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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

So technically and tactically " The Surgical Strike " has been completed---enemy destroyed---all bombs hit target---no aircraft damaged---all aircraft returned home safely---.
Damage control is gonna be really serious this time...
I call BS on this.

The issue here is that the Indians successfully penetrated relatively deep into Pakistan and went back home unscathed. Even if we were to accept the ridiculous assertion that the “Indians turned tail” it doesn’t excuse the fact that PAF’s bluff was called. Try going that deep into India and see if it’s not a big deal. You are a senior member. Don’t confuse other members with such weak arguments
Lets wait and see. I don't care much for instant gratification that most members here are looking for. There is a plan and strategy in play. We will see it get played out.
You seem to have a childish and fanboyish view of the event. They crossed your air space and attacked targets on your soil. They even managed to do that while returning all their jets safely to their bases.

Now tell me which party has really been embarrassed?
im childish/fanboyish? Ok smarty pants tell me where it claims targets destroyed? Or did u just pull that out of ur rear end where sun don't shine?

If u r having trouble understanding I will repeat it for u slooowwwly.
Theeeyyy HASTILY droooppped their paayyloooad.

Now that still might not be enough for ur pea brain. Do u know when a fighter jet hastily drops their payload? When they need to get out fast...either running away from chasing enemy fighters or trying to eascape from a BVR missile. The weight reduction allows for more speed.

Are u embarrassed yet? Or are u so shameless that u r gonna come back with some other BS? I'm expecting pictures of destroyed targets btw for ur idiotic claim above.
HMM DGISPR says they intruded. while indian claim is they fired from with in indian occupied kashmir poonch
Does Pakistan have some sort of force field to avoid such things? Clear

Challenge what? To assuage y

Lets wait and see. I don't care much for instant gratification that most members here are looking for. There is a plan and strategy in play. We will see it get played out.


Ain't you the one who used to brag---let the americans come and we will teach them a lesson---and then you disappeared from this board after the Salala incidence---?

Sir---Pakistan may claim whatever it wants to---India has successfully made its surgical strike---.

And the Paf had been made to stick its tail between its legs---.

Now---if the Paf challenges in kind and makes a counter strike---then we will see who has the ballz---.
10000000% agree. again they will give lame excuses. Paf is nothing just talk
It’s enough to satisfy boot lickers like you, but for me 50km deep incursion in our territory is matter of shame.
Not boot liking anything mate, I'm laughing at the fact that Indians are claiming a successful strike in Balakot. Don't spread further miss information, IAF dropped their payload to run from Pakistani fighters. There is still a massive issue on why our response time has a lag and where were our SAM controllers?
Payload is dropped either at the intended targ

im childish/fanboyish? Ok smarty pants tell me where it claims targets destroyed? Or did u just pull that out of ur rear end where sun don't shine?

If u r having trouble understanding I will repeat it for u slooowwwly.
Theeeyyy HASTILY droooppped their paayyloooad.

Now that still might not be enough for ur pea brain. Do u know when a fighter jet hastily drops their payload? When they need to get out fast...either running away from chasing enemy fighters or trying to eascape from a BVR missile. The weight reduction allows for more speed.

Are u embarrassed yet? Or are u so shameless that u r gonna come back with some other BS? I'm expecting pictures of destroyed targets btw for ur idiotic claim above.

Seems like you are a naive child with the intellect of a deranged person.

They crossed your air space and dropped bombs on your soil. Payload is NEVER hastily dropped, certainly not by the IaF who intentionally entered your air space and expected a possible interception.
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