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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

On March 5 he said that the pilot possibly died (which obviously means in a crash after being hit by an incoming Pakistani missile) and that happened in Indian side of Kashmir, what he said on Feb 27 later in his tweet was clear enough clarification that there hasn't been any other pilot in Pakistani custody so I don't know what you are trying to read in between the lines. Its only you who seems to be confused.
The pilot that was admitted in Pakistani military hospital possibly died on Indian side of kashmir, very believable indeed.
On March 5 he said that the pilot possibly died (which obviously means in a crash after being hit by an incoming Pakistani missile) and that happened in Indian side of Kashmir, what he said on Feb 27 later in his tweet was clear enough clarification that there hasn't been any other pilot in Pakistani custody so I don't know what you are trying to read in between the lines. Its only you who seems to be confused.

As expected. Your ignorance is glaringly on display and I expected as much that you didnt hear a single word about what he claimed on Kamran Khan show. Here I'm going to share the video link

Now kindly tell me what you claimed what he said in the video. Timestamp me where he said that. ?

For your own convenience. Asif Ghafoor claiming with absolute certainty that 2nd pilot died. 0:50-1:05 mark without any "Possible, if's and but's

Dont put words in his mouth. He meant this he meant that. He deliberately caused confusion and vagueness which weakened pakistani stance. If he were straight and truthful from day 1, it would have been much much better for us. !
Not sure what fascist mindset was shown by government. Remember it was done after pulvama attack. As long as there is no proof shown, or of any news coming of huge damage or shooting down of MKI, it is not valid. It is same as India saying it shot down F16. It could be that the other 4 malfunctioned 😁
Exactly we want that you people not to belive the huge damage and shooting down an MKI. As i described earlier that shooting down even a Mig-21 was not for public joy or public demolarization (in case of Indian public) but to give message to concerned parties and the message well recieved by those concerned parties. So it dosent matter if general public belive it or not but the real matter of concern is did Bipin and Modi got their medicine or not?

Not sure what fascist mindset was shown by government. Remember itceas

Well after morning of 27th Feb retaliation by Pakistan, what Indian Govt planned on night of 28th Feb, they planned a missile attack on 6 Pakistani cities and Pakistan retaliated to give response by targetting 18 Indian cities which cause panic through whole world and then world powers stops India to carry on this blunder.
Now you can imagine if India launches missiles on 6 pakistan cities and then Pakistan launched missiles on 18 Indian cities then what would be the outcome of Sub-Continent? Still you says what fascist mindset was shown by that government?
Is that enough or should i have quote more example from your own country?
As expected. Your ignorance is glaringly on display and I expected as much that you didnt hear a single word on what he claimed on Kamran Khan show. Here I'm going to share the video link

Now kindly tell me what you claimed what he said in the video. Timestamp me where he said that. ?

For your own convenience. Asif Ghafoor claiming with absolute certainty that 2nd pilot died. 0:50-1:05 mark without any "Possible, if's and but's)

Dont put words in his mouth. He meant this he meant that. He deliberately caused confusion and vagueness which weakened pakistani stance. If he were straight and truthful from day 1, it would have been much much better for us. !

Look, it doesn't' matter what ever happened to the Su30 pilots, we hit their plane that's it. They escaped death like Abhinandhan or died at the site. God knows. But I am pin pointing your post where you said that ISPR didn't gave clarification regarding the other pilots which obviously A. Ghafoor did in few hours time that is, no other pilot in Pakistan's custody. This was always our official stance. This should had put to the rest to all the confusion.
Exactly we want that you people not to belive the huge damage and shooting down an MKI. As i described earlier that shooting down even a Mig-21 was not for public joy or public demolarization (in case of Indian public) but to give message to concerned parties and the message well recieved by those concerned parties. So it dosent matter if general public belive it or not but the real matter of concern is did Bipin and Modi got their medicine or not?

