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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

yes, Pictures posted by ISPR , check them out there was no burned grass or massive holes in ground , I am pretty sure a 1000 pound bomb dropped even in empty jungle would cause some fire and burned grass and tree ? who the Fuq is lying ? if it was just Fuel tanks , it seems understandable , but pictures shown by ISPR is definitely not the result of Bombs .
It depends on kind of explosive. But counter attack should happen.
i had a great respect to paf because of its legacy and legends like sarfaraz rafiqui but todays Paf is just lazy and all talk
Could be ,but they should have been escorted by our best fighters.just in case paf intercepted these mirages

they never crossed into dangerous air space. 20 seconds of flight and then 360 degree hasty run . they didn't want to loose any aircraft. they planned it and tested Pakistan Air force for past 5 days . they saw an opening tried to take it.

if Modi wins by just destroying open fields labeling them terrorist camps then what can i say..
Foolish of me to not think that countries can enter Pakistani air space at will and drop their bombs, as long as they don't destroy anything in the meanwhile. Perhaps I should have had a more thorough understanding of Pakistani 'honor'. My fault.

Calm down sonny, let's see what happens.
Foolish of me to not think that countries can enter Pakistani air space at will and drop their bombs, as long as they don't destroy anything in the meanwhile. Perhaps I should have had a more thorough understanding of Pakistani 'honor'. My fault.

Shutup dumbass there's a large geopolitical reason why Pakistan didn't respond in kind. If Pakistan had shot down IAF jets then I'm sure a war would have been started. But either way that war would have ended after international pressure on both sides. So there's no point for Pakistan to attack . India and Pakistan both know that if a serious war starts, then the only thing that can end it now is nukes. And no one wants to use nukes. So no one wants to start a war. Hence the pussy shit by the Indian Air Force.
U still skimpy on proof...hmm shame. Pakistan provided proof of ur hastily dropped payload and yet u haven't provided pictures of ur supposedly destroyed targets.
It's the "air surgical strike"....

On a serious note, IAF fighters crossed the LOC, intercepted by PAF, IAF fighters went back leaving behind payload (fuel tank and/or bomb)!!! No direct engagements b/w fighters occurred!!! Now, Pak is showing the derbies from the IA fighters' payload on an open field!!! In contrast, if IAF gives the coordinates of the bombs dropped and real damages are shown then it's a different story...
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