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1200 PKK members released from prisons in Syria

As I said we have the moral rights until 2022 to shelter, arm, everything to FSA, after that we shouldn't, so in 10 years if assads brains ain't on the floor lol.

Then I support PKK... Syria should fully arm PKK... with tanks and heck even missiles...

How you like that?
Then I support PKK... Syria should fully arm PKK... with tanks and heck even missiles...

How you like that?

Good luck. Watch taken, Albanian word “ good luck". You already did from 1990s till late 1990s after we was gna bring your country on your heads finally you realised. I give assad 1. 5 year maximum, tell him to go to Kenya before same thing that happened to Kaddafi happen to him.
Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with providing aid or something like that. What I meant by 'where is Erdogan on Somalia' is why Erdogan supports militants in Syria, but not in Somalia. Turkey should have stayed neutral. But staying neutral doesn't mean you don't have to take care of Syrian refugees, don't have to give aid or even don't have to criticize Assad. Erdogan could have criticized Assad and helped Syrian refugees, but helping a non-united militant group is something different. So one could wonder; why is Turkey actively supporting a militant group in Syria, by letting them use Turkey soil for their operations?

There were 2 options..Supporting Assad or supporting FSA....We couldnt stay neutral after supporting Tunusian, Libyan and Egyptian revolutions

Then I support PKK... Syria should fully arm PKK... with tanks and heck even missiles...

How you like that?

Bring it on
Good luck. Watch taken, Albanian word “ good luck". You already did from 1990s till late 1990s after we was gna bring your country on your heads finally you realised. I give assad 1. 5 year maximum, tell him to go to Kenya before same thing that happened to Kaddafi happen to him.

I'm sure Alasad will do something before anything happens to him.... WMD?
There were 2 options..Supporting Assad or supporting FSA....We couldnt stay neutral after supporting Tunusian, Libyan and Egyptian revolutions

The world isn't black or white, nor does a man have only two options. Supporting Tunisia, Libya or Egypt is different than supporting a country which Turkey share a border with. As far as I know, Turkey didn't supported Libyan rebels with weapons or letting them using it's soil for military operations. Which Turkey is doing with the FSA and one could wonder why. But even if Erdogan wanted to take a side, why doing it actively?

Bring it on

I'm glad Turkey's government isn't full with people like you or Basbuq. Syria supporting PKK would be a nightmare for Turkey and for Turkish soldiers. That's the last thing Turkey (Erdogan) want.
The world isn't black or white, nor does a man have only two options. Supporting Tunisia, Libya or Egypt is different than supporting a country which Turkey share a border with. As far as I know, Turkey didn't supported Libyan rebels with weapons or letting them using it's soil for military operations. Which Turkey is doing with the FSA and one could wonder why. But even if Erdogan wanted to take a side, why doing it actively?

I'm glad Turkey's government isn't full with people like you or Basbuq. Syria supporting PKK would be a nightmare for Turkey and for Turkish soldiers. That's the last thing Turkey (Erdogan) want.

I mostly agree on the first paragraph..But as i said previously, whats done is done..its too late for that to think about

For the 2nd paragraph, Syria supported PKK for years..If you remember, Ocalan was living there prior to 1999..So, Syria`s support to Pkk is not a big deal..Why would it be a nightmare anyways?
I mostly agree on the first paragraph..But as i said previously, whats done is done..its too late for that to think about.

That's right. But better to turn back half-way than to get lost altogether

For the 2nd paragraph, Syria supported PKK for years..If you remember, Ocalan was living there prior to 1999..So, Syria`s support to Pkk is not a big deal..Why would it be a nightmare anyways?

