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India: Six year old girl raped by teenager neighbor in Delhi

Did you join the forum just to give your insight into our social value system?
This what we see in your traditional movies and commercials where women are shown to be considered as the shoe of a man's foot.[/quote]
Is it any different in your country??? where a girl struggles to even get an education?
people in glass houses......
I have been to prison a few times . rapist and child molesters usually get beaten up and some times murdered in prison
Yes but some of them can get out alive and start giving other people moral advices on online forums :lol:
Attempt to murder, culpable homicide,Voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means

While doing my masters in IIT B i joined my cousin who was in politics , it was 99 and we worked for the congress, they needed goons as we went up against the thugs of the SS ,
to cut a long story short i was a kattar goon (almost got thrown out of IIT) :)
now a days i dont get my hands dirty , let others do it .

Yes but some of them can get out alive and start giving other people moral advices on online forums :lol:
Unlike you i dont claim to be a saint.
While doing my masters in IIT B i joined my cousin who was in politics , it was 99 and we worked for the congress, they needed goons as we went up against the thugs of the SS ,
to cut a long story short i was a kattar goon (almost got thrown out of IIT) :)
now a days i dont get my hands dirty , let others do it .
You worked for Congress. That outweighs all your other crimes.
But you made it to IIT B. :tup:
You worked for Congress. That outweighs all your other crimes.
But you made it to IIT B. :tup:
i know you are a bjp supporter but you should never get personal . have i got personal with you? i in fact agree with you on many points you put forward.
a persons political affiliations do not make a man .
PS: i have been a congress worker for 15 yrs now . :)
Lets see i was charged under 304,307 , 504,505. 324 too .
i told you i was a violent person in my youth .
HAHAHAHAHA, i like that, i really like that
i know you are a bjp supporter but you should never get personal . have i got personal with you? i in fact agree with you on many points you put forward.
a persons political affiliations do not make a man .
PS: i have been a congress worker for 15 yrs now . :)

Ok. No offense.
after all the guys is an indian ...
"The smaller their manhood , The more they hump ":sarcastic::sarcastic:
after all the guys is an indian ...
"The smaller their manhood , The more they hump ":sarcastic::sarcastic:
Post reported for trolling on a sensitive and a serious thread.:tdown:
Another rape thread?
Rape happens everywhere...
Mods should delete this thread8-)

after all the guys is an indian ...
"The smaller their manhood , The more they hump ":sarcastic::sarcastic:
x Negative rating
after all the guys is an indian ...
"The smaller their manhood , The more they hump ":sarcastic::sarcastic:
Spoken like the person you truly are.
This what we see in your traditional movies and commercials where women are shown to be considered as the shoe of a man's foot.
Is it any different in your country??? where a girl struggles to even get an education?
people in glass houses......[/quote]
Yes, it makes a big difference, it's better to be uneducated rather being rapped on the streets.
Is it any different in your country??? where a girl struggles to even get an education?
people in glass houses......
Yes, it makes a big difference, it's better to be uneducated rather being rapped on the streets.[/quote]

Yes i guess its" better to be uneducated than being RAPPED on the street" .:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

good for you and your sentiments. :)
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Thing indians need to think about is why there are so many rape going in in last few months,
You cannot defend your country on the forum by just pointing to other countries.. that is the most shameful act as you guys failed to realize the issue of Rape in India ..

Rape is a crime against humanity, recently in last few months there are more news of Rape in india coming then any other country , so be human and think ...
One should not make fun of rape incidents.

1.) Delhi is one of the most populous city in the world which is surrounded by many states.

2.) Opening rape thread is against PDF rules and they have sticky thread for these news.

3.) Delhi have ultra crazy media who sensationalize each sensitive issue.

India is the rape capital of the world.

No, its china. :nono:

Rape Case Is a Rarity in Chinese Justice System

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