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7-Year-Old Allegedly Raped On Train In India

I hope that man gets hit by the next train and its travelling slow enough to not kill him immediately
China is the world leader of child murders and rape of women. The state media and govt hides stats to show china in a better light

LOL always the same excuse, hiding stats. :lol:

Tell me honestly, when people think of China do they think of gang rape? No, that's what they think of when it comes to India.

The USA, Australia, etc. all issued "travel advisories" to their women, warning them of the high risk of rape and sexual assault in India.

But they issued no such advisory for China. :no:
your govt censors your news for you because they don't think your mature enough.

And your gorverment don't censor any rape news even for immature like you, no wonder Indians are so getting excite and the outcome is so obvious.
And your gorverment don't censor any rape news even for immature like you, no wonder Indians are so getting excite and the outcome is so obvious.

Us nor Indian govt censors news. Perhaps they brainwashed you in china to think we do. perhaps the search wotds 'free media' is censored for you too, because that was typical asinine comment from you

LOL always the same excuse, hiding stats. :lol:

Tell me honestly, when people think of China do they think of gang rape? No, that's what they think of when it comes to India.

The USA, Australia, etc. all issued "travel advisories" to their women, warning them of the high risk of rape and sexual assault in India.

But they issued no such advisory for China. :no:

when people think of china they know you guys censor your news and news is done by state run media. Now if you sensationalize or if an issue is brought forth as a hot topic it will always be on people's minds. They have been travel advisories against China in the past. Sunlight is best disinfectant still and India should be proud that these rapes have been brought to the fore front. Rape is a world problem and not a political scoring point. you do have tourist attacked and killed in your country too.
Yes...for you rape is an entertainment ..... Your moral values on this matter is no better than a rapist...Disgusting human beings

Well @JayAtl like to bragg about the uncensorship of your media and that how rape stories being known, its keep us entertained, but I didn't say that I like the entertainment of rapist stories expecially from India...so don't wrongfully acuse me.
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So....am glad to see your using rape as something to score brownie points at... May i ask you how you are any better than a rapist....especially when it comes to basic moral values...

Ask your fellow Indian JayAtl who started all the China-bashing threads on the subject of rape. :lol:

You idiots are the ones trying to score brownie points, even though the whole world knows India is the rape capital of the world.
Well @JayAtl like to bragg about the uncensorship of your media and that how rape stories being known, its keep us entertained, but I didn't say that I like the entertainment of rapist stories expecially from India...so don't wrongfully acuse me.

Still the same thing ....not wrongful accusation...read your post again.. You would not have opened this thread if you did not want to score brownie points at Indians.... people are not dumb here...
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Rape is the favourite pass time for Indians, when they are not busy raping women, they rape children.....scums, shittiest people on the face of the earth.

And still Pakistanis rape 20% more than the Indians.. What does that make you?
Ask your fellow Indian JayAtl who started all the China-bashing threads on the subject of rape. :lol:

You idiots are the ones trying to score brownie points, even though the whole world knows India is the rape capital of the world.

Check who started the thread ? he has every right to show it.as you people seem to be more interested in brownie points ..anyway..its disgusting....atleast don't use rape for brownie point....thats basic morals....basic...
And still Pakistanis rape 20% more than the Indians.. What does that make you?

Ever wonder why countries like India, Zimbabwe, or Niger are at a middle place in rape list?
Because only 1/10 rapes are reported in those countries :lol:

Even with 1/10 rapes reported, India is kicking at the top of the list...
You can already tell where India would be at if all rapes were reported :azn: :whistle:
Ask your fellow Indian JayAtl who started all the China-bashing threads on the subject of rape. :lol:

You idiots are the ones trying to score brownie points, even though the whole world knows India is the rape capital of the world.

Ask yourself whether you can decipher correctly who started it- it was your Chinese friend in retaliation to post on Uyghur! HE confessed that it made go and start rape threads and I posted after he did it. Spare me the sanctimonious stuff CD, you never tell your countrymen to hold to standards you want us to

I can provide a long list on Indian's rape affaire, it's just too easy for me as found this article instantaniously for your Uyghur thread...you want to dig and post dirty thread after losing debate and got humiliated from your cheerleading of American AAMXXX missile thread...just bring it on.:smokin:
Check who started the thread ? he has every right to show it.as you people seem to be more interested in brownie points ..anyway..its disgusting....atleast don't use rape for brownie point....thats basic morals....basic...

Too bad you guys never learned that, since you are the ones who started trying to score brownie points over rape, and it's your country that is the famous rape capital of the world.

Just take a look at the travel advisories from your beloved Western countries. They all warn of rape and sexual assault in India, even before all the world famous gang rape incidents in the past year.
Still the same thing ....not wrongful accusation...read your post again.. You would not have opened this thread if you did not want to score brownie points at Indians.... people are not dumb here...

Lol blame on @JayAtl :lol:, he provoked me first after being humilated on his American cheerleading thread..and to venting his fustration, he created a uyghur thread just purposely to have a p1ss countest, so I just grab what ever it come on my mind ...and it happened that this article was release few minutes prior I created this thread :smokin:.
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