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3 of 4 Mossad spies killed in shootout east of Tehran on Mostafa Khomeini Blvd, Damavand

Iran have not caught or killed anyone.

In the next day or so they will round up some Sunni villagers as they always do, and claim they've caught a CIA/Mossad spy ring.

Iran has hijacked Pakistan by virtue of it's mafia, which Iran has been building ever since revolution of Khumeni.

Pakistanis who worship one Allah and refuse to practice extremism in name of Islam, are victimized by a state, which is obviously puppeteer from Iran.

Read about Uzair Baloch... Kulbhoshan Yadeve.
Pertinent to note is.... security officer who exposed Indo-Iranian connection by arresting Kulbhoshan Yadeve was killed soon after, obviously Iran is deep in state of Pakistan.

Remember the murder of Pakistan's slain president, Zia ul Haque. He was the biggest hindrance in the way of Khumenisim and thereafter hijack of state of Pakistan.
He was also murdered by axis of evil. And soon after, nuclear and missile technology was smuggled to Iran, without charging a penny... from there on our nuclear technology finds its way to India and white house.
You know RAW and Iran were behind all the trouble we faced in Pakistan.

On Iran 90 out of 100 Iranians are not aligned with mulla. Blaming Arabs and Americans is like living in fools paradise to say the least.

Explain this factual shot from Europe, this was taken just couple of days ago and if you like to credit Arabs than good luck sanity:
View attachment 691540

Not limited to event above, Iranian people Europe are spear heading the campaign to expel Iranian diplomats, as they are openly involved in non diplomatic acts and have history with IRGC.

Do you also think it is Arabs who go to Iranian diplomats, and order them to get involved in sabotage and target killings?
Ever wonder, why on earth Khumeni thinks, IED experts should be diplomats in Europe during current times.
no I beg to disagree , the takfiri terrorism we faced resulting in tens of thousands of deaths in 2000s had nothing to do with Iran but mainly the Arab imported Al Qaeda and their local associates in the shape of TTP which later on got support of Indians as they are our enemies.
Iranians have been involved in proxy wars in Pakistan but it was never supporting TTP
If Mossad used MEK, 3 of them are dead now. If they were Israeli, even better, now 3 Israelis are dead.

I doubt it they are Israeli's their population is to tiny they avoid taking risks unless they don't have a choice. There are plenty of snakes, soul sellers and traitors amongst us who are willing to sell very happily and willing to do even better job then Israeli's themselves. One point to note how many Muslims are working under the Jewish state flag will give you a shock hence one Muslim is used to kill another and those Muslims soldiers are so proud of carrying out those acts are shocking to see all for sake of money. Allah have blessed us with many good things but unity and treachery is not one of them and our worst enemies are residing amongst us. Does Noora, Altaf Hussain rings the bell how diligently they are doing other powers work. We need some middle ages laws to curb certain powers rats with iron fist and must implement them properly if we want another Shakil Afridi not still living happily in A class abode.
Iran is finished with this current strategy. they have millions of unemployed, they need a job.
US will airdrop $billions to bail out Khumenistan, if needed be.

Millions in Pakistan are ready to fight for Iran without charging a penny to Iran. Read:

Don't be surprised, if you see in future Pakistan fighting all world including Iranians to save mulla regime of Iran. Same as Pakistan did in Syria.
Butcher al Asad received aid from Pakistan, who it self receive aid from Saudi Arabia, with no transparent record of it's utilization on sect. less Pakistanis.

no I beg to disagree , the takfiri terrorism we faced resulting in tens of thousands of deaths in 2000s had nothing to do with Iran but mainly the Arab imported Al Qaeda and their local associates in the shape of TTP which later on got support of Indians as they are our enemies.
Iranians have been involved in proxy wars in Pakistan but it was never supporting TTP

How many visa you issued to Saudis in past 10 years? or perhaps you are saying Iran is helping Saudis to immigrate into Pakistan and join states security institutions, from where they organize easy access to terrorist to AWACS and P3C.
Or may be you are totally unaware of the confessions of captives or you are saying we haven't any confessions of TTP?