Well after morning of 27th Feb retaliation by Pakistan, what Indian Govt planned on night of 28th Feb, they planned a missile attack on 6 Pakistani cities and Pakistan retaliated to give response by targetting 18 Indian cities which cause panic through whole world and then world powers stops India to carry on this blunder.
Now you can imagine if India launches missiles on 6 pakistan cities and then Pakistan launched missiles on 18 Indian cities then what would be the outcome of Sub-Continent? Still you says what fascist mindset was shown by that government?
Is that enough or should i have quote more example from your own country?
Hello, 40 of our soldiers died, 26th was response for that, the threat was issued to return our pilot. If your country is attacked retaliating is not fascism. A similar attack on US, Russia or China, what would you think will happen.
If you remembered the afternoon of 27th Feb. discussion on forum that there were 2 or 3 personnel who quoted the Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail that he confirmed that both kills were by F-16s and one was a "big fat boggy". And even at that time majority of the people were confident that the kills were scored by JF-17. But that proved to be false and the first hand information proved to be correct. And that person also clarify that Air Commodore (R) Sir Kaiser Tufail's son in law participated in the operation. And in couple of days most of the information was out that initially they shot down MKI and during last moments of Operations Swift Retort they downed the Abhi's Mig-21.
So why this again that no proof shown to us for MKI.

What i assume that if there were not abhi's Mig-21 came across LOC and its debris fell into AJK, then surely they will show the proof to public of shooting down MKI. But as we had a clear proof in form of captured pilot and wrechage of Mig-21, that is why PAF didnt showed any electronic proofs due to sensitivity of technology in form of Radar data, missile impact information, range, speed, AoA and etc. of both kills.

There is no two opinions about what you said in your post. But Even Kaiser tufail is very careful in claiming SU-30 Kill in his articles. I assume which you have read? 2 articles on 27 FEB SAGA. Kaiser tufail was the guy who told us the Ground controller was a female. Which Indian media finally admitted it was Minty agerwal in August.

So doesnt it shows that Kaiser Tufail while revealing Abhinandan wingman name, identity of female ground controller is still apprehensive of claiming the 100 % KILL ?
Hello, 40 of our soldiers died, 26th was response for that, the threat was issued to return our pilot. If your country is attacked retaliating is not fascism. A similar attack on US, Russia or China, what would you think will happen.
Your country is not merely fascist, it is quite repulsive to the human condition. Occupation of a nation since 1947, cleansing of its population on ethnoreligious grounds and incarceration of their chosen leaders is entirely an act of fascism. Occupying soldiers and complicit parties in acts of ethnoreligious cleansing always meet the same grizzly fate eventually. Not that long ago, an occupied and cleansed region was liberated against the odds by Azerbaijan. India has taken note, and is panicking at not only the steadfast resolve of Pakistan, but now also the proven military capabilities of Pakistan. Pakistan hasn't forgotten the past crimes against Jammu's people and the ongoing ones against Kashmir's people. India shall reap a bitter harvest for its belligerence.
Your country is not merely fascist, it is quite repulsive to the human condition. Occupation of a nation since 1947, cleansing of its population on ethnoreligious grounds and incarceration of their chosen leaders is entirely an act of fascism. Occupying soldiers and complicit parties in acts of ethnoreligious cleansing always meet the same grizzly fate eventually. Not that long ago, an occupied and cleansed region was liberated against the odds by Azerbaijan. India has taken note, and is panicking at not only the steadfast resolve of Pakistan, but now also the proven military capabilities of Pakistan. Pakistan hasn't forgotten the past crimes against Jammu's people and the ongoing ones against Kashmir's people. India shall reap a bitter harvest for its belligerence.
These are all mere allegations, we can say same thing about you. Pakistan has been sponsoring terrorism on Indian soil, as Ajit Dowel said our policy has changed to Defensive Offence. Who reaps a bitter harvest only time can tell. As of now neither country has the capability to have a decisive victory. Nuclear weopans are always in background.
Hello, 40 of our soldiers died, 26th was response for that, the threat was issued to return our pilot. If your country is attacked retaliating is not fascism. A similar attack on US, Russia or China, what would you think will happen.
And your govt. refused to give any actionable evidence that Paksitan was involved in Pulwama and even your govt gave go ahead to launch air strike across International Border? What the hell is that? And what about the recent leaked chat of Arnab? still you are stand on your point. Now slowly facts are coming out that Pulwama was an inside job just like Mumbay attack... Now one of your retired army officer just said that on day of Pulwama Army vacant one of its check post on higher ups order from where the attacker approached to the convoy...dont be a blind followers of patriotism.

According to your definition, Pakistan should turn India into a wasteland up till now in response of state sponse terrorism in Pakistan killing 70 thousand innocent Pakistanis??

Do you people have any shame left in you?