I don't know much about the support Syria was giving to PKK before the start of this civil war, but that support was probably minimal and non-significant. Why would it be a nightmare? Because an terrorist organization that is supported by a more professional and better equipped entity is always a nightmare for the one who's facing it.
The world isn't black or white, nor does a man have only two options. Supporting Tunisia, Libya or Egypt is different than supporting a country which Turkey share a border with. As far as I know, Turkey didn't supported Libyan rebels with weapons or letting them using it's soil for military operations. Which Turkey is doing with the FSA and one could wonder why. But even if Erdogan wanted to take a side, why doing it actively?

I'm glad Turkey's government isn't full with people like you or Basbuq. Syria supporting PKK would be a nightmare for Turkey and for Turkish soldiers. That's the last thing Turkey (Erdogan) want.

Lol Syria isn't supporting PKK now? You mad? Everyone knows they are, nothing is a nightmare for us, PKK is being dealt with, soon they will go on their winter and inside their inns and mountains, and we'll clean more, ermm I'm predicting assad max 1.5 year before they do what they done to Kaddafi or he should go Kenya.
Lol Syria isn't supporting PKK now? You mad? Everyone knows they are, nothing is a nightmare for us, PKK is being dealt with, soon they will go on their winter and inside their inns and mountains, and we'll clean more, ermm I'm predicting assad max 1.5 year before they do what they done to Kaddafi or he should go Kenya.

yes probably Syria is with PKK now after what you have done to Syria . Turkey supported terrorism and terrorists in Syria... heck they even provide them with weapons and training on Turkish soil... so I don't see why wouldn't Syria start supporting PKK after a year of Turkey supporting terrorism in Syria...

He's going to use WMD on his own people? Loool shows who is real terrorist.

hahah you are very "smart" I never said he will use it on Syrian people...you should work for Aljazeera and Alarabiyah because you are good at making stories up like them... he will use it against the enemies... that is including Turkey... and that IF anything happens which will never happen because Alasad power source is the Syrian people...
yes probably Syria is with PKK now after what you have done to Syria . Turkey supported terrorism and terrorists in Syria... heck they even provide them with weapons and training on Turkish soil... so I don't see why wouldn't Syria start supporting PKK after a year of Turkey supporting terrorism in Syria...

hahah you are very "smart"... he will use it against the enemies... that is including Turkey... and that IF anything happens which will never happen because Alasad power source is the Syrian people...

Ok that's fine, don't worry give them all your weapons because at the end of day nothing is changing, but assad will die quicker then.
That's right. But better to turn back half-way than to get lost altogether

I don't know much about the support Syria was giving to PKK before the start of this civil war, but that support was probably minimal and non-significant. Why would it be a nightmare? Because an terrorist organization that is supported by a more professional and better equipped entity is always a nightmare for the one who's facing it.

Mate, that professional, better equipped entity is way too busy right now imho..All the north border gates of Syria are in FSA control, recently we watch live how FSA captured Akcakale Turkey-Syria border gates..There is no Syrian(Assad) entity in the north

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Ok that's fine, don't worry give them all your weapons because at the end of day nothing is changing, but assad will die quicker then.

Too bad Turkey begged NATO many times to attack Syria... however NATO always refused so Turkey is nothing without NATO??
I'm sure Alasad will do something before anything happens to him.... WMD?

All he got is operational time already outdated chemical missiles(unguided) on other hand there are already 10-15 mobile AA units at Hatay and dont forget X-band radar in Malatya which is linked to NATO ships and AEW&Cs operating on Mediterrian Sea so i dont think we are in danger.BTW both Russia and Iran clearly said WMD usage by Assad regime is not acceptable.
All he got is operational time already outdated chemical missiles(unguided) on other hand there are already 10-15 mobile AA units at Hatay and dont forget X-band radar in Malatya which is linked to NATO ships and AEW&Cs operating on Mediterrian Sea so i dont think we are in danger.BTW both Russia and Iran clearly said WMD usage by Assad regime is not acceptable.

And yes Syria will never use any chemical weapons, unless outside military intervention Syria for sure will use them..

So Syria's WMD is only for defense purposes
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