Some times, I wonder at the mental health of the people who fail to see the obvious, like daily missile flying around from Iran, but are out there to hunt virtual enemy, which is nothing more then their own figment of their biased imagination.
That's why, It's easy to label any one takfiri and shoot him dead. Your comrades regularly pull that on me.
You as well don't name some one but focus on some virtual enemy while ignoring the glaring red light of warning.

Al-Qaida was never in Pakistan. TTP was Indi-Iranian product, if you want to play its your choice.
It's only you and the people in ruling clergy, who keep selling this takfiris to us... but enough is enough, now we need to see thousands of those takfiris, otherwise this attempt to stir sectarianism just to save Iranian mulla must be condemned and i condemn it.
People who show facts are labeled sectarian and who just fire from their buts are holy.
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A lot of countries think they are clever and that they can avoid a war. Once they start bombing you and killing scientists, its already a war. It happened in Syria, they bombed their reactor without retaliation and then syria was finished. Syria tried to avoid a war, but got a war 10 times worse than if he had fought Israel directly.

now syria had lost 500,000 people and coutnry in ruins. If they launched attack after the reactor bombing, they would have lost 100,000 max. and Israel maybe tens of thousands. And syria would probably be in better shape.

Iran is finished with this current strategy. they have millions of unemployed, they need a job. Soldier is a job. A job where new employees are always needed. They need nukes and they need to respond. it will be much less painful than Syrian scenario.

Even if the west gives North Korea style sanctions, just send 20 or 30 million people to Europe and any MEK supporter family to Israel.

It much better solution then syria scenario

Your history seems a bit shaky. Syria was always going to end up in civil war because a minority was controlling the majority. Remember the 80s where a civil war almost sparked, but brutally supressed.

Nukes won't help Iran deal with these situations just as nukes don't help Israel deal with Iranian-funded palestinian terrorists or Hezbollah.

Iran has succeeded in turning the most bitter of enemies in the region, into allies. I don't think that was part of their plan LOL
Your history seems a bit shaky. Syria was always going to end up in civil war because a minority was controlling the majority.

Same situation in Pakistan... Iranian loyal minority is controlling and victimizing non aligned citizens.

At the same time taking 100's of billions of $ of IMF aid, spending it on their insane protocols and international travels, which has only one purpose to i.e. serve Indo-Iranian interests.
There's no check on where the aid money goes and why IMF is shoving $billions in a$$ of overtly Iranian satellite state!
What a stupid thread title. Israel successfully killed their target. Whoever killed to achieve the goal doesn't matter infact in real, none of the assassin were killed by Iranis . Israelis probably were laughing their a$$ off in Mosaad HQ yesterday. Really embarrassing situation , yet again for Iran. Looks like they can kill anyone in Iran at will. If Iran has some pride, than they should target Israeli nuclear scientist(s) in coming weeks but before that they should kick out their intelligence chief.
Your history seems a bit shaky. Syria was always going to end up in civil war because a minority was controlling the majority. Remember the 80s where a civil war almost sparked, but brutally supressed.

Nukes won't help Iran deal with these situations just as nukes don't help Israel deal with Iranian-funded palestinian terrorists or Hezbollah.

Iran has succeeded in turning the most bitter of enemies in the region, into allies. I don't think that was part of their plan LOL

Nukes won’t help Iran? Hmmm ok. Sure thing. Nukes don’t help America or Russia also?
What a stupid thread title. Israel successfully killed their target. Whoever killed to achieve the goal doesn't matter infact in real, none of the assassin were killed by Iranis . Israelis probably were laughing their a$$ off in Mosaad HQ yesterday. Really embarrassing situation , yet again for Iran. Looks like they can kill anyone in Iran at will. If Iran has some pride, than they should target Israeli nuclear scientist(s) in coming weeks but before that they should kick out their intelligence chief.

