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"We gave them a bloody nose and it is still hurting"

And that weakness somehow is supposed to be our problem? Not a good excuse. No matter how underarmed you were, your strategy was of defence of East lies on the west, which just didn't work.
The strategy was fine, but the execution was flawed. At the start of the war PAF was too timid with its attacks on Indian airbases, used WWII era bombs which did not explode in Agra, and did not continue with constant follow up attacks to hinder IAF runway repairs.

An offensive was meant to be launched into East Punjab but it never took place. In the Rajasthan offensive PAF was not employed which lead to the disaster that was Longewala. At the end of the war, India could not achieve a victory on the Western Front and gave territory in Kashmir and return all its gains in Pakistan.

East Pakistan was doomed to fall from the start unless Pakistan went full Nazi or caved into Mujib's demands for a state within a state - Bengal is further from Pakistan than Iraq. Fighting outnumbered 10:1 with the population of the most densely populated place on the planet against you will not end well in any circumstance.

If East Pakistan was friendly to Pakistan, the Indian military would face the same fierce and brutal militancy that non-Bengalis faced. Perhaps East Pakistan would be defensible in such a conventional scenario, and the defence of the East would really lie in the West.
You really shouldn't be making fun of a surrender, considering your troops did so at the LAC conflict recently. The event you talk of happened 40 years ago with far adverse conditions for Pakistani troops.
Let them celebrate

It makes them feel proud that it took them a 10:1 advantage to achieve something 😆

Looking at the size difference between India and Pakistan, it just highlights how badly they've underperformed even with such a huge advantage.

Imagine our countries were the same size...
The strategy was fine, but the execution was flawed. At the start of the war PAF was too timid with its attacks on Indian airbases, used WWII era bombs which did not explode in Agra, and did not continue with constant follow up attacks to hinder IAF runway repairs.

An offensive was meant to be launched into East Punjab but it never took place. In the Rajasthan offensive PAF was not employed which lead to the disaster that was Longewala. At the end of the war, India could not achieve a victory on the Western Front and gave territory in Kashmir and return all its gains in Pakistan.

East Pakistan was doomed to fall from the start unless Pakistan went full Nazi or caved into Mujib's demands for a state within a state - Bengal is further from Pakistan than Iraq. Fighting outnumbered 10:1 with the population of the most densely populated place on the planet against you will not end well in any circumstance.

If East Pakistan was friendly to Pakistan, the Indian military would face the same fierce and brutal militancy that non-Bengalis faced. Perhaps East Pakistan would be defensible in such a conventional scenario, and the defence of the East would really lie in the West.
Yes having a local populace who hate you was the start of the fall. If Mujib was given his rightful authority by the state maybe the outcome would have been different. Bengalis didn't hate Punjabis to begin with, they supported Pakistan and took the most hindu lives during direct action riots in Bengal for the cause of Pakistan, we the people of eastern India know that far too well.
Turning such a huge pro Pakistan populace anti is totally upon the western authorities who never gave them the fair treatment they wanted, jailed their leaders on conspiracy charges. I believe the policy of defence of East lies on the west came forth because of the inherent suspicion the western leadership had on the Bengalis and that didn't end well.
We on our part liberated people who Bengalis on our side supported and neutralised a threat at the same time, win win and too good a situation to let go of.

You really shouldn't be making fun of a surrender, considering your troops did so at the LAC conflict recently. The event you talk of happened 40 years ago with far adverse conditions for Pakistani troops.
I really don't like making fun of military people, not when it was the right decision to save lives, but some people have a superiority complex in them that's nauseating or just not accepting your adversaries strengths(add Hindus/vegetarians can't fight) so have to reply sometimes.
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Let them celebrate

It makes them feel proud that it took them a 10:1 advantage to achieve something 😆

Looking at the size difference between India and Pakistan, it just highlights how badly they've underperformed even with such a huge advantage.

Imagine our countries were the same size...
Example of what I wrote above
I really don't like making fun of military people, not when it was the right decision to save lives, but some people have a superiority complex in them that's nauseating or just not accepting your adversaries strengths(add Hindus/vegetarians can't fight) so have to reply sometimes.

Fair enough it's silly I agree.
View attachment 827761

"We gave them a bloody nose and it is still hurting, DG ISPR Gen Asif Ghafoor"

On May 27, 1999, PA shot down IAF MiG-21 and MiG-27 fighters, and Flight Lt Nachiketa was taken POW.
On May 28, 1999, four air crew died after IAF's MI-17 was shot down by Pakistan.
On Feb 27, 2019, PAF shot down IAF Mig-21 and SU-30 fighters, and WC Abhinandhan was taken POW.
On Feb 27, 2019, Six air crew died after IAF's MI-17 was shot down by Indian Air Defence in panic btw PAF and IAF aerial conflict.

Ten things are common:

1, Similarity of dates.
2, Migs busted.
3, IAF pilots taken into POW.
4, Mi17 shot down
5, Aircrew died
6, IAF/India faced humiliation
7, Both times BJP is in power.
8, Both POW returned under Geneva & Vienna convention.
9. Both pilots officially admitted that the Pakistan military is highly professional.
10, Indian zombie Janta celebrated this humiliation as victory and pilot awarded (face-saving) lol

Gov of Otrar gave the mongols a jab on the jaw---. Jalaluddin gave the Mongols a bloody nose---.

The mongols wipded out both of their civilizations for ETERNITY to come.

6 millions muslims slaughtered and butchered and multiple nations decimated so bad.

If you want to confront a large enemy---then decimate it at the first opportunity.
Gov of Otrar gave the mongols a jab on the jaw---. Jalaluddin gave the Mongols a bloody nose---.

The mongols wipded out both of their civilizations for ETERNITY to come.

6 millions muslims slaughtered and butchered and multiple nations decimated so bad.

If you want to confront a large enemy---then decimate it at the first opportunity.

Hear hear.
India / Indians are not yahoo country. The country invented Chess, does not go after silly things...just pushes for Check Mate.

Yahoo's will never realize / understand....what happened...but the meltdown is all to see...
You really shouldn't be making fun of a surrender, considering your troops did so at the LAC conflict recently. The event you talk of happened 40 years ago with far adverse conditions for Pakistani troops.
They had not surrendered, they were captured alive by PLA, we didn’t sign an instrument of surrender to them. Like many Indian and Pakistani soldiers were “captured alive” by each other during Kargil war which then were returned later as well.
Yes its very rare for armies to win when they are significantly outnumbered.

With 93000 they were outnumbered 3 to 1 and with 40000 they were outnumbered 8 to 1.

This is not even including Mukti Bahini who were believed to be around 200,000, which then makes that 5 to 1 or 13 to 1 respectively.
How many more years you guys live in denial ,let me take most pakistani arguments ,1000 miles away,out numbered ,no resupply.

What were the Pakistani forces doing in west Pakistan.
India / Indians are not yahoo country. The country invented Chess, does not go after silly things...just pushes for Check Mate.

Yahoo's will never realize / understand....what happened...but the meltdown is all to see...

What use has been to Indians from the invention called Chess ? And don't you think India and silliness go hand in hand ? Also, who are these yahoos you mention ?

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