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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Another day another humiliation.

During attack on OBL, american choppers went un-detected, we were humiliated
After 26-11 indian jets violated our airspace and mr. zaradari, the then president was justifying it - humiliation
We lost important assets at the hands of some terrorists who attacked paf base - humiliation
What happened today - humiliation

And yet we have some members continuously defending PAF because in india pakistan scenario emotions easily overcome rationality and not to forget false egos which dont let us accept the reality.

The reality is at this point in time IAF and IN are way more superior to PAF and PN, keeping variables such as training, religion etc a side for the time being because these are subjective.

The reality is if wont accept the superiority of our enemy we wont be able to sort out things at our end.

I know members here will keep defending PAF but PAF has been a continous failure for last 2 decades or so. PAF today is different from what it was back in 65. On one hand our enemy has learned from his mistakes while we are riding on high horses claiming to be invincible.

As of now PAF is not more than a mere soft target for terrorists.

Fact of the matter is we cant fight a conventional war and we cant afford a nuclear war. We are loosing at both ends.

Now armchair generals can continue bragging about F-16s and Jf-17s and pilots skills. Best of luck with that !!!

May ALLAH save us from such humiliations.
Doobh kay marjo the Indian public is already going haywire over PAF lack of action .and the Indians have claimed off dropping 1000kg bomb #LakhDiLanat
So, this is very interesting development.
Which exposes a somewhat clueless Pakistan. Either current alert systems are not effective enough to know when and where planes take off in Indian Kashmir or a more dangerous laissez-faire approach. In either case the attacker holds the initiative and prerogative. In both scenarios Pakistan seems to be lagging way behind being a critical nuclear armed nation in that part of the world.
Any weakness can mean annihilation!

Time to go back to the drawing boards for those that are supposedly guarding to the borders. Pakistan lacks both anti air and radar penetration...

Go figure...
Unbelievable that Pakistanis here are eating up the words of Indian media. Shame on you guys.
If IAF conducted an airstrike with LGBs, they can show the images of the strikes happening actually. Except they are not. While ISPR has clearly show the result of whatever was dropped by IAF aircraft. (Also, not in Balakot in KPK but near the LOC, maybe as little as a few kms away).

So why the hell ISPR can not issue a clarification. Its been good few hours.

Secondly, simply showing few pic won't work. They need to come out with good amount of info like radar record, radio comm. And if this was indeed Balakot KPK, finally there needs to be a response as this was well inside Pakistani territory; and hence an act of war.
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