And you think that we were afraid that if Indian launched missile strike against Pakistani cities then we will vanish from the face of the earth??? This fascist mind set i was talking about that your modi and doval brigade thought that if they target 6 Pakistani cities, then there will be no retaliation from Pakistan? and they ignored the fact that milions of people will burn in that exchange of missiles and many cities may wiped out from face of the earth.. but your fascist govt ignord that entirely because they only care about hindutva aka Brahmin era and they dont care about anyone else.. So its a sincere advice to you as well dont think like those cowards, think sensibly and behave like that.
And your govt. refused to give any actionable evidence that Paksitan was involved in Pulwama and even your govt gave go ahead to launch air strike across International Border? What the hell is that? And what about the recent leaked chat of Arnab? still you are stand on your point. Now slowly facts are coming out that Pulwama was an inside job just like Mumbay attack... Now one of your retired army officer just said that on day of Pulwama Army vacant one of its check post on higher ups order from where the attacker approached to the convoy...dont be a blind followers of patriotism.

According to your definition, Pakistan should turn India into a wasteland up till now in response of state sponse terrorism in Pakistan killing 70 thousand innocent Pakistanis??

Do you people have any shame left in you?

And you think that we were afraid that if Indian launched missile strike against Pakistani cities then we will vanish from the face of the earth??? This fascist mind set i was talking about that your modi and doval brigade thought that if they target 6 Pakistani cities, then there will be no retaliation from Pakistan? and they ignored the fact that milions of people will burn in that exchange of missiles and many cities may wiped out from face of the earth.. but your fascist govt ignord that entirely because they only care about hindutva aka Brahmin era and they dont care about anyone else.. So its a sincere advice to you as well dont think like those cowards, think sensibly and behave like that.
We all saw what Pakistan government did after giving evidence for Mumbai attacks. For you everything is inside job. I wish Indian spy agency is that competitive to carry out attacks against your military. Nobody threatened to attack 6 cities or will always be military targets not civilian. I can see you are imagining lots of things. When did people getting killed started to be a problem for you. People, army men has been dying in Kashmir, you supported TTP on Afghanistan, even now they are suffering.
There is no two opinions about what you said in your post. But Even Kaiser tufail is very careful in claiming SU-30 Kill in his articles. I assume which you have read? 2 articles on 27 FEB SAGA. Kaiser tufail was the guy who told us the Ground controller was a female. Which Indian media finally admitted it was Minty agerwal in August.

So doesnt it shows that Kaiser Tufail while revealing Abhinandan wingman name, identity of female ground controller is still apprehensive of claiming the 100 % KILL ?
Yes i do agree with you but is it compulsory to showed everything on public forums or to keep the records under the belt to play a psychological warfare against enemy. But the matter of fact is that what needs to be done PAF done that and IAF at recieving end recieved with the pinch of salt.

Let me give you a case study.. In air comabt your wing man is your eyes and ears and your shield as well. And once one of team member is shot down then its normal SOP the other needs to leave the arena as soon as possible before getting shot down as well, as left over member will be on a great disadvantage in that combat.

Now think on this point, if there will be no MKI shot down, will they bugged out or they tried to engage PAF strike or Sweep package.. why they didnt fired a single missile on any of aircraft of PAF package??

Why the other MKI bugged out super sonic (it was recorded on radars, which obviously not to shown on such forums)? only one justification can be given here as his leader got shot down, then there will be no chance for a lone MKI to engage in that lost cause.
Yes i do agree with you but is it compulsory to showed everything on public forums or to keep the records under the belt to play a psychological warfare against enemy. But the matter of fact is that what needs to be done PAF done that and IAF at recieving end recieved with the pinch of salt.

Let me give you a case study.. In air comabt your wing man is your eyes and ears and your shield as well. And once one of team member is shot down then its normal SOP the other needs to leave the arena as soon as possible before getting shot down as well, as left over member will be on a great disadvantage in that combat.

Now think on this point, if there will be no MKI shot down, will they bugged out or they tried to engage PAF strike or Sweep package.. why they didnt fired a single missile on any of aircraft of PAF package??

