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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

I'm seeing a lot of members here trying their best to do minimize the humiliation saying it merely entered for 20 seconds and went back, some are saying they dropped payload on open ground and went back. Russian jet entered for 17 seconds in Turkish airspace and it was shot down and here they entered, dropped their payload and went back and response from "shaheens".? I can't believe members here are happy and saying "oh they went back in a few seconds" FFS they attacked Pakistani SOIL
Unbelievable that Pakistanis here are eating up the words of Indian media. Shame on you guys.
If IAF conducted an airstrike with LGBs, they can show the images of the strikes happening actually. Except they are not. While ISPR has clearly show the result of whatever was dropped by IAF aircraft. (Also, not in Balakot in KPK but near the LOC, maybe as little as a few kms away).

India is likely not releasing the footage so that the Pakistani government and army can save face by entertaining its people with ridiculous explanations such as Indian fighter jets unintentionally dropping their payload while being chased by the heroic PAF.
Keep wanting.
Just wait and watch we did it before we shall do it again
Pathankot AFB is again up for heavy beating
India played its game well. Got major countries in the world to pin blame on Jaish. Now says it attacked Jaish launching pad or camp. Not attacked Pak official installation. So even if Pak wants to retaliate - what will be their target? Targeting official installations would be major escalation and an act of war.

act of war? you already started this war.
India is likely not releasing the footage so that the Pakistani government and army can save face by entertaining its people with ridiculous explanations such as Indian fighter jets unintentionally dropping their payload while being chased by the heroic PAF.
Keep telling yourself that...India is doing Pakistan a favor ... what great logic
I like how both the Indian media and the Pakistani memebers are ejaculating without any idea of what happened.
I’m more embarrassed by your own reaction then what the PAF failed to do or the IAF did. I’d much rather the IAF have succeeded in doing this then see my fellow countrymen berate their own armed forces over something they have no clue about. Calm your asses.
Secondly; the Indian media has no proof except for DGISPRs Tweets. They’re doing the same thing they do every time; drama and made up shit that their people buy. Their own government and IAF hasn’t said anything.
They didn’t do any attacks either, not from what we have seen yet, maybe they did come inside, dropped some fuel tanks and left. But I think if they had dropped 1000 KG bombs. Someone from the public would have heard and noticed it. Use some common sense. Please. This is as real as the first surgical strike until they show actual proof.
Wait for a conference and actual confirmation from either side. The Indians need little things to make them happy and their media provides that, and the Pakistanis fall for it too, at this point we’re both equal.
I'm seeing a lot of members here trying their best to do minimize the humiliation saying it merely entered for 20 seconds and went back, some are saying they dropped payload on open ground and went back. Russian jet entered for 17 seconds in Turkish airspace and it was shot down and here they entered, dropped their payload and went back and response from "shaheens".? I can't believe members here are happy and saying "oh they went back in a few seconds" FFS they attacked Pakistani SOIL

Bhai now I am seriously praying for my US visa :lol: at least no one can bloody humiliate USAF :usflag: hum tu half American hain :toast_sign:
India played its game well. Got major countries in the world to pin blame on Jaish. Now says it attacked Jaish launching pad or camp. Not attacked Pak official installation. So even if Pak wants to retaliate - what will be their target? Targeting official installations would be major escalation and an act of war.

that's true.

from the pictures released by ISPR , it does imply that it wasn't bombs but fuel tanks
are you an expert? the soil seems burnt up to me. also it is wet there raining.
Stop sucking their cocks, no casualties or damage on our part.
Ok.. I believe on u.. But they crossed the limits we should also cross the line of control . Drop load 50, to 60 km inside kashmir and then come back like they did... Time to show up some thing.. Or we will be labeled as cowards
Dropping a payload on an open field in IOK...
Keep telling yourself that...India is doing Pakistan a favor ... what great logic

Yes, it does. The same reason why the Israeli Air Force had a policy of ambiguity regarding the aerial attacks it conducted for decades, up untill the Syrian Civil War.

India wanted to demonstrate strenghth to the Pakistani army, while simultaneously not completely humiliate the new Pakistani government.
Cont: if they had dropped bombs here, that would be an act of all out war, we would have responded immediately, not with military, but with a statement to tell the people what was going on. But in the end if the proof shows that it did actually happen, can we not act like dumbasses and try to save face. We need to wait for our own government to reply and not berate our armed forces for no reason while we sit on beds and couches.
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