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1200 PKK members released from prisons in Syria

Not only me but UN, Nato, EU, Oecd etc..Your turn, who accepts FSA as terrorist organization?

I don't care about international opinion. It is no the end all be all. Slavery was accepted for a time period....does that mean that we should all conform to that opinion?

Besides, who do you think is in FSA? Syrians? LMAO
I don't care about international opinion. It is no the end all be all. Slavery was accepted for a time period....does that mean that we should all conform to that opinion?

Besides, who do you think is in FSA? Syrians? LMAO

Kajutyun on another thread, your exact same words " If Turkey is justified in saying that Armenia should first "open its archives" then why doesn't any other nation in the world (except Azerbaijan, which does not have a single independent thought on the matter) share this opinion.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...-turkish-diplomat-monument.html#ixzz28Fyp4Nsp Post #83

So it seems you only care about international opinion when they serve your interests, hmm?? Armenian style, no surprise here..Have a good day
Kajutyun on another thread, your exact same words " If Turkey is justified in saying that Armenia should first "open its archives" then why doesn't any other nation in the world (except Azerbaijan, which does not have a single independent thought on the matter) share this opinion.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...-turkish-diplomat-monument.html#ixzz28Fyp4Nsp Post #83

So it seems you only care about international opinion when they serve your interests, hmm?? Armenian style, no surprise here..Have a good day

Bravo BronzePlaque, but there is a difference between the two posts. In relation to the Armenian Genocide, international opinion does not matter in reality. What matters is the effect that it has on the only country whose decision actually makes a difference: Turkey. If, after the Armenian Genocide is recognized by the perpetrator, some country decides to falsify history, I really couldn't care less.

Maybe it is you who should stop being a hypocrite. Turkey takes grave concern about international law when it comes to NKR, but is uncooperative about Cyprus issue.
Bravo BronzePlaque, but there is a difference between the two posts. In relation to the Armenian Genocide, international opinion does not matter in reality. What matters is the effect that it has on the only country whose decision actually makes a difference: Turkey. If, after the Armenian Genocide is recognized by the perpetrator, some country decides to falsify history, I really couldn't care less.

Maybe it is you who should stop being a hypocrite. Turkey takes grave concern about international law when it comes to NKR, but is uncooperative about Cyprus issue.

What ever floats your boat buddy..I couldnt care less..I am done with you with my previous post
What ever floats your boat buddy..I couldnt care less..I am done with you with my previous post

Thank you for this "final" patronizing post. You are in good company though...Turkish national policy shows a trend of burying its head in the sand when caught on a lie or otherwise unethical behavior.
Thank you for this "final" patronizing post. You are in good company though...Turkish national policy shows a trend of burying its head in the sand when caught on a lie or otherwise unethical behavior.

You are most welcome
I don't care about international opinion. It is no the end all be all. Slavery was accepted for a time period....does that mean that we should all conform to that opinion?

Besides, who do you think is in FSA? Syrians? LMAO

it isnt even about FSU anymore.....there are many many factions now.

and my fear is, they will begin to fight eachother for influence and "turf"

the uprising is Syria's own business; that's how I look at it. If it's an indigenous movement, it should be Syrians only. I think there's a problem with Libyans and Yemenis and Chechen going to Syria to fight the Syrian government.

the real question is --- is Assad beyond redemption? And if he is, when will the west/world powers decide to find a way to take him out permanently
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