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"We gave them a bloody nose and it is still hurting"

What happens to Hindu minorities in tolerant countries like Bangladesh? Most of them have top positions in Govt. there.

If your logic was valid, they'd be driven out of there long ago.

Tons of these Hindu Bangladeshis hate Indian Govt. policies with a vengeance.

There are even Bangladeshi Hindu Vloggers railing against India-shill Hindus and Indians in Bangladesh day and night on YT.

Your idea of people choosing countries based on religion holds zero water.

There is something in some countries called decency and inclusion.

Point is - hate as a philosophy has no future, in any country.

Ditto with ignorance, lies and petty Hindutva hate propaganda as practiced by Modi and his cohorts.

Not everyone in the world is gullible, delusional and ignorant like some Hindus in India.

Good if Hindus in Bangladesh is loyal and law abiding citizens of Bangladesh or any other country they live in...be it Pakistan. This is the way they need to be. They should not be loyal to their Kaum or religious preaching or any other shot peddled as religious duties....

There lies my answer. This is the difference between Hindus and Muslims.
Good if Hindus in Bangladesh is loyal and law abiding citizens of Bangladesh or any other country they live in...be it Pakistan. This is the way they need to be. They should not be loyal to their Kaum or religious preaching or any other shot peddled as religious duties....

There lies my answer. This is the difference between Hindus and Muslims.

Your logic again is at fault.

Bangladeshi Muslims are the number one critiques of their own country.

Which is not the case with most Indian Hindus.

But I digress. This is off topic here and I don't want to derail the thread....
And this "Sadhguru" chap and his ilk like Sri Sri are not proselytizing ? Does anything they say make sense ? Anything at all ? What is responsible for the socio-economic suicides of 350,000+ Indian farmers between 1995 and 2015 ? And many oppressed people before and many after ?

If you want to improve yourself please read carefully what I say. You misunderstand who I am. I am not a Tableeghi but someone opposite. It is because of rational people like me that Islam exists and Communism exists. I transmit the words that sensible others before me have spoken and sensible others now speak and to those I add my words, words that appeal to the oppressed and the progressive and one who wants to explore the wonders of the universe and one who wants an empathetic, rational and harmonious society.

You speak of constitution but you seem to support those who want to replace the current Indian constitution with the foul, anti-human book Manusmriti. Do you agree with such a change ? You speak of me not wanting democracy but you want to impose on me the majoritarian sentiment in India. How is that democracy ? You misunderstand democracy so please read this post of mine about what is not democracy, the origin of democracy and where it was implemented.

You really do not have any understanding of either events or ability to interpret. You are getting old ( fine) and senile ( control it).

Nobody is implementing Manu Smirti in India. Brahmins are in minority are poor and Reservations of more than 50% in jobs has resulted them in going down the social hierarchy every decade. You still believe this shit? Where are they in power in India? South India? UP? Bihar? West Bengal? Punjab? Where ...where...

You peddle nonsense here...day in day out.
Islam is not democracy friendly in India. Friday evening every week, it's mobocracy that takes over them...in the name of religion.
You really do not have any understanding of either events or ability to interpret.

What events am I not understanding and am unable to interpret ?

You are getting old ( fine) and senile ( control it).

Right, I am senile but "Sadhguru", Sri Sri and hundreds of thousands of their followers are the most sane and rational people in human history. :rolleyes:

Nobody is implementing Manu Smirti in India.

Oh, the modern Hindutvadis are fond of the Manusmriti. They can also be called Manuwadis. For example, here are some of Yogi Adityanath's misogynist and suffocating views :
He believes women need male protection from birth to death and their ‘energy/power’ should be regulated or controlled, lest it become worthless and destructive.
He adds the shastras say that a woman is protected in her childhood by her father, by her husband in her youth and by her son in her old age — so that way a woman is not capable of being left free or independent.
So other than these statements being his own beliefs the shastras ( Hindu religious texts ) he quotes include the Manusmriti :
Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence. (IX/3)
(When creating them) Manu allotted to women (a love of their) bed, (of their) seat and (of) ornament, impure desires, wrath, dishonesty, malice, and bad conduct. (IX/17)
For women no (sacramental) rite (is performed) with sacred texts, thus the law is settled; women (who are) destitute of strength and destitute of (the knowledge of) Vedic texts, (are as impure as) falsehood (itself), that is a fixed rule. (IX/18)

Former Supreme Court judge PB Sawant said this in 2019 :
In order to appreciate my answers to your questions, I must first point out that civil liberties are the foundation of democracy and an infringement even of one of them seriously affects the democratic functioning of society. Secondly, civil liberties also consist of inherent and inalienable rights of man. These rights are born with man, and in a democratic society they are the essential accoutrement of the citizen. They are not given by any statute, including the fundamental statute, the Constitution, and hence they cannot be taken away by any statute. That is why the right to life is not mentioned in our Constitution in specific terms and is assured, while imposing the restrictions on its deprivation in Article 21.

