy too will face the same fate as ram singh.

U went to prison?? What did u do?? :o:
I have been to prison a few times . rapist and child molesters usually get beaten up and some times murdered in prison . i believe this guy too will face the same fate as ram singh.
dude, thats scary, WTH DID YOU DO?
Why are there so many rape addicts in India? I guess the moral values and the law is weak there and respect of women is neglected.
U went to prison?? What did u do?? :o:
Lets see i was charged under 304,307 , 504,505. 324 too . :)
i told you i was a violent person in my youth . :)

Why are there so many rape addicts in India? I guess the moral values and the law is weak there and respect of women is neglected.
Did you join the forum just to give your insight into our social value system?
Lets see i was charged under 304,307 , 504,505. 324 too . :)
i told you i was a violent person in my youth . :)
Attempt to murder, culpable homicide,Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means

Did you join the forum just to give your insight into our social value system?
This what we see in your traditional movies and commercials where women are shown to be considered as the shoe of a man's foot.
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