I think you’d make a better president and strategist in Iran than any of those fools.
I think he must have had some level of security given the fact that 3 of the 4 Mossad spies who killed him are now dead. But the attack was quite sophisticated given that it involved hundreds of pounds of explosives and blowing up multiple vehicles just to kill one guy. It must have been planned out for some time.

However, I think even Israel must be surprised how high their casualties were on this mission. Mossad lost 3 Israelis to kill 1 Iranian. So I think the deterrence is still there, because Israel knows they cannot kill any Iranians without getting at least the same number of their own killed.
I doubt they lost any Israelis. It was likely three Iranian collaborators that were killed.
When Iran knows of the dangers its nuclear program faces and threats to lives of its scientists, why was there no better security arrangement? It looks like the scientist was travelling in an unarmoured car without any security protocol.
What a stupid thread title. Israel successfully killed their target. Whoever killed to achieve the goal doesn't matter infact in real, none of the assassin were killed by Iranis . Israelis probably were laughing their a$$ off in Mosaad HQ yesterday. Really embarrassing situation , yet again for Iran. Looks like they can kill anyone in Iran at will. If Iran has some pride, than they should target Israeli nuclear scientist(s) in coming weeks but before that they should kick out their intelligence chief.
How would that help?
We already have nuclear weapons lol, killing a nuclear scientist would achieve nothing
If Mossad used MEK, 3 of them are dead now. If they were Israeli, even better, now 3 Israelis are dead.
I doubt anyone died. And if someone died, they had nothing to do with the assassination.
Iran firstly denied anyone has been assassinated, let alone a nuclear scientist.
I have seen enough patience and restrain exercised in my lifetime by Iran. But these twats need to be taught a very good lesson soon. Proxy warfare is one thing, bringing the battle at home and making it personal is a different ball game altogether.

Iran must address these security gaps immediately and for good, while creating a safe-haven for these national; scientific jewels. Just how many more do we need to lose before it's enough?

Meanwhile, Iran most certainly needs to increase it's security/counter-intelligence apparatus within its borders and also at the heart of the enemys' mainland to form another deterrence front.
I have seen enough patience and restrain exercised in my lifetime by Iran. But these twats need to be taught a very good lesson soon. Proxy warfare is one thing, bringing the battle at home and making it personal is a different ball game altogether.

Iran must address these security gaps immediately and for good, while creating a safe-haven for these national; scientific jewels. Just how many more do we need to lose before it's enough?

Meanwhile, Iran most certainly needs to increase it's security/counter-intelligence apparatus within its borders and also at the heart of the enemys' mainland to form another deterrence front.
Israel was executing Iranian nuclear scientists and key figures for tens of years, there is no ramping up the security when you're against the Mossad, it won't help.
Israel was executing Iranian nuclear scientists and key figures for tens of years, there is no ramping up the security when you're against the Mossad, it won't help.

Terrorist attacks which will not be of much help to the zionist regime. They are of no use in curtailing Iran's nuclear program, because practical knowledge does not hinge upon a handful of prominent scientists, it is shared throughout an entire scientific community. Iran has fully indigenized this knowledge as well as the associated practical expertise in the nuclear domain.

Nothing short of full scale war and sustained destruction as in Iraq or Syria could possibly deprive Iran from that.

Also Iran remains capable of acquiring nuclear weapons if it chooses to. The fact that it has refrained from doing so results from its political and geostrategic calculations, as well as from ethical principles.

Given the zionist regime's inherent vulnerability owing to its limited geographical and demographic dimensions, and given America's subservience to Tel Aviv, added to the fragile viability of the zionist project that stems from its population's low treshold of tolerance for strategic setback and casualties (in short: 1000 ballistic missiles impacting on key military and infrastructural facilities in Occupied Palestine would shatter the "zionist dream" and trigger mass repatriation of migrant residents), Iran's conventional missile arsenal is enough to effectively deter both potential aggressors.

The "Mossad" agency might be proficient in its area of activity, but this is far from enough to inflict strategic defeat upon Iran.
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