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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

even if it was for show off, IAF did cross the LoC , ISPR confirm it , something was dropped into Pakistani territory that is enough Material for Indians to jump ... if IAF or India got without any visible damage , Pakistan is toast , next strike will come from Iran .

Aaj ke liye buhat zalil ho gaye, Ab PAF ko Karo Indians , you earn that :tup:
They dropped a payload?

That also near Balakot. Balakot is very close to Mansehra. And all we talking about is Scrambling. This is some serious violation. Thery were out of Kashmir and Flew over KP...
Ok.. I believe on u.. But they crossed the limits we should also cross the line of control . Drop load 50, to 60 km inside kashmir and then come back like they did... Time to show up some thing.. Or we will be labeled as cowards

I for one would like to see the big picture!!! Violations of all sorts at such heightened state of tension, initiated by India (7x larger enemy with 700K forces bogged down for <1K Mujahidin inside IOK), are more than expected!!! Now, the question is where does it lead too???? So far, it's the released payload (probably fuel tank) on an open field!!! Is that all after so much drama???? And, it must have put the Pak authorities in a dilemma...
I like how both the Indian media and the Pakistani memebers are ejaculating without any idea of what happened.
I’m more embarrassed by your own reaction then what the PAF failed to do or the IAF did. I’d much rather the IAF have succeeded in doing this then see my fellow countrymen berate their own armed forces over something they have no clue about. Calm your asses.
Secondly; the Indian media has no proof except for DGISPRs Tweets. They’re doing the same thing they do every time; drama and made up shit that their people buy. Their own government and IAF hasn’t said anything.
They didn’t do any attacks either, not from what we have seen yet, maybe they did come inside, dropped some fuel tanks and left. But I think if they had dropped 1000 KG bombs. Someone from the public would have heard and noticed it. Use some common sense. Please. This is as real as the first surgical strike until they show actual proof.
Wait for a conference and actual confirmation from either side. The Indians need little things to make them happy and their media provides that, and the Pakistanis fall for it too, at this point we’re both equal.

I am equally ashamed of these "patriotic" Pakistanis that just needed any excuse to berate their armed forces, and that too on the news reports of Indian media ... the same media btw which went into great details of how Indian paratroopers came in with helicopters with IAF providing aircover to carry out their first surgical strikes.

The truth is apparent in ISPRs statement. IAF violated the LOC and when when confronted by PAF fighters went back. It is standard operating procedure to eject any fuel tanks etc in that situation to make the aircraft lighter and more agile. In fact that is the first thing pilots do then getting into an engagement. Except in this case, IAF dropped their tanks to get back to the their side of the LOC ... not the IB in KPK whatever.
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