Why the other MKI bugged out super sonic (it was recorded on radars, which obviously not to shown on such forums)? only one justification can be given here as his leader got shot down, then there will be no chance for a lone MKI to engage in that lost cause.
That's not the only justification, the missile and radar warning alert plus as Indian airforce told, couldn't find firing solution since target's was out of range.
We all saw what Pakistan government did after giving evidence for Mumbai attacks. For you everything is inside job. I wish Indian spy agency is that competitive to carry out attacks against your military. Nobody threatened to attack 6 cities or will always be military targets not civilian. I can see you are imagining lots of things. When did people getting killed started to be a problem for you. People, army men has been dying in Kashmir, you supported TTP on Afghanistan, even now they are suffering.
Oh dear, i can asscess that you are very weak in authentic history.. What evidence your indian govt. provide to Pakistan regarding Mumbai attack, The route of approaching the boat to Mumbai, if you people knew the whole route of approaching the boat form Karachi to Mumbai, why didnt your blue water navy stopped that boat? Secondly, you relase a footage of Ajmal Kasab speaking hindi in his statemetn.. now show me any area in Pakistan where Pakistan says Kasab? we dont use Kasab word, thirdly in his statement he said Bhagwan,, now tell me which muslim Pakistan says Bhagwan instead of Khuda or ALLAH.. Last but not the least that those attackers calls to Pakistan to say good bye to their relatives like mother and father?? oh come on is this your IQ level is? that Pakistan send some people to attach Indina main city Mumai and give them Pakistani SIMs to talk to their relatives in Pakistan during that attack????

Same evidence your govt provide when Pathankot happens... I mean what the hell you and your billion people are so dumb and deaf that they cannot even think that how can Pakistan send the people across border by giving Pakistani SIMs and allow them to talk back so that they can easily track back to Pakistan??????????? i mean is this what you belive you media stories??????????

I can see you are imagining lots of things. When did people getting killed started to be a problem for you. People, army men has been dying in Kashmir, you supported TTP on Afghanistan, even now they are suffering.

And i must say dont dig out history as you people are famous in altering historical facts ( Your bollywood movies are big example of this) and let me clear this, history lesson are very bitter and you will run away once you start on this.... TTP were never existed untill around 2005...and its your doval doctrine who create TTP and met with Daesh people in Syria and provided them support to brought in to Afghanistan... And you are talking about offensive defence of Doval, then wait for the time when you realise how your doval's doctrine infact will destroy your own country... wait for that.
Oh dear, i can asscess that you are very weak in authentic history.. What evidence your indian govt. provide to Pakistan regarding Mumbai attack, The route of approaching the boat to Mumbai, if you people knew the whole route of approaching the boat form Karachi to Mumbai, why didnt your blue water navy stopped that boat? Secondly, you relase a footage of Ajmal Kasab speaking hindi in his statemetn.. now show me any area in Pakistan where Pakistan says Kasab? we dont use Kasab word, thirdly in his statement he said Bhagwan,, now tell me which muslim Pakistan says Bhagwan instead of Khuda or ALLAH.. Last but not the least that those attackers calls to Pakistan to say good bye to their relatives like mother and father?? oh come on is this your IQ level is? that Pakistan send some people to attach Indina main city Mumai and give them Pakistani SIMs to talk to their relatives in Pakistan during that attack????

Same evidence your govt provide when Pathankot happens... I mean what the hell you and your billion people are so dumb and deaf that they cannot even think that how can Pakistan send the people across border by giving Pakistani SIMs and allow them to talk back so that they can easily track back to Pakistan??????????? i mean is this what you belive you media stories??????????

And i must say dont dig out history as you people are famous in altering historical facts ( Your bollywood movies are big example of this) and let me clear this, history lesson are very bitter and you will run away once you start on this.... TTP were never existed untill around 2005...and its your doval doctrine who create TTP and met with Daesh people in Syria and provided them support to brought in to Afghanistan... And you are talking about offensive defence of Doval, then wait for the time when you realise how your doval's doctrine infact will destroy your own country... wait for that.
Yes, now India created TTP 😁, happy to wait.
That's not the only justification, the missile and radar warning alert plus as Indian airforce told, couldn't find firing solution since target's was out of range.
Exactly this is not even the justification, its merely a use case and the people who know the Air Force terminology and role of a wing man, understand what i tried to say.

Secondly, as i mentioned PAF dont want to realae any elctronic proof regarding these kills. And if one day PAF release that info as well then make it sure that your this narative will also go down that PAF aircrafts were out of range and there were no firing solution available...

So save yourself from more disgrace and shame as its better for you. That is why your airforce is silent about everything but your media anchor person aka godi media or internet bakhats create a new story every day out of nothing...
Yes, now India created TTP 😁, happy to wait.
Think whatever suits you dear but as i said you may see what i said today that this doval doctrine break you internally in due time.. :azn::azn::azn:
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