Instances of repression of civil rights have been galore since the Bharatiya Janata Party/Modi government came to power in 2014. You have already mentioned some of these instances, such as the abrogation of Article 370, including the clampdown on the media; the treatment of the Bhima Koregaon activists; the vindictiveness against the police officer Sanjiv Bhatt; the recent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act amendment; and the action against Election Commissioner Ashok Lavasa. In addition, mob-lynching and the persecution of Dalits and members of religious minority communties have to be strongly emphasised. There are many such instances which are not reported in the media taking place almost every day in all corners of the country. The other prominent instances are the murders of Judge B.H.Loya and Haren Pandya, the Sohrabuddin encounter, the Malegaon bomb blast conspiracy where Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya Thakur are the accused. It is interesting to note that Amit Shah, who was one of the accused in the Sohrabuddin encounter case, is the president of the ruling party and now the Home Minister. These are some of the prominent cases which come to mind in answer to your question. As regards the Election Commission, some of its decisions have raised many questions of public importance.

We should not be surprised by these developments. This government does not accept our Constitution and they have, from time to time, made it clear, including in their manifesto, that they want to change the same. They are against democracy, secularism and socialism. Their avowed objective is to establish a dictatorship, a Hindu Rashtra, in this country and give free rein to the free market economy. In pursuance of this objective, they have already made inroads into key institutions of governance and have even been trying to control the judiciary by various ways, including interference in judicial appointments. The media are infiltrated by the RSS [Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh] gentry and are also repressed by controlling the owners of both print and electronic media. The critics of this regime are trolled, the opposition is sought to be silenced, and even independent writers, speakers and social activists are sought to be subdued. Untruth, false propaganda, illusions and manufactured events are being used as weapons for misguiding and fooling the people. These are all the trappings of a fascist regime, to which the country has been treated since the inception of the present regime.

Lastly, if India has socio-economic and political disparities and oppressions it is because of the extremely Capitalist texts like the Manusmriti. Let "Sadhguru" give his pravachans to the ghosts of those 350,000+ Indian farmers who suicided just between 1995 and 2015 because of the 3000-year-old extreme Capitalist nature of Indian socio-economic and political systems.

Brahmins are in minority are poor and Reservations of more than 50% in jobs has resulted them in going down the social hierarchy every decade. You still believe this shit? Where are they in power in India? South India? UP? Bihar? West Bengal? Punjab? Where ...where...

Brahmins might be in minority but Brahmanvad is what controls India. In the words of Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani, the struggle is not against a Brahmin as a person but against the idea of Brahmanvad, and a Brahmanvadi might be a Dalit too who has internalized the anti-human Manuwadi / Brahmanwadi caste layering and puts himself above another Dalit caste.

And do Modi and all the other Hindutvadi leaders not pay very public visits to temples where they allow the Brahmin priest there to act as the agent of God among humans and receive his blessings too ?

You peddle nonsense here...day in day out.
Islam is not democracy friendly in India. Friday evening every week, it's mobocracy that takes over them...in the name of religion.

Regardless of how modern Indian Muslims behave you misunderstand the nature of democracy. I ask you again you read my post about this I linked previously. And Islam is quite democratic. For example, though I don't pray I will point to the fact that those who pray in mosques do not carry their socio-economic or political status into the mosque. Every praying person is equal in the mosque, a rich man shoulder to shoulder with a laborer. This is unlike say the Tirupati temple where first of all the devotees have to pay money to propitiate the god there and additionally the rich can pay a higher amount of money to have earlier and longer access to that god's blessings. Now tell me what is democratic and what is not. What is Capitalist and what is not. Though of course I being a Communist desire to erase the remaining socio-economic classification in Islam too via this proposal of mine for a new very simple socio-economic system for humanity. After all modern Communism is a progressive set of ideals in a line of historic progressive set of ideals including Islam.
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"We gave them a bloody nose and it is still hurting, DG ISPR Gen Asif Ghafoor"

On May 27, 1999, PA shot down IAF MiG-21 and MiG-27 fighters, and Flight Lt Nachiketa was taken POW.
On May 28, 1999, four air crew died after IAF's MI-17 was shot down by Pakistan.
On Feb 27, 2019, PAF shot down IAF Mig-21 and SU-30 fighters, and WC Abhinandhan was taken POW.
On Feb 27, 2019, Six air crew died after IAF's MI-17 was shot down by Indian Air Defence in panic btw PAF and IAF aerial conflict.

Ten things are common:

1, Similarity of dates.
2, Migs busted.
3, IAF pilots taken into POW.
4, Mi17 shot down
5, Aircrew died
6, IAF/India faced humiliation
7, Both times BJP is in power.
8, Both POW returned under Geneva & Vienna convention.
9. Both pilots officially admitted that the Pakistan military is highly professional.
10, Indian zombie Janta celebrated this humiliation as victory and pilot awarded (face-saving) lol
There is piss take and there is piss take...this is another level of piss take
An indiot has only one response to all this... 93000 soldurs...nobody told them how many of them were civilians and families and what were their function in city where they were arrested. And how many of them were ethnical bengalies who chose to surrender..
The 93000 figure was bullshit just like the 3 Million Bengalis dead figure.

Does 40k or even 20k make it any better?
Yes,a 40k strong army thousands of miles away versus a 500k strong Indian Army supported by the Mukti Bahini.
This does make it better because India can only fight a country 7 times smaller than itself and then make big claims about winning wars.

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