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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

have you noticed small green grass ... ? dude a 1000 pound bomb would have ripped those trees apart .
U can see burnt trees...but the reason why their is no fire is that it's raining.....
The reason why u can't see a bomb crator is the fact that they hit the side of a small hill which has caused a mini land slide.
Pakistani Media as always playing Angel and saints ... seems like Pakistani Air force and Army has been humiliated and now its just a face saving . Buhat Afsos hua :(
Unbelievable that Pakistanis here are eating up the words of Indian media. Shame on you guys.
If IAF conducted an airstrike with LGBs, they can show the images of the strikes happening actually. Except they are not. While ISPR has clearly show the result of whatever was dropped by IAF aircraft. (Also, not in Balakot in KPK but near the LOC, maybe as little as a few kms away).
IK said that if India strikes, Pakistan will retaliate. The ball is in his court now and ofcourse Military's also.
IMO it's neither a strike nor a non-strike....
Cannot paf fucking drop just a water melon inside india so we can claim counter strike?
700K IA forces vs <1K Mujahidin inside IOK...
Good India is not scared to escalate unlike previous times.
India played its game well. Got major countries in the world to pin blame on Jaish. Now says it attacked Jaish launching pad or camp. Not attacked Pak official installation. So even if Pak wants to retaliate - what will be their target? Targeting official installations would be major escalation and an act of war.
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