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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Lets wait and see. I don't care much for instant gratification that most members here are looking for. There is a plan and strategy in play. We will see it get played out.

I can not speak for your instant gratification but the fact will remain that Pakistani airspace was penetrated and the planes in question went back home safe and sound. Worse yet, the IAF could have used stand-off weapons but chose to make a statement. Rest is face-saving exercise. The world doesn’t buy it.
End result they murdered a tree RIP
By attacking an innocent tree they have shown they do not respect forests


The Daring claim of flying into KPK can be well understood after review of map , they only flew for about 2-5 minutes into Pakistani Territory which remaining good 95% of time in their on occupied side

The thin strip is a uninhabited forest / hill area
yaar please don't agree with indian media.......

I'm pretty sure, Mirage can't carry lgb
No targets were hit. Seems like this was purely for domestic consumption.
Navie to believe ,your isrp twitting so early in the morning when the intrusion happened at 3 am .that's usual for isrp to issue statement so fast before the sunrise
what's the point of destroying some open field or training camp ground? they flattened an already flat ground for what? atleast kill some terrorists.

Ain't you the one who used to brag---let the americans come and we will teach them a lesson---and then you disappeared from this board after the Salala incidence---?
If you have a problem with your recollection, don't waste others time on the board. Along with that, grow up as well. Your ego takes up a lot of space here.

Apparently in Pakistani dictionary attacking an open target on its soil with fighter jets who crossed into Pakistani air space doesn't amount to anything significant, because nothing has been destroyed. I've got news for you. I'm an Iranian, and anyone that dares to cross Iranian air space will be shot down instantly, which counts for most